Nuremberg, In der Grattenauerischen Buchhandlung (Ernst Christoph Grattenauer), 1799
Only edition of this work celebrating the treasures of Bamberg, commencing with a classified bibliography of publications about the city, an historical outline, a list of the productions of the local mint, accounts of the contemporary civic administration and state of commerce (including the papermaking, printing, book and print-selling trades). The author then turns eagerly to his principal subject, the “Kostbarkeiten” preserved within the churches and monasteries of Bamberg, by its university, and other secular institutions. Murr is interested particularly in the printed books in the Bamberg libraries: he tells us that the Dominicans possessed 214 incunables (a dozen are described) and the Carmelites 469 incunables (nearly one hundred are described). In a lengthy appendix, Murr lists the books he believes were printed at Bamberg during the fifteenth century, commencing with Ulrich Boner’s Der Edelstein, printed by Albrecht Pfister, on 14 February 1461 (Murr examined the copy at Wolfenbüttel, still the only one known: “Das Papier ist stark, nicht sonderlich weisz, und hat den Ochsenkopf zum Zeichen”); then the thirty-six line Bible, noting inter alia “P. Alexander bey den Capuzinern in Bamberg, hat neun Pergamentblätter von dieser angeblich Pfisterischen Bibel gesammlet” and “Auch ich hatte Fragmente davon von alten Einbänden” (p.261). This book is rare outside Germany: two copies are located in the United Kingdom by COPAC, and three copies only (Library of Congress, University of Chicago, Florida State University) in North America by the National Union Catalog and WorldCat.
Brussels & Paris, G.-A. Van Trigt / Adolphe Labitte, 1880
Two volumes (26 cm), I: cclix (1) pp., plus frontispiece (coat of arms in colour, tissue guardsheet present), 2 plates (bound after pp.lii, clxxxviii), folding facsimile of 1681 type specimen, folding “Tableau généalogique” (printed red & black). II: (4) 607 (1) pp. Uniform cloth-backed marbled paper boards (fragments of original printed wrappers pasted on upper covers). - First edition. “Modeled no doubt on Renouard’s bibliography of the Aldine press, especially its third edition, Willems’s Elzevier bibliography has itself become a model for exactitude of bibliographical description, combined with historical and literary research. It describes 2,186 publications of the Elzevier family of printers, publishers and booksellers, their associates and successors in Leyden, The Hague, Amsterdam, and Brussels, 1583-1770” (B.H. Breslauer & R. Folter, Bibliography: Its History and Development, New York 1984, p.174). ¶ Ink stamps of the Mehrkreisbücherei, Wiesbaden (on title-pages and on folding plates).
Vienna, W. Frick / Verlag des Comités zur Feier d. 400jähr. Einführung d. Buchdruckerkunst in Wien, 1883-1887
Two volumes (31 cm), I (1482-1682): xvi, 404 pp., colour frontispiece, numerous plates in colour, and text illustrations. II (1682-1882; Nachtrag): viii, 423 pp., numerous plates (some in colour), and text illustrations. Contemporary linen-backed boards. - Still the authoritative work on Viennese printing. Descriptive notices of the presses active from 1482 to 1682 are followed by lists of their productions, enumerating in all 2232 titles, excluding works which had been listed by Michael Denis (Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte bis MDLX, 1782-1793), and works of minor importance published after 1640; 401 are titles of works issued 1482-1560, not recorded by Denis. ¶ Provenance: E.P. Goldschmidt & Co. Ltd, London (Catalogue 95, 1951, item 261); L’Art Ancien, Zurich (occasional pencil inscription of Erwin Rosenthal), from the auction sale of L’Art Ancien’s Handbibliothek, conducted by F. Zisska & R. Kistner, Munich, 27-28 March 1984, lot 1514. Spine of volume I abraded; otherwise an excellent, unmarked copy.
Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome)
Fumagalli (Giuseppe), 1863-1939; Belli (Giacomo), 1856-1919; Vaccaro (Emerenziana), 1908-1993
Rome, Presso i principali librai (vol. 3: Libreria dello Stato; vol. 4: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato), 1891-1961
Four parts in one volume (23 cm), I-II (fasc. 1-2, 1891-1896): (4) 160 pp. Entries 1-666. III (fasc. 3, 1942): (4) pp., pp.161-311 (1). Entries 667-1372. IV (fasc. 4, 1961): xv (1) pp., pp.313-804 (2). Entries 1372-2922. Bound in collector’s blue buckram (original printed wrappers bound in place). - 2922 editions are described. Part IV reviewed by Francesco Barberi, in La Bibliofilia, volume 65 (1963), pp.200-202. ¶ Fine, complete set of the original edition. Rare.
(26 cm), vii, 516 pp., text illustrations, 37 full-page facsimiles. Bound in collector’s morocco-backed boards, top edge gilt. - The standard work, describing about 750 editions printed over 26 years by Simon de Colines (c. 1480-c. 1546). ¶ Very fine copy.
Three volumes (27 cm), I (1897): xiii, 602 pp. Entries 1-2386. II (1905): xviii, 593 pp. Entries 2387-3888. III (1909): viii, 653 (4) pp. Entries 3889-5394. Uniformly bound in contemporary half-morocco. - Pellechet-Polain is an incompleted union catalogue of incunabula in French libraries. The remainder of the alphabet (authors Gregorius IX - Zutphania, entry nos. 5395-11,887) was not issued until 1970 (in 23 volumes, a facsimile of Louis Polain’s manuscript). ¶ Leather decaying, joints cracked, but still sound.
Offered with Bibliothèque nationale (France), Catalogue des incunables. Tome 2: H - Z et Hebraica. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1981-1985. Four volumes (27 cm), as issued, in publisher’s printed wrappers. - The BnF’s “Catalogue des incunables” is an authoritative guide to one of the three great collections of fifteenth-century printed books (approximately 8500 editions in 12,000 copies). The editors commenced with the letter H, since the Library’s copies of authors A-G were recorded by Pellechet & Polain. They afterwards turned to the earlier part of the alphabet, and three more fascicules (Tome 1, Fasc. 1-3) have been published 1992-2006; those fascicules can be supplied on request. ¶ Fine copies.
London, British Museum / British Library, 1921-1989
Three volumes (21 cm), I (1921): vii (1), 101 (1) pp. II (1966): xv (1), 169 (1) pp. III (1989): viii, 294 pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers (vol. I); publisher’s cloth, printed dust jacket (vol. II); publisher’s cloth (vol. III), no dust jacket issued. ¶ Very good copies.
(26 cm), I (Eerste Deel, 1919-1923): xl, 1002 pp. Entries 1-2221. Disbound. II (Tweede Deel, 1936-1940): lxiv, 1158 pp. Entries 2222-4178. Publisher’s wrappers, as issued (in 15 fascicules). III (Derde Deel, 1942): ix (3), 175 (1) pp. Entries 01-01268. Publisher’s half-morocco. With: Eerste [-Vierde] Aanvulling (reprinted from Het Boek, January 1925; January 1927, June 1930, 1934). Publisher wrappers (in 4 fascicules). - Defective and incomplete set: lacking Tweede Deel, Fascicule V, pp.257-304 (entries 2735-2843). Also lacking are: Deerde Deel, Eerste stuk (1951): xxii (2), 96 pp. Entries 4179-4289; Deerde Deel, Tweede Stuk (1958): xxxi (1), 108 pp. Entries 4290-4416; Derde Deel, Derde Stuk (1961): xxiii (1), 359 (3) pp. Entries 4419-4466, 01277-01366; Derde Deel, Vierde Stuk (1966): xii, 30 pp. Entries 4467-4500; Derde Deel, Vijfde Stuk (1971): xviii, 30 pp. Entries 4501-4532. ¶ Incomplete set.
[Oxford], Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Oxford University Press, 1923
(28.5 cm), xi, 137 pp., 16 leaves of plates. Publisher’s linen-backed printed boards. - The “List of medical books printed before 1481” (pp.39-126) was edited by Victor Scholderer; the preface is by A.W. Pollard. “Based on Osler’s presidential address to the Bibliographical Society in 1914, the work opens with an essay showing the influence of printing upon the development of modern medicine. Next follows a descriptive list of 217 medical books printed to 1480” (Garrison-Morton, 6769). ¶ Binding very worn (headcap torn, tear along one joint).
Four volumes (25 cm), I (Éditions originales, 1924): (8) 459 (1) pp. II (Éditions originales, 1925): (4) 501 (1) pp. III (Livres illustrés du XIXe siècle, 1927): (4) 605 (3) pp. IV (Tables générales; Ouvrages cités, illustrateurs et graveurs, 1928): (4) 207 (1) pp., with a large number of text illustrations, many in colour. Uniform quarter-morocco bindings (original wrappers bound in). - First edition of an indispensable guide to French romantic literature; volume III is entirely devoted to illustrated books. The author succeeded Léon Conquet in 1886 as proprietor of the bookshop at 5 rue Drouot; he provided expertise for numerous auction sales, notably that of Henri Béraldi (1934). ¶ Volume I inscribed “En toute sympathie L. Carteret”. Fine set with minimal traces of use.
(35.5 × 26.5 cm), (8), 315 (1) pp., with 26 facsimile collotype plates. Publisher’s half-cloth binding. - First edition of “the most important publication of Haebler’s later years”, “a complete, if summary, account of the book trade in all those numerous centres of Italy, France, and Spain where German craftsmen were in a predominant position” (from Victor Scholderer’s obituary of Haebler, in The Library, series five, volume 2, 1947, pp.150-152). ¶ Very good, unmarked copy.
Five volumes (20 cm), I (1924): 255 (1) pp., 8 p. of plates. II (1925): (8) 206 pp. III (1926): xxxii, 376 pp. IV (1926): vii (1), 429 (1) pp. V (1927): vii (1), 231 (1) pp. Uniform publisher’s blue cloth bindings, titles lettered directly on spines, plain covers. - Handbooks for collectors, providing a canon of “best editions”, summary collations (pagination statements, plate counts), indications of rarity and value. ¶ Binding cloth faded, corners worn; otherwise good, unmarked copies.
Four (of five) volumes only (20 cm), I (1924): 255 (1) pp., 8 p. of plates. II (1925): (8) 206 pp. IV (1926): vii (1), 429 (1) pp. V (1927): vii (1), 231 (1) pp. Uniform publisher’s blue cloth bindings, skiver lettering-pieces, upper cover lettered in gilt. -Handbooks for collectors, providing a canon of “best editions”, summary collations (pagination statements, plate counts), indications of rarity and value. Most copies were bound by the publisher in plain blue cloth; here, the upper covers are lettered “Taschenbibliographien” “Erster Band” (”Zweiter”, etc.), and the spines are titled on lettering-pieces. ¶ Lacking third volume of the set (Die illustrierten französischen Bücher des 18. Jahrhunderts). Good, unmarked copies.
(25.5 cm), xiii (1), 428 (2) pp., 8 phototype plates (including frontispiece), 122 text illustrations. Bound in collector’s quarter-morocco (original printed wrappers bound in). - The work is divided in two parts: a description of printmaking techniques and of prints and illustrated books printed in Belgium before the 18th century, followed by an alphabetical list of some 700 books printed in Belgium during this period. Alphabetical index of artists. Original edition. ¶ Discreet inkstamp on endpaper of the Parisian bookseller, Arthur Lauria (died 1969). Binding lightly rubbed; otherwise an excellent, unmarked copy.
(23 cm), 12 pp. Publisher’s green printed wrappers. - Account of James Johnston (1738-1808). “Two hundred and fifty copies reprinted from The Southern Printer for June 1929” (title-page verso). Charles F. Heartman, McMurtrie imprints: a bibliography (Hattiesburg 1942), no. 117. Cf. Douglas C. McMurtrie: Bibliographer and Historian of Printing, edited by Scott Bruntjen and M.L. Young (Metuchen & London [Folkestone] 1979), no. 510. ¶ Fine copy.
(22 cm), 19 (1) pp., illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Essay followed by “A list of variations found in copies of the 1499 Poliphilus”, based on a comparison of twelve copies, with details of the vellum copy in the Spencer Collection (ex-Bishop Butler, Lord Vernon, Sir George Holford; New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Ital. 1499), Grenville Kane copy (ex-Burlington, Tweedmouth, Quaritch 1919; Princeton University Library, NE910.I8 C6 1499), and “regular” copies of the edition. Similar text appeared in the Bulletin of the New York Public Library, volume 36 (1932), pp.475-486. ¶ Wrapper lightly soiled. Paper fragile, tears.
(26 cm), pp.466-606 (continues pagination of parts 1-3), plates lxv-lxxviii, text illustrations. Items 672-854. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Previous volumes in the consecutively-paginated series were issued as Lagerkataloge 695 (pp.1-130; 1923), 725 (pp.136-278; 1926?), 745 (pp.282-463; 1928).
(23 cm), 24 pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - “Two hundred copies reprinted from the North Carolina Historical Review for July, 1933”. Charles F. Heartman, McMurtrie imprints: a bibliography (Hattiesburg 1942), no. 237; Douglas C. McMurtrie: Bibliographer and Historian of Printing, edited by Scott Bruntjen and M.L. Young (Metuchen & London [Folkestone] 1979), no. 272. ¶ Fine copy.
(22.5 cm), 16 pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Reprinted from the Annals of Wyoming for January, 1933. Limited to 200 copies. Charles F. Heartman, McMurtrie imprints: a bibliography (Hattiesburg 1942), no. 282; Douglas C. McMurtrie: Bibliographer and Historian of Printing, edited by Scott Bruntjen and M.L. Young (Metuchen & London [Folkestone] 1979), no. 538. ¶ Fine copy.