Creation Dates

1954 - 1986



Index Rerum

Bibliographies, periodical indexesThere are 4 items

  • Renaissance Society of America

    Austin (latterly New York), University of Texas Press (latterly, Renaissance Society of America, 1954-2009
    Fifty-two annual volumes (23 cm), bound in collector’s blue cloth (as 31 volumes) and publisher’s wrappers (18 volumes). - A fine run of the journal of the Renaissance Society of America. Founded in 1954, following the dissolution of the ACLS Committee on Renaissance Studies, the Society undertook publication of Renaissance News, a quarterly newsletter published by Dartmouth College Library for the American Council of Learned Societies (volume 1, no. 1, Spring 1948). This journal was renamed Renaissance Quarterly beginning with volume 20 (1967); in 1975, the Society subsumed a separate publication, Studies in the Renaissance. Offered here are all issues of the journal published 1958-2009, together with a complete set of Studies in the Renaissance. ISSN 0081-8658 / ISSN 0277-903X. ¶ Original issues, unmarked, and in fine state of preservation. ● The issue for Winter 1996 (vol. 59, no. 4) was inadvertently omitted from our photograph; it is present in our set.
  • Warburg Institute (London)

    London, Warburg Institute, 1968-2004
    Thirty-seven volumes bound as 32 (26.5 or 27.5 cm), vols. 31-47 bound as 12 volumes in collector’s cloth, thereafter as issued in original wrappers. - A long run of JWCI, an annual publication that declares its mission to publish “new research of a documentary and analytical character, in the field of cultural and intellectual history”.

    Offered with Author index and index of principal subjects, vols. 1-37 (1975), 32 pp. Publisher’s self-wrappers. Author index and index of principal subjects, vols. 1-50 (1987), (2) 26 pp. Publisher’s wrappers. These author and subjects indices were compiled by John Perkins. ¶ Fine set.

  • Rinehart (Michael), editor-in-chief
    J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities (Santa Monica)

    [Williamstown, MA], J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities (Getty Art History Information Program), 1975-1989
    Eighteen annual volumes, plus indexes, in 24 volumes (28 cm), including three cumulative indexes (all published). I (1975): 329; 148 pp. 5120 entries. II (1976): 579 pp. 7119 entries. III (1977): 675 pp. 7330 entries. IV (1978): 680 pp. 8195 entries. V (1979): 767 pp. 8576 entries. VI (1980): 826 pp. 9291 entries. VII (1981): 832 pp. 9138 entries. VIII (1982): 844 pp. 9098 entries. IX (1983): 897 pp. 8924 entries. X (1984): 1028 pp. 9065 entries. XI/1-2 (1985): 1072 pp. 9881 entries. XII/1-2 (1986): 1161 pp. 11,217 entries. XIII/1-2 (1987): 1206 pp. 10,334 entries. XIV/1-2 (1988): 1106 pp. 10,334 entries. XV/1-2 (1989): 1480 pp. 14,442 entries. Index 1975-1979: 837 pp. Index 1980-1984: 1318 pp. Index 1985-1989: pp.1-916; 917-1838. Uniformly bound in brown cloth (vols. 1-10 in collector’s bindings, by Riley Dunn & Wilson; thereafter in the publisher’s bindings). - A complete set of this bibliography of current literature on the history of post-classical Western art, all the volumes (and indices) issued before its relaunch as Bibliography of the History of Art / Bibliographie d’Histoire de l’Art, in 1991. RILA was housed initially at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, where Michael Rinehart was librarian. In 1981, the Getty took over its administration and funding. ISSN 1085-5106. ¶ Volumes 1-5 bound in collector’s brown cloth; remaining volumes and indices in publisher’s brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Ink stamp (Dallas Museum of Art Library) on top edge of volume 12/1; no other marks of ownership. Text block loosening in bindings of index volumes; otherwise in good state of preservation.
  • Schlosser Magnino (Julius), 1866-1938; Kurz (Otto), 1908-1975, editor

    Florence, La Nuova Italia Editrice / Kunstverlag Anton Schroll & Co., 1986
    (20 cm), xi (1), 792 (2) pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - The “Bibliografia della letteratura locale italiana” (pp.555-507) is of enduring utility. Reprint of the edition published 1964, second printing. ¶ Upper wrapper creased; otherwise a good, unmarked copy.