Studies in the Renaissance (volumes I-XXI, 1954-1974) § Renaissance News (volumes XI-XIX, 1958-1966) § Renaissance Quarterly (volumes XX-LXII, 1967-2009) View larger
Renaissance Society of America

Studies in the Renaissance (volumes I-XXI, 1954-1974) § Renaissance News (volumes XI-XIX, 1958-1966) § Renaissance Quarterly (volumes XX-LXII, 1967-2009)

Austin (latterly New York), University of Texas Press (latterly, Renaissance Society of America, 1954-2009
Fifty-two annual volumes (23 cm), bound in collector’s blue cloth (as 31 volumes) and publisher’s wrappers (18 volumes). - A fine run of the journal of the Renaissance Society of America. Founded in 1954, following the dissolution of the ACLS Committee on Renaissance Studies, the Society undertook publication of Renaissance News, a quarterly newsletter published by Dartmouth College Library for the American Council of Learned Societies (volume 1, no. 1, Spring 1948). This journal was renamed Renaissance Quarterly beginning with volume 20 (1967); in 1975, the Society subsumed a separate publication, Studies in the Renaissance. Offered here are all issues of the journal published 1958-2009, together with a complete set of Studies in the Renaissance. ISSN 0081-8658 / ISSN 0277-903X. ¶ Original issues, unmarked, and in fine state of preservation. ● The issue for Winter 1996 (vol. 59, no. 4) was inadvertently omitted from our photograph; it is present in our set.


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Renaissance Society of America
  • This collection contains

  • Renaissance Society of America

    Studies in the Renaissance (volumes I-XXI, 1954-1974)

    Austin (latterly New York), University of Texas Press (latterly, Renaissance Society of America, 1954-1974
    Five volumes (23 cm), uniformly bound in modern blue cloth with black lettering-pieces (by Riley Dunn & Wilson Ltd), original printed wrappers bound-in. - Commenced publication in 1954 in Austin, Texas (by University of Texas Press); from volume II onwards, issued in New York (by the Renaissance Society of America). The editor of volume I was William Peery; M.A. Shaaber edited volumes II-V; volumes VI-XXI were edited by committee. Bound after volume XXI are “Index to volumes I-X” and “Index to volumes XI-XXI”. ¶ An excellent set, unmarked, and in fine state of preservation.
  • Renaissance Society of America

    Renaissance News (volumes XI-XIX, 1958-1966)

    New York, Renaissance Society of America, 1958-1966
    Four volumes (23 cm), uniformly bound in modern blue cloth with black lettering-pieces (by Riley Dunn & Wilson Ltd). - Commenced publication in 1948 and absorbed in Renaissance Quarterly in 1967; volumes 1-10 (1948-1957) are not present in this set. ¶ Indices for volumes XI-XVII bound at the front of the respective volume; Index for volumes XVIII-XIX printed in Renaissance Quarterly, volume 20 (1967), pp.546-556. Volumes XI-XIV issued with self-wrapper (bound in place); printed wrappers for volumes XV-XIX are bound at end of each volume. Ink inscription on title for “Index volumes XV-XVII”; otherwise unmarked, and in fine state of preservation.
    Renaissance Society of America
  • Renaissance Society of America

    Renaissance Quarterly (volumes XX-LXII, 1967-2009)

    New York, Renaissance Society of America, 1967-2009
    Forty-three volumes (23 cm), of which 25 are uniformly bound in modern blue cloth with black lettering-pieces (by Riley Dunn & Wilson Ltd), and 18 are as issued in the publisher’s printed wrappers. - Absorbed Renaissance News, and continued its numeration, commencing with volume XX in 1967. In this set, volumes XX-XXV are gathered by the binder in three stout volumes, with their Indices (XX-XXI, XXII-XXIII, XXIV-XXV) bound at the front of the appropriate volume; and printed wrappers bound-in at end of each volume. Volumes XXVI-XLIV are bound individually, with indices and printed wrappers bound-in; the remaining volumes XLV-LXII are in publisher’s wrappers, as issued. ● Volume 49 (1996) issue 4, was inadvertently omitted from our photograph; it is present in our set.
    Renaissance Society of America