Brunet (Jacques Charles), 1780-1867
Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres § Supplément, contenant 1⁰ Un complément du Dictionnaire bibliographique, de M. J.-Ch. Brunet… 2⁰ La table raisonnée des articles au nombre d'environ 10,000, décrits au présent supplément. Par MM. P.[ierre] Deschamps et G.[ustave] Brunet
Paris, Librairie de Firmin Didot, 1860-1880
Eight volumes (25 cm), I (1860): (6) xlvi (2) pp., 1902 cols., illustrations. II (1861): (4) pp., 1848 cols., illustrations. III (1862): (4) pp., 1984 cols., illustrations. IV (1863): (4) pp., 1476 cols., (2) pp., illustrations. V (1864): (4) pp., 1800 cols., illustrations. VI (1865): (4) pp., lxii cols., 1878 cols. Supplément, vol. I (1878): xv (1) pp., 1138 cols. Supplément, vol. II (1880): (4) pp., 1226 cols. Six volumes bound uniformly in olive-green quarter-morocco, the two volumes of the Supplément bound to match. - The fifth (last) edition, “entièrement refondue et augmentée d’un tiers par l’auteur”, together with the Supplément compiled by Pierre Deschamps (1821-1906) and Pierre-Gustave Brunet (1805-1896). This copy of the ordinary issue on wove vélin (also issued on grand papier vergé, dit de Hollande); cf. Roger E. Stoddard, Jacques-Charles Brunet, le grand bibliographe: a guide to the books he wrote, compiled, and edited, and to the book-auction catalogues he expertised (London: Quaritch, 2007), pp.40-46 no. 13. ¶ E.P. Goldschmidt’s copy, with his exlibris designed by Erwin Lang (1886-1962) of Vienna in each volume. One headcap torn; otherwise in excellent state of preservation.