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Bibliographical literatureThere are 170 items

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  • Biagioli (Tommasso)

    Rome, Tipografia Ferretti, 1846; 1881
    Two works in one volume (22 cm), 31 (1) pp., engraved frontispiece.

    Bound with Moroni (Alessandro), Conte. Nuovo catalogo delle opere edite ed inedite dell’ abate Francesco Cancellieri con un ragionamento su la vita e gli scritti del medesimo del conte Alessandro Moroni. Rome: Tipografia degli Artigianelli, 1881. (22 cm), 151 pp. Bound in 19th-century half-vellum. - Catalogues of the voluminous writings of the bibliophile Cancellieri (1751-1826), librarian for Cardinal Leonardo Antonelli (from 1775-1811), Soprantendente della Stamperia di Propaganda, Prosigillatore della S. Penitenzieria Apostolica (1807). ¶ In very good state of preservation.

  • Brunet (Jacques Charles), 1780-1867

    Paris, Librairie de Firmin Didot, 1860-1880
    Eight volumes (25 cm), I (1860): (6) xlvi (2) pp., 1902 cols., illustrations. II (1861): (4) pp., 1848 cols., illustrations. III (1862): (4) pp., 1984 cols., illustrations. IV (1863): (4) pp., 1476 cols., (2) pp., illustrations. V (1864): (4) pp., 1800 cols., illustrations. VI (1865): (4) pp., lxii cols., 1878 cols. Supplément, vol. I (1878): xv (1) pp., 1138 cols. Supplément, vol. II (1880): (4) pp., 1226 cols. Six volumes bound uniformly in olive-green quarter-morocco, the two volumes of the Supplément bound to match. - The fifth (last) edition, “entièrement refondue et augmentée d’un tiers par l’auteur”, together with the Supplément compiled by Pierre Deschamps (1821-1906) and Pierre-Gustave Brunet (1805-1896). This copy of the ordinary issue on wove vélin (also issued on grand papier vergé, dit de Hollande); cf. Roger E. Stoddard, Jacques-Charles Brunet, le grand bibliographe: a guide to the books he wrote, compiled, and edited, and to the book-auction catalogues he expertised (London: Quaritch, 2007), pp.40-46 no. 13. ¶ E.P. Goldschmidt’s copy, with his exlibris designed by Erwin Lang (1886-1962) of Vienna in each volume. One headcap torn; otherwise in excellent state of preservation.
  • Christie (Richard Copley), 1830-1901

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1880
    (24 cm), xx, 559 pp., [4] leaves of plates. Publisher’s cloth binding. - First edition. Contains a bibliography of the books written, edited or printed by Étienne Dolet (pp.489-546), based on the author’s own collection (cf. Charles W.E. Leigh, Catalogue of the Christie Collection bequeathed to the Library of the University of Manchester, Manchester 1915). ¶ One corner bumped; otherwise an excellent, unmarked copy.
  • Nicholson (William), 1872-1949

    London, [1926]
    Colour lithograph, image 320 × 465 mm, sheet 440 × 570 mm, printed in black and blue, on smooth wove paper, signed and dated in the image (left) 1926 Nicholson; signed in brown ink on the recto Nicholson and No. 25 and Limited to 100 copies.

    A portrait of the Cambridge bookseller Gustave David (1860-1936), seated on his stall near Great St. Mary’s Church, Cambridge. The print depends from a graphite drawing (221 × 165 mm) acquired by the Fitzwilliam Museum in 1985 (PD 267-1985); it is one of Nicholson’s infrequent essays in lithography. Our impression is titled in brown ink “Mr. David”, “No. 25”, and “Limited to 100 copies”. An impression hors série signed on the recto “Nicholson” and “No.”, in blue ink (not brown, as here), is in the British Museum. An impression additionally titled like ours in brown ink “Mr. David” and “No. 24”, was sold by Christie’s on 17 September 2009, lot 83 (mistakenly described as “an early working proof… reworked in places in blue crayon by the artist”); another impression titled in brown ink “Mr. David”, “No. 13”, and “Limited to 100 copies” was sold by Christie’s on 10 April 2013, lot 12.

  • Hofer (Philip), 1898-1984

    London, Curwen Press, 1932
    (22 cm), 19 (1) pp., illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Essay followed by “A list of variations found in copies of the 1499 Poliphilus”, based on a comparison of twelve copies, with details of the vellum copy in the Spencer Collection (ex-Bishop Butler, Lord Vernon, Sir George Holford; New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Ital. 1499), Grenville Kane copy (ex-Burlington, Tweedmouth, Quaritch 1919; Princeton University Library, NE910.I8 C6 1499), and “regular” copies of the edition. Similar text appeared in the Bulletin of the New York Public Library, volume 36 (1932), pp.475-486. ¶ Wrapper lightly soiled. Paper fragile, tears.
  • Agnelli (Giuseppe), 1856-1940; Ravegnani (Giuseppe), 1895-1964

    Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli, 1933
    Two volumes (24 cm), I: xxii (2), 301 pp. II: (4) 396 (2) pp., with a frontispiece in each volume, and 114 plates. Uniformly bound in quarter-morocco. - An indispensable bibliography of all the editions of Ariosto’s works, providing detailed bibliographical descriptions of the 16th and 17th century editions (with locations of copies), and brief descriptions of those of subsequent centuries. Of the Orlando Furioso alone the authors have traced and listed 512 editions. ¶ Copy 73 of a limited edition, signed by the authors on the verso of the title-page. Fine copy in a collector’s binding.
  • Erasmus (Desiderius), c. 1466-1536
    Ferguson (Wallace K.), 1902-1983, editor

    The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1933
    (25 cm), xiii (3), 373 (1) pp. Publisher’s cloth. - Designed as a supplement to the standard edition of the Opera omnia Erasmi, edited by Jean Le Clerc (Leiden 1703-1706), which omits a number of shorter works (some still in manuscript, others published anonymously, or in rare or obscure editions). The most important of the treatises given here is the Apologia qua respondet duabus invectivis Edwardi Lei. English introductions to the fourteen Latin texts by the editor, in some cases offering proof of Erasmian authorship. ¶ Excellent, unmarked copy.
  • Baumgartner (Leona), 1902-1991; Fulton (John Farquhar), 1899-1960

    New Haven, Yale University Press, 1935
    (25.5 cm), 157 pp., frontispiece and 9 plates. Publisher’s cloth. - One hundred editions of the poem are described with detailed collations and extensive notes. Revision of the authors’ Handlist of editions of the poem, Syphilis, sive Morbvs gallicvs by Girolamo Fracastoro, of Verona (Oxford: Privately printed at the University Press by John Johnson, 1933). ¶ Very good, unmarked copy. Lacking dust jacket.
  • Bibliothèque nationale (France)
    Cain (Julien), 1887-1974

    Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, 1937
    (21.5 cm), (6) xviii, 170 (4) pp., portrait-frontispiece and 7 leaves of plates (pls.I-VII). Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Descriptions by Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny. ¶ Paper cracked along 1.5 cm of the spine; otherwise in excellent state of preservation.
  • Lubbock (Samuel Gurney), 1873-1958; Scholfield (Alwyn Faber), 1884-1969

    Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1939
    (22.5 cm), (6) 86 pp., frontispiece and 2 plates. Publisher’s cloth binding, pictorial dust jacket. - The biographer was educated at Eton and King’s College, Cambridge; from 1897-1934 he was assistant master at Eton. James’s bibliographer was Cambridge University Librarian, 1923-1949; his correspondence with James (1921-1936) is in Cambridge University Library, MS. Add. 7895. ¶ Dust jacket dusty and finger-marked, with small losses; otherwise an excellent copy.
  • Bibliographical Society (London)

    London, Bibliographical Society, 1949
    (29 cm), vii, 214 pp., frontispiece. Publisher’s linen-backed boards. - Issued in 1945 and reprinted in 1949. “This excellent collection of ten essays (edited by F.C. Francis) is a particularly fitting product of the Society’s jubilee, for the Society was at the heart of the new developments in bibliography in England during the first half of the twentieth century, and the volume provides the best account yet written of the bibliographical history of that period… The authors were prominent among those who had made the field what it was, and for this reason the volume is a primary document of importance to future historians; they were also scholars, and their essays display a mastery of the areas covered and scrupulousness in forming generalizations. The work is not principally one of reminiscence but is an attempt to achieve a balanced view of the recent past, a perspective on activities in which the authors had been involved … The Studies in Retrospect volume is therefore unusual in being both primary documentation and scholarly history. As the former - and it is in fact a key document - it will obviously be of permanent use, regardless of how many other historical accounts are written. As the latter, it is worth citing here not because there is so little else to point to but because some of its essays are outstanding contributions to the history of scholarship and will remain so, no matter how excellent future treatments may prove to be” (G. Thomas Tanselle, “Bibliographical history as a field of study” in Studies in Bibliography, volume 41, 1988, pp.39-40). ¶ As new.
  • Lewis (Wilmarth), 1895-1979

    New York, Alfred A Knopf, 1951
    (22 cm), xix (1), 253, (3), xiii pp., 24 plates. Publisher’s quarter-cloth, pictorial dust jacket. - First edition, designed by William Addison Dwiggins (1880-1956). Fascinating account of Lewis’ formation of his collection of 18th-century British prints, drawings, books, paintings and works of art, focusing particularly on Horace Walpole and his world. “It is a story which will entertain and instruct many others besides collectors and eighteenth-century specialists” (John Carter, from his review in The Times Literary Supplement, 9 May 1952, p.320). ¶ Dust jacket worn across head and foot of the spine; price clipped. Exlibris of John Thomas Lee (designed in 1921 by Sidney Lawton Smith; cf. C.E. Goodspeed & Co., Sidney Lawton Smith: designer, etcher, engraver: with extracts from his diary and a check-list of his bookplates, Boston 1931, no. 133). Good copy.
  • Ferrari (Luigi), 1878-1949
    Pintor (Fortunato); Saitta Revignàs (Anna), editors

    Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 1952
    (32.5 cm), viii, 534, (2) pp., 30 plates. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - The essays in this Festschrift for Luigi Ferrari, director of the Biblioteca nazionale Marciana di Venezia from 1920 to 1948, are all by leading scholars; they include Francesco Barberi, “Le edizioni romane di Francesco Minizio Calvo” (brief descriptions of 130 editions published 1523-1531, with an index of authors, and reproductions); Vittore Branca, “Un Esopo volgare veneto” (British Library, Add. Ms, 38023, f. 3r-83v; see Esopo veneto, testo trecentesco inedito pubblicato criticamente per cura di Vittore Branca con un studio linguistico di Giovan Battista Pellegrini, Padua 1992); and Giuseppe Billanovich, “Un amico e un libro del Petrarca” (the friend is Luca da Piacenza, and the book Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Lat. 2589). Cf. Dizionario biografico dei soprintendenti bibliografici (Bologna 2011), pp.277-297. Only copies without illustrations are obtainable from the publisher, price €250 (“Testo mancante. Siamo spiacenti. Tranne qualche eccezione, tutti i volumi fino al 1990 non dispongono del testo illustrativo”; ¶ Several light spots on wrappers; otherwise a fine, unmarked copy.
  • Mayer (Claude-Albert), 1918-1998

    Geneva, Librairie E. Droz, 1954
    Two volumes (26.5 cm), I: 100 pp., frontispiece, 4 p. of plates. II: 105 (1) pp., text illustrations. Uniform publisher’s printed wrappers. - In the first volume, the author describes the so-called Chantilly manuscript (presented to Montmorency in 1538), the Gueffier manuscript, and the Lausanne manuscript, as well as seventeen less important manuscripts; in the second volume, he lists 294 works, either editions of Marot’s works or collections containing a certain number of his poems (57 illustrations of title-pages). ¶ Excellent copy.
  • Rhodes (Dennis E.), 1923-2020

    Charlottesville, London, Mainz, etc., 1954-2007
    Comprehensive archive of the publications of the late Dennis Everard Rhodes, MA PhD FSA. The 322 offprints are organised according to checklists prepared by Denis V. Reidy, “Bibliography of the published works of Dennis E. Rhodes, to the end of September 1992” (in The Italian Book 1465-1800: Studies presented to Dennis E. Rhodes on his 70th birthday, edited by Denis V. Reidy, London: The British Library, 1993, pp.363-386); Alessandro Scarsella, “Metodologia bibliografica e storia del libro” (in Miscellanea Marciana 9-10, 1995-1996, pp.6-8), and Carlo Dumontet, “Bibliografia delle pubblicazioni di Dennis E. Rhodes: fine 1996-marzo 2013” (in La Bibliofilia 115, 2013, pp.227-234). ¶ In the publishers’ printed wrapper, or as issued, and mostly in perfect state of preservation. The numerals in ink on covers were added by D.E. Rhodes.
  • Mambelli (Giuliano), 1879-1960

    Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 1954
    (26 cm), 392 pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Still the standard modern bibliography of early editions of Vergil, listing printed editions to 1850. Translations are listed, not only in the major European languages, but also in Polish, Bohemian, Armenian, and others, and in addition there are about 90 entries for imitations, parodies, and centos. Only edition.

    Offered with Davies (Martin) and Goldfinch (John), Vergil: a census of printed editions 1469-1500 (Occasional Papers of the Bibliographical Society, 7), London: Bibliographical Society, 1992. ¶ Very good copies.

  • Penney (Clara Louisa), 1888-1970

    New York, Hispanic Society of America, 1954
    (22 cm), viii, 157 (1) pp., frontispiece, 161 illustrations. Publisher’s cloth. - A bibliographical study of Fernando de Rojas’ work, with detailed descriptions of 36 editions before 1635 in the Society’s Library, and a checklist of all editions before 1635, including translations (some editions are hypothetical). First edition. ¶ Excellent copy.
  • Benzing (Josef), 1904-1981

    Bad Bocklet, Walter Krieg Verlag, 1955
    (24.5 cm), xiv, 50 (4) pp., illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - 155 entries. ¶ Excellent, unmarked copy.
  • Benzing (Josef), 1904-1981; Grimm (Heinrich), 1892-1975

    Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowltz, 1956
    (25.5 cm), xv (1), 160 pp., 18 illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - A work of magisterial scholarship, identifying through a painstaking study of text and dialectical peculiarities, types and typographical ornaments, the printers of Hutten’s anonymously-printed books. The bibliography is divided into six sections: collected works, single works, works edited by Hutten, Hutten’s contributions to other publications, the Epistolae obscurorum virorum, and the Trias romana; there are 270 entries altogether. ¶ Spine and wrapper edges sunned; otherwise an immaculate copy.
  • International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
    Hertzberger (Menno), 1898-1982, editor-in-chief

    Paris, International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, 1956
    (27 cm), 190 pp. Publisher’s cloth binding - Original edition of a multi-lingual dictionary of 1225 terms used in describing antiquarian books. Each language has its own alphabetical list of terms with references to the numbered entries in the dictionary. Reviewed by John Hayward in The Book Collector, Autumn 1956, pp.293-295. Reprinted in 1978 (with Japanese added). ¶ Lacking printed dust jacket; a paper defect in pp.141-142 has caused the loss of some words.
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