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Printing in Europe, 1455-1500-Surveys, collection catalogues, regional & imprint bibliographiesThere are 47 items

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  • Mayer (Anton), 1838-1924

    Vienna, W. Frick / Verlag des Comités zur Feier d. 400jähr. Einführung d. Buchdruckerkunst in Wien, 1883-1887
    Two volumes (31 cm), I (1482-1682): xvi, 404 pp., colour frontispiece, numerous plates in colour, and text illustrations. II (1682-1882; Nachtrag): viii, 423 pp., numerous plates (some in colour), and text illustrations. Contemporary linen-backed boards. - Still the authoritative work on Viennese printing. Descriptive notices of the presses active from 1482 to 1682 are followed by lists of their productions, enumerating in all 2232 titles, excluding works which had been listed by Michael Denis (Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte bis MDLX, 1782-1793), and works of minor importance published after 1640; 401 are titles of works issued 1482-1560, not recorded by Denis. ¶ Provenance: E.P. Goldschmidt & Co. Ltd, London (Catalogue 95, 1951, item 261); L’Art Ancien, Zurich (occasional pencil inscription of Erwin Rosenthal), from the auction sale of L’Art Ancien’s Handbibliothek, conducted by F. Zisska & R. Kistner, Munich, 27-28 March 1984, lot 1514. Spine of volume I abraded; otherwise an excellent, unmarked copy.
  • Pellechet (Marie Léontine Catherine), 1840-1900; Polain (Marie-Louis Félix Alphonse), 1866-1933; Baumeister (Ursula); Charon-Parent (Annie), born 1950; Coq (Dominique), born 1948; Coron (Antoine), born 1948; Labarre (Albert), 1927-2010, compilers

    Paris, Alphonse Picard et Fils, 1897-1909
    Three volumes (27 cm), I (1897): xiii, 602 pp. Entries 1-2386. II (1905): xviii, 593 pp. Entries 2387-3888. III (1909): viii, 653 (4) pp. Entries 3889-5394. Uniformly bound in contemporary half-morocco. - Pellechet-Polain is an incompleted union catalogue of incunabula in French libraries. The remainder of the alphabet (authors Gregorius IX - Zutphania, entry nos. 5395-11,887) was not issued until 1970 (in 23 volumes, a facsimile of Louis Polain’s manuscript). ¶ Leather decaying, joints cracked, but still sound.

    Offered with Bibliothèque nationale (France), Catalogue des incunables. Tome 2: H - Z et Hebraica. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1981-1985. Four volumes (27 cm), as issued, in publisher’s printed wrappers. - The BnF’s “Catalogue des incunables” is an authoritative guide to one of the three great collections of fifteenth-century printed books (approximately 8500 editions in 12,000 copies). The editors commenced with the letter H, since the Library’s copies of authors A-G were recorded by Pellechet & Polain. They afterwards turned to the earlier part of the alphabet, and three more fascicules (Tome 1, Fasc. 1-3) have been published 1992-2006; those fascicules can be supplied on request. ¶ Fine copies.

  • Osler (William), 1849-1919

    [Oxford], Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Oxford University Press, 1923
    (28.5 cm), xi, 137 pp., 16 leaves of plates. Publisher’s linen-backed printed boards. - The “List of medical books printed before 1481” (pp.39-126) was edited by Victor Scholderer; the preface is by A.W. Pollard. “Based on Osler’s presidential address to the Bibliographical Society in 1914, the work opens with an essay showing the influence of printing upon the development of modern medicine. Next follows a descriptive list of 217 medical books printed to 1480” (Garrison-Morton, 6769). ¶ Binding very worn (headcap torn, tear along one joint).
  • Haebler (Konrad), 1857-1946

    Munich, Jacques Rosenthal, 1924
    (35.5 × 26.5 cm), (8), 315 (1) pp., with 26 facsimile collotype plates. Publisher’s half-cloth binding. - First edition of “the most important publication of Haebler’s later years”, “a complete, if summary, account of the book trade in all those numerous centres of Italy, France, and Spain where German craftsmen were in a predominant position” (from Victor Scholderer’s obituary of Haebler, in The Library, series five, volume 2, 1947, pp.150-152). ¶ Very good, unmarked copy.
  • Joseph Baer & Co. (Frankfurt am Main)

    Frankfurt am Main, Joseph Baer & Co., [1932]
    (26 cm), pp.466-606 (continues pagination of parts 1-3), plates lxv-lxxviii, text illustrations. Items 672-854. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Previous volumes in the consecutively-paginated series were issued as Lagerkataloge 695 (pp.1-130; 1923), 725 (pp.136-278; 1926?), 745 (pp.282-463; 1928).
  • Ministero dell'Educazione Nazionale (Italy)
    Guarnaschelli (Teresa Maria), 1893-1953; Valenziani (Enrichetta)

    Rome, La Libreria dello stato, 1943-1981
    Four volumes only, of six (30.5 cm), I (1943): xix (1), 295 (3) pp., XXVII leaves of illustrations (Tav.XVIII folding). II (1948): viii, 246 pp., XXX leaves of illustrations. V (1972): ix, 335 pp., LXVII leaves of illustrations. VI (1981): 498 (2) pp., XXXVIII leaves of illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Incomplete set, lacking Volume 3: G-L, Indice e cataloghi, nuova serie, 1, no. 3 (Rome 1954); and Volume 4: M-R, Indice e cataloghi, nuova serie, 1, no. 4 (Rome 1965). ¶ Minor shelf wear; otherwise good, unmarked copies.
  • Schullian (Dorothy M.), 1906-1989; Sommer (Francis Erich), 1890-1978
    National Library of Medicine (USA)

    New York, Henry Schuman Inc. / Army Medical Library, [1948]
    (26 cm), xiii (1), 361 (1) pp., with 12 black & white plates. Publisher’s black cloth. - First edition (introduction dated October 1, 1948). Describes 490 incunabula, 35 Western and 127 Oriental manuscripts (the latter catalogued by F.E. Sommer, of the John G. White Collection, Cleveland Public Library). ¶ Loosely inserted are offprints of three publications of William Jerome Wilson: “Historical Libraries – New style” (from College and Research Libraries, January 1950); “Historical source materials in medical libraries” (from Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, volume 39, No. 1, January 1951); “A Plan for a comprehensive medico-historical library: scope and coverage” (from The Library Quarterly, volume XXI, No. 4, October 1951). ¶ An excellent, unmarked copy.
  • Palau y Dulcet (Antonio), 1867-1954

    Barcelona (latterly, Empuries & Oxford; Barcelona), Librería Palau (lattterly: Palacete Palau Dulcet / Dolphin; Editorial Palau & Dulcet), 1948-1977; 1981-1987; 1990
    Thirty-six volumes (26.5 cm), comprising the bibliography (items 1-381897, in 28 volumes), index (A-Z y Apendice, in 7 volumes), and addenda (A: 1-21526*, in one volume), uniformly bound in collector’s quarter-morocco (except addenda, as issued in the publisher’s printed wrappers). - A monumental work of bibliographical scholarship, the result of more than fifty years work by a single man, indispensable to anyone whose interests embrace the Hispanic world. A memoir of Antonio Palau subscribed “Hijos de Antonio Palau y Dulcet” appears in volume VIII (pp.495-497); among preliminaries of volume XIX (1967) is Miguel Palau y Claveras, “Antonio Palau y Dulcet: mi maestro”, reprinted from El Libro Español, October 1967, retaining the original pagination (pp.795-805). Volume XXVIII reprints the “Diccionario Geográfico-tipografico” with additions and corrections that had come to the notice of the editors since 1948. ¶ Faint waterstain in upper margins of volume VII; otherwise in perfect state of preservation.
  • Sotheby's (London)

    London, Sotheby & Co., 1949
    (25 cm), 10 (2) pp., frontispiece, 5 plates (pls.I-V, some folding). Lots numbered 1-7. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - The seven books brought a disappointing total of £2750. The highest price £1350 was paid by “Mr Biron” (nom de vente?) for a copy on vellum of the 1465 Fust & Schöffer Cicero; Maggs gave £660 for the second German Bible. Other prices were: the Constitutiones of Clement V (Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, 1471), £100 ('wormed throughout in the margins'); the 1470 Venice Livy, £150 (one volume of three, only); a coloured copy in two volumes of the ninth German Bible (Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1483), £240; the 1481 Florence Dante, £120; and the 1487 Brescia Dante, £180. Saleroom report in The Times Literary Supplement, 26 August 1949, p.560. ¶ Good, unmarked copy. No Price list.
  • Sabin (Joseph), 1821-1881

    Amsterdam, Nico Israel, 1961-1962
    Twenty-nine volumes bound as fifteen (22 cm), as issued in publisher’s cloth. - Although mainly concerned with recording editions, Sabin incorporates in this work a considerable amount of bibliographical analysis of enduring utility. “Unchanged reprint of the edition New York 1868 [-1936]” (volume I, title-page verso). ¶ As new.
  • British Museum, Department of Printed Books
    Sheppard (Leslie Alfred), 1890-1985, compiler

    London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1962
    Two parts in one volume (35.5 × 26.5 cm), I (Holland): xxxiv, 123 (1); (2) 3 (1) and 10 leaves of plates. II (Belgium): (2) pp.xxxv-lxi (1), 125-222; (2), pp.5-7 (1) and 9 leaves of plates. 308 pp. Publisher’s cloth-backed printed boards. - First edition. ¶ Fine copy.
  • British Museum, Department of Printed Books
    Pollard (Alfred W.), 1859-1944; Scholderer (Victor), 1880-1971; Sheppard (Leslie Alfred), 1890-1985; Hellinga (Lotte), born 1932; Rhodes (Dennis E.), 1923-2020; Offenberg (Adriaan K.), born 1939, compilers

    London (’t Goy-Houten, The Netherlands), Trustees of the British Museum (latterly, British Library; HES & De Graaf Publishers BV), 1963-2007

    Thirteen parts in fifteen volumes (38.5 cm), complete. I. Xylographica and books printed with types at Mainz, Strassburg, Bamberg and Cologne (originally published 1908). xxviii, 312, 12 pp. and plates 1-29 (parts I-III paged continuously). II. Germany: Eltvil - Trier (originally published 1912). xvii, 313-620, 13-22 pp. and plates 30-59 (parts I-III paged continuously). III. Germany: Leipzig - Pforzheim. German-speaking Switzerland and Austria-Hungary (originally published 1913). xl, 621-864, 23-30 pp. and plates 60-78 (parts I-III paged continuously). IV: Italy: Subiaco and Rome (originally published 1916). 16, xvi, 145, 10 pp. and plates 1-13 (parts IV-VII paged continuously). V: Italy: Venice (originally published 1924). liv, 147-598, 11-26 pp. and plates 14-41 (parts IV-VII paged continuously). VI: Italy: Foligno, Ferrara, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Naples, Perugia and Treviso (originally published 1930). l, 599-899, 27-37 pp. and plates 42-72 (parts IV-VII paged continuously). VII: Italy: Genoa. Unassigned. Addenda (originally published 1935). lxxxviii, 901-1213, 37-50 pp. and plates 73-109 (parts IV-VII paged continuously). VIII: France. French-speaking Switzerland (originally published 1949). lxxxvii, 441, 21 pp. and 72 plates. IX: Holland. Belgium (originally published 1962). 308 pp. (various pagings). X: Spain. Portugal (1971). lxxv, 92, (2), 6 pp. 20 plates. XI: England (2007). x, 507 pp. XII: Italy. Supplement (1985). x, 93 pp., 8 plates. XIII. Hebraica (2004). lxxi, 288 pp. 50 leaves with facsimiles and other illustrations. [XIV]: Facsimiles, Parts I-III. Illustrating types used in Germany, German-speaking Switzerland and Austria-Hungary (originally published 1913). 30 pp. [XV]: Facsimiles, Parts IV-VII (originally published 1916). 50 pp. Uniform publisher’s printed boards (vols. I-X, XIV-XV), publisher’s cloth (XI-XIII).

    Complete set, providing descriptions of some 10,500 editions. “Every profession, it seems, possesses one supreme work of reference… unequalled by any other work in the same field. For incunabulists (indeed, for all bibliographers), there is the British Museum’s catalogue of incunabula” (from a review by Curt F. Bühler of volume IX, in The Book Collector, Winter 1962, p.489). “Perhaps no other collection of any type of book has had a catalogue that has become such a standard work in its field, used as much as an authoritative bibliography as a record of holdings (from a review by Martin Davies of volume XI in The Book Collector, Summer 2007, p.191). Parts I-VIII (10 volumes) are in the lithographic reprint issued in 1963; the remaining volumes in original editions. Vols. XI and XIII only are in print, each €1041 (; link). ¶ In fine state of preservation, virtually as new.

  • Santoro (Caterina), 1899-1992

    Milan, Comune di Milano, 1965
    (21 cm), xiv (2), 93 (5) pp., illustrations. Errata slip loosely inserted. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Exhibition of 160 books from presses established in thirty-nine towns. ¶ Fine copy.
  • Stevenson (Allan H.), 1903-1970

    London, Bibliographical Society, 1967
    (24.5 cm), xxi (3), 400 pp., 10 leaves of plates (pls.I-X), 5 text illustrations. Publisher’s blue cloth. - A landmark in bibliographical scholarship, demonstrating from an analysis of the paper evidence that the “Constance Missal” was printed at Basel between February and October 1473. “The Problem of the Missale Speciale takes its place on the small shelf of bibliographical masterpieces” (G. Thomas Tanselle, in The Library Quarterly, volume 39, April 1969, p.202). 2000 copies printed. ¶ Fine, unmarked copy.
  • Balsamo (Luigi), 1926-2012

    Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 1968
    (25 cm), xi (3), 195 (3) pp., 30 p. of plates. Bound in collector’s blue buckram. - Describes 79 editions published 1493-1599. Only copies without illustrations are obtainable from the publisher, price €46 (“Testo mancante. Siamo spiacenti. Tranne qualche eccezione, tutti i volumi fino al 1990 non dispongono del testo illustrativo”; ¶ Excellent, unmarked copy.
  • Jenkins (Brian)
    Cambridge University, Libraries

    Cambridge, Syndics of the University Library, 1971
    (25 cm), [44] pp., illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Exhibition organised as part of the 1971 Cambridge Festival of 113 books lent by Cambridge libraries and the private collection of H.R. Creswick (no. 105, second issue of Siberch’s Galen, De temperamentis, 1521). Offprint from Siberch celebrations, 1521-1971, edited by Brooke Crutchley (Cambridge: University Printing House, 1971), pp.45-82. ¶ Very good, unmarked copy.
  • Goff (Frederick R.), 1916-1982

    Millwood, NY, Kraus Reprint Co., 1973
    (28.5 cm), lxiii (3), 798 pp. Publisher’s cloth binding. - Brief entries for nearly 13,000 editions. A reprint of Goff’s personal copy of the Third Census (New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 1964), in which he had recorded copies seen in the auction sale rooms and book trade (with their prices). “The best and handiest single work of reference for everyone concerned with 15th-century printing, from novices, scholars in other fields, or smaller booksellers, to the great dealers, the great collectors, or incunabulists in great libraries. Here, in one volume and one moment, we find standard forms for authors’ and printers’ names, correct titles and contents of books, reliable assignments of press and date, notices of other descriptions, and references to articles and monographs” (from a review by George D. Painter of the Third Census, in The Book Collector, Autumn 1965, pp.373-377). Frederick R. Goff, “The Preparation of the ‘Third Census of Incunabula in American Libraries’” in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, volume 64 (1970), pp.275-281. ¶ Light shelf wear; otherwise a very good, unmarked copy.
  • Hodnett (Edward), 1901-1984

    Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1973
    (27.5 cm), xv, 483, xvii, 82 pp., illustrations. Publisher’s blue cloth. - Corrected reprint of the 1935 edition, with new supplement (100 pp. text and 18 additional woodcuts). ¶ As new.
  • Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd (London)

    London, Christie, Manson & Woods, 1974
    (27.5 cm), [56] pp., including 15 colour illustrations. 21 lots. List of prices realised and buyers’ names loosely inserted. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - The books were consigned by the Chatsworth Settlement, a private trust that owns the estate and art collections; a representative of the Trust “explained yesterday that the books were being sent for sale to finance new acquisitions for the collection. The books were not duplicates but were not considered an essential part of the library” (report in The Times, London, 20 March 1974, p.4). The top price was £90,000 paid by Lew David Feldman for an illuminated manuscript of the Canterbury Tales; he said after the sale: “I would have bid without limit; I would have paid £200,000 or £250,000, what difference does it make?” The 1465 Subiaco Cicero made £60,000 (Stephen Massey), and the 1470 Vindelinus de Spira Petrarch £40,000 (Massey). Also sold were illuminated copies of the 1472 Jenson Pliny and the 1471 Jenson Quintilian; the single post-incunable was the 1501 Aldine Virgil. The 21 lots realised £522,900, a record total for any book sale in England. ¶ Priced in ink; annotations on inside lower wrapper.
  • Wilson (Adrian), 1923-1988; Wilson (Joyce Lancaster), 1946-1996

    Amsterdam, Nico Israel, 1976
    (35 cm), 253 pp., 250 illustrations (12 in colour). Publisher’s cloth, pictorial dust jacket. - “The discovery in the Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg of complete manuscript-layouts for the most lavishly illustrated volume of the incunabula period, Hartmann Schedel’s Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493, and the survival of contracts for its woodcuts, its printing, and for a final settlement of profits, provides unique sources for this work on the entire production of a 15th c. book, from concept through distribution… The study reproduces layouts, as well as preparatory sketches discovered in 1972, and compares them with the printed results. They show evidence of the hand of Albrecht Dürer who was apprenticed in the workshop of Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff while the woodcuts were being made there. Included is extensive information on Koberger’s printing house, on earlier chronicles, on Nuremberg of the period, and on manuscripts used by incunabula printers” (authors’ abstract). ¶ Fine copy.
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