Three volumes (25.5 cm), I (1952): xxx, 333 pp., 156 plates (319 illustrations) and frontispiece. II (1955): xxxii, 413 pp., 252 plates (617 illustrations) and frontispiece. III (1964): xiv, 396 pp., 214 plates (466 illustrations). Uniform publisher’s red cloth, printed dust jackets (volumes II and III only). - A work intended to give a complete history of British engraving (in copper, or other metal) from the Tudor Period through the reign of Charles I; a fourth volume, which was to have covered 1649 to 1688, was never published. Each volume is arranged in three parts: the first deals with the more important works by both known and anonymous masters; the second lists engravers in chronological order; and the third describes the prints of anonymous engravers, together with the works of foreign engravers working in England. Each print is located in at least one collection. Many engravings, wholly cartographic in character are described. “Every historian of the period, every student of its literature or of its art, will want to own this book” (Frances A. Yates, from a review of volume III, in The Book Collector, Winter 1964, pp.514-518). ¶ Endpapers of volume I slightly spotted, and a few marks and insignificant stains on binding; lacking its dust jacket. The other two volumes are in fine state. Overall, an excellent, clean set of this standard work.
(26.5 cm), x, 99 (1) pp., 2 plates (pls.I-II), 11 text illustrations. Publisher’s blue cloth, dust jacket. - Goldschmidt examines the books printed at the Cambridge press of John Siberch (c. 1476-1554), from the point of view of the authors and patrons who paid for them to be printed; then some presses on the Continent controlled or influenced by humanist-scholars which may have served Siberch as models. David McKitterick, The Sandars and Lyell Lectures: a checklist (New York 1983), p.25. ¶ Dust jacket finger-marked and worn, with significant losses; internally, a fresh, unmarked copy.
(26 cm), xxvii, 256 pp. Publisher’s cloth. - An index of dedicatees, editors, writers of commendatory verse and prose, mentioned in the preliminaries of all books in STC. The author was Professor of English at Georgetown University from 1939-1974. Over twenty-five years’ he visited 130 libraries and personally examined “more than 37,000 copies of 29,800 items of early British printing, including 4400 STC addenda (1500 of them fresh titles)”. An indispensable resource for the study of literary patronage and bibliography in Elizabethan England. ¶ Fine copy.
(27.5 cm), xv, 483, xvii, 82 pp., illustrations. Publisher’s blue cloth. - Corrected reprint of the 1935 edition, with new supplement (100 pp. text and 18 additional woodcuts). ¶ As new.
(30 cm), xiii (1), 69 (3) pp., [4] colour plates, [104] leaves of black & white illustrations. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Catalogue accompanying an exhibition celebrating the quincentenary of printing’s arrival in Oxford. The exhibition travelled from the Pierpont Morgan Library to the Library of the University of Western Ontario, then to the Victoria and Albert Museum, and to the Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main. Preface by Charles Ryskamp. ¶ Laminate on wrappers yellowing; otherwise a good, unmarked copy.
Three volumes (32 cm), I (1986): liii, 620 pp. II (1976): I-Z. xi, 494 pp. III (Indexes, 1991): xix, 405 pp. Publisher’s cloth, dust jacket. - Second edition, revised and enlarged. “The most meticulous and definitive extended work of bibliography, in any language and on any subject, ever achieved” (Arthur Freeman, “The complete New STC” in The Times Literary Supplement, 13 February 1987, p.170). Sold to members of the Bibliographical Society (price £200), or currently obtainable from the Society’s agent Oak Knoll Books (price $795; Order Nr. 60371; ¶ A few handling marks on dust jackets; a fine set.
London & New York, Mansell Publishing Company, 1988
(24 cm), viii, 440 pp. Publisher’s black cloth (no dust jacket issued). - A bibliography of books containing printed English verse, from Caxton to the accession of Elizabeth I, together with a first-line index of every poem or fragment found, and index of verse forms. The work is organised in two parts: the first covers the late “Middle English” period, from Benedict Burgh’s translation of Cato to 1500 (148 poems printed, some 145,000 lines of verse); the other covers the period 1501-1558 (2785 poems, some 533,000 lines of verse). ¶ Fine, unmarked copy.
Two volumes (24.5 cm), I: xxxi, 754 pp. II: v, 217 pp. [149] p. of plates. Publisher’s cloth bindings. - A new work extending the survey presented in Edward Hodnett’s English Woodcuts 1480-1535 (originally published 1935), listing more than 5000 woodcuts and engravings (excluding title-page borders, compartments, initials, single-sheet maps, and similar illustrative material). The authors list in an appendix post-1535 uses of earlier woodcuts and provide additions and corrections to the last (1975) edition of Hodnett. “The work is, of course, a must for the reference collections of all college and university libraries, as well as other research libraries. It is also a treasure for any individual working in sixteenth-century history, its ideological structures, and its iconography. Like the several short-title catalogues which have emerged during the past three-quarters of a century, this guide will join the ranks of indispensable reference works.” (from a review by James Tanis, in The Sixteenth Century Journal, volume 31, 2000, pp.865-866). ¶ As new.