The schoolbooks of Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564) View larger

The schoolbooks of Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564)

We have remarked elsewhere of the custom among Germans attending Italian universities of commissioning bookbindings as mementos of their student years [link]. These bindings almost invariably covered Aldine editions of Latin classics, and followed a standard decorative pattern, with the book’s title lettered on one cover and owner’s name on the other. Four such bindings made in 1526-1527 for a young nobleman from the Odenwald are the subject of this post.

Eberhard Schenk von Erbach was born at Schloss Fürstenau (Michelstadt) on 19 January 1511, the second of three sons of Eberhard XIII von Erbach (1475-1539) and Maria von Wertheim (1485-1553). Taught to read by his mother (“im Frauenzimmer ufferzogen”),1 Eberhard received a year’s instruction from the vicar, Johann Schöneck, then in November 1518 was sent to Heidelberg and entrusted into the care of the pedagogue Johannes Marquard.2 Illness soon required his return home. On 18 September 1522, he matriculated at Tübingen (Humaniora) beside his tutor Marquard.3 In 1526, they travelled together to Padua, where Eberhard attended lectures intermittently from 19 April 1526 to July 1527.4 He returned afterwards to Fürstenau, and Marquard to Heidelberg. In May 1528, Eberhard set out (accompanied now by a servant, Johann Ehus) on a peregrinatio academica, arriving first at the university of Dole, with the objective of learning French; he soon joined his elder brother Georg in Besançon; and on 8 July 1528, they matriculated together at Orléans.5 On 23 April 1529, Eberhard matriculated at Louvain, and in September he was joined there by his younger brother Valentin.6

Eberhard had the agreeable habit of inscribing his name and a date in his books. Six volumes are known with inscriptions dated 1518-1521, presumably acquisitions before or during his studies with Marquard at Heidelberg (nos. 6 Brassicanus, 16 Missale Treverense, 17 Ökolampadius, 19 Plinius, 21 Quintilianus, 23 Valla). The inscriptions in another four books are dated 1523-1525, and these volumes could relate to his studies in Tübingen (nos. 11 Fenestella, 18 Plautus, 20 Poliziano, 22 Terentius). Four more books published 1517-1524 have no dated inscription, but are likely to have been acquired in this same period (nos. 7 Bugenhagen, 12 Hollen, 13 Livius, 14 Melanchthon).

At Padua, Eberhard acquired the four books which are of primary interest here: Aldine editions of Cicero’s De Officiis (1519), Aulus Gellius (1515), Plautus (1522), and Suetonius (1521). All four were bound with his name lettered on their lower covers, by the “Mendoza Binder,” whose shop, situated in the parish of San Fantin, maintained a loose association with the retail shop of the Aldine press in the Merceria.7

Another four books lack dated inscriptions, but are likely to have been purchased at Padua. Three are Aldine editions (nos. 8 Cicero, 9 Crastone, 10 Dio Cassius), and one a book from the Venetian press of Guglielmo da Fontaneto (no. 24 Vocabularius). In May 1527, Marquard copied for Eberhard in the library of S. Giovanni di Verdara, Padua, a manuscript of Homer’s Odyssey in the Latin translation of Leonzio Pilato.8 Somehow, this manuscript never entered (or soon left) Eberhard’s possession, and was only recovered some twenty years later.9

Two books from the last phase of Eberhard’s formal education are a volume containing Melanchthon's smaller grammar and syntax inscribed and dated 1529 (no. 15), and a copy of Boccaccio’s Decamerone published in 1530 inscribed with his name and that date (no. 5). A copy of a Lutheran Psalter was heavily annotated by Eberhard ca 1546-1547.10

Eberhard spent his life in the service of four successive Electors of the Palatinate and in his last years apparently occupied himself by writing a history of the Peasants’ War. The known details of an informal testament (written in 1556, some twelve years before his death on 12 July 1564) suggest that he bequeathed his books to his son Georg.11

1. Details of Eberhard’s early life are given by Daniel Schneider, Vollständige Hoch-Gräflich-Erbachische Stamm-Tafel (Frankfurt am Main 1736), pp.158-172 (quotation p.169 [link]), drawing upon Eberhard’s uncompleted memoir (formerly Darmstadt, Erbachschen Archiv, destroyed 1944).

2. Matriculated 22 December 1518 (Artes) as “Ingennus ac nobilis dominus Eberhardus Schenck baro in Erpach dioc. Mogunt.”; see Gustav Toepke, Die Matrikel der Universität Heidelberg von 1386 bis 1662 (Heidelberg 1884), I, p.516 [link]; Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (rag), [link]. Marquard (Magister artium 1515, Heidelberg) is known for his discovery at Bullau in 1519 of an inscribed stone commemorating the Roman centurion Lucius Favonius Seccianus (CIL XIII 6516; published by Amantius and Apianus, 1534, f. CCCCLX). Marquard was promoted at Heidelberg baccalaureus theologiae in 1520 and doctor juris utriusque in 1527, and became in 1532 a counsellor to the Margraviate of Baden (rag, [link]). For his own library, see Eckhart G. Franz, “Spurensuche von der Pfeddersheimer Bauernschlacht bis zu Einhard und Imma. Die Bibliothek der Augustiner in Frankenthal und der erbachische Hofmeister Johann Marquard” in Landesgeschichte und Reichsgeschichte: Festschrift für Alois Gerlich zum 70. Geburtstag (Stuttgart 1995), pp.265-271.

3. “Schenck Eberhardus dominus in Erpbach”, “Johannes Marquardus Mag. art.”; see Heinrich Hermelink, Die Matrikeln der Universität Tübingen (Stuttgart 1906), I, p.242 nos. 87-88 [link].

At Padua, matriculation was not obligatory, and Eberhard is not recorded in the Acta graduum academicorum Gymnasii Patavini, edited by Elda Martellozzo Forin (Padua 1969-1982). The dates of his residence there (interrupted by a stay in Trento) are supplied by Schneider, op. cit., p.172 [link]. In May 1526, Sebastian Münster dedicated to Eberhard his Chaldaica grammatica (Basel: Johannes Froben, 1527), and it has been suggested that Eberhard had at one time received private instruction from Münster (professor at Heidelberg 1524-1529); see Karl Heinz Burmeister, “Sebastian Münster und die Empfänger seiner Widmungsbriefe” in Gutenberg Jahrbuch 46 (1971), pp.161-170 (p.163).

5. “Nobilis dominus Eberhardus a Freyenstein, Mag[untinensis] dioc[esis]”; see Premier livre des procurateurs de la Nation germanique de l’ancienne Université d’Orléans, 1444-1546: Premiere partie: Texte des rapports des procurateurs (Leiden 1971), p.273 (8 July 1528); Detlef Illmer, in idem, Seconde partie. Biographies des étudiants, II: 1516-1546 (Leiden 1980), pp.135-136 no. 784. According to the Album studiosorum Aurelianensium natio Germanica, p.12 [link], their plans changed abruptly because of fear of war.

6. “Schonck, Everhardus baro et Dominus in Erpach”; see Edmond H.J. Reusens, Matricule de l’Université de Louvain (Brussels 1903-1967), IV, p.20 no. 32. Matricules - Ancienne Université de Louvain [link].

7. Anthony Hobson, “Was there an Aldine bindery?” in Aldus Manutius and Renaissance culture: Essays in memory of Franklin D. Murphy (Florence 1998), pp.237-245. Anthony Hobson, Renaissance book collecting: Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their books and bindings (Cambridge 1999), pp.244-250 (“Appendix 5: Bindings by the Mendoza Binder (Andrea di Lorenzo)”, nos. 74 (Cicero), 85 (Plautus). The two other bindings, covering copies of Aulus Gellius and Suetonius, were not known to Hobson. They are bound identically.

8. Adam Klassert, Mitteilungen über die Michelstädter Kirchenbibliothek (Michelstadt 1902), p.8. Cf. Marianne Pade, “The Fortuna of Leontius Pilatus’s Homer” in Classica et Beneventana: Essays presented to Virginia Brown on the occasion of her 65th birthday (Turnhout 2008), pp.149-172 (pp.157-158 no. 12, located: Darmstadt, Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Ms F 21 A No. 1/1); Valeria Mangraviti, L’Odissea marciana di Leonzio tra Boccaccio e Petrarca (Barcelona 2016), pp.xxix, 936.

9. Friedrich G.H.C. Haase, “Miscellaneorum Philologicorum Liber IIII. Cap. I. Odysseae a Manuele Chrysolora latine translatae specimen” in Index lectionum in Universitate Litterarum Vratislaviensi per hiemem A. 1872 a die XV. Mensis Octobris habendarum (Breslau 1862), pp.4-10 [link]. According to this account, the book was returned to Eberhard in a new binding.

10. Hans van der Au, “Der Psalter Eberhards XIV. zu Erbach” in Ich dien, Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstage von Wilhelm Diehl (Darmstadt 1931), pp.279-306.

11. Gustav Simon, Die Geschichte der Dynasten und Grafen zu Erbach und ihres Landes (Frankfurt am Main 1858), pp.388-396 [link].

bound for eberhard xiv schenk, graf zu erbach

(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero, In hoc volumine haec continentur. M. T. Cic. Officiorum lib. III (Venice: Heirs of Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, February 1519)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), supralibros
● T.M. Gadarmann, inscription dated 1780 on title-page (Tregaskis)
● James Tregaskis, London; their Caxton Head Catalogue 773 (London 1915), item 93; Caxton Head Catalogue 797 (London 1917) item 19 (£7; “Italian brown morocco, contemporary Aldine binding, Schenckh Eberhard’s copy with his name stamped in gold on lower cover, within a gold-line border, and M.T. Ciceronis Officia on upper cover, blind-tooled back” [link])
● William King Richardson (1859-1951), purchase inscription on Tregaskis catalogue clipping, dated 1924
● Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, WKR 2.3.20 (opac Contemporary dark brown morocco Aldine binding, with “Schenckh Eberhard dñs et baro in Erpach” stamped in gilt on back cover [link])

Anthony Hobson, Renaissance book collecting: Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their books and bindings (Cambridge 1999), “Appendix 5: Bindings by the Mendoza Binder (Andrea di Lorenzo)”, no. 74 (“Schenkh Eberhard D[omi]n[u]s et baro in erpach”)

(2) Aulus Gellius, Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum libri vndeuiginti (Venice: Heirs of Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, September 1515)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), supralibros
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 342 (opac Lederband über Pappe (16. Jh.); Streifen einer lat. Pergamenths. (15. Jh.) wenige hs. Anm. passim … Prägung auf dem Deckel: Schenckh Eberhard DNS et Baro in Erpach [link])

William E.A. Axon, “The church library at Michelstadt im Odenwald” in The Library 2 (1901), pp.405-412 (p.406: “The Aldine edition of Aulus Gellius (1515) has on its cover ‘Schenckh Eberhard Dns et Baro in Erpach’”)

(3) Titus Maccius Plautus, Ex Plauti comoediis XX quarum carmina magna ex parte in mensum suum restituta sunt MDXXII. Index uerborum, quib. paulo abstrusiorib. Plautus utitur. Argumenta singularum comoediarum. Authoris uita. Tralatio [!] dictionum Graecarum (Venice: Heirs of Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, July 1522)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), supralibros
● unidentified owner, initials “A.S.” on lower pastedown
● Henry F. Blanchard [city clerk, notary public, Augusta, ME; Samuel Lane Boardman, “Some Maine Collectors and their books” in The Literary Collector 1 (July 1905), pp.5-6]
● C.F. Libbie, Catalogue of the valuable private library of H.F. Blanchard, Esq., of Augusta, Me., Boston, 3-5 May 1898, lot 1341 (“Has the name of first owner stamped in gold letters on one cover thus ‘Scheuckh Eberhard Ins et Baro in Erpach’” [link])
● American Art Association, The balance of the collection of the late William Green Shillaber of Boston, Massachusetts and the collection of Albert McDonald of Garden City, L.I. together with other properties, New York, 7 May 1926, lot 8 (“original Venetian binding of full calf, with panel frame of gilt line between blind fillets, author’s name lettered in gilt on front cover, and the original owner’s name, Schenckh Eberhard Dns et Baro in Erpach, on back cover, paneled back, blind tooled, green edges (ties cut away) … Beautiful, Crisp, Clean Copy, in a well-preserved contemporary binding”) [consignor not identified] [RBH 1926May07-8]
● Adolph Lewisohn (1849-1938), exlibris
● Parke-Bernet Galleries, Library of the late Adolph Lewisohn, New York, sold by order of the executors, New York, 25 January 1940, lot 6 (“author’s name lettered in gilt on front cover, and the original owner’s name: ‘Schenckh Eberhard Dns et Baro in Erpach’ on back cover”) [RBH 166-6]
● unidentified owner - bought in sale ($20)
● Parke-Bernet Galleries, Fine books, New York, 13 January 1970, lot 25 (“contemporary Italian olive morocco, border of multiple blind and gilt fillets, spine tooled in blind in compartments, with alternate thick and thin bands, blue edges, the lower cover lettered in gilt with the contemporary ownership legend ‘Schenckh Eberhard dns. et baro. in Erpach’; joints slightly weak”) [lots 17-30 are “Other Properties”] [RBH 2967-25]
● unidentified owner - bought in sale ($325)
● Purchased from Seven Gables Bookshop, New York, 1973
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above in 1973 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #0305; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

Hobson, op. cit., no. 85 (“Chicago, Dr T. Kimball Brooker”)

(4) Caius Tranquillus Suetonius, In hoc volumine haec continentur. C. Suetonij Tranquilli XII Caesares (Venice: Heirs of Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, May 1521)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), supralibros
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 344 (opac Prov.: Schenck Graf Eberhard von Erbach (Prägung auf dem hinteren Deckel) [link])

inscribed by eberhard xiv schenk, graf zu erbach

(5) Giovanni Boccaccio, Il Decamerone di m. Giouanni Boccaccio; nouamente corretto con tre nouelle aggiunte (Venice: Heirs of Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, 1522)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1530
● reputedly Giovanni Battista Bearzi (ca 1770-1832)
● reputedly Boulouze & Edwin Tross, Catalogue de livres rares et précieux composant la bibliothèque de feu M. l’Abbé I. B. Chevalier de Bearzi, Première partie, Paris, 31 May-28 June 1855, lot 2769 (“mar. br. fers à froid. (Anc. rel.) Très bel exempl. qui paraît en papier fort, d’une hauteur de 7 p. 9 l. ½. Au commencement, quelques notules mss.” [link])
● reputedly Charles Pillet & L. Potier, Livres rares et précieux, manuscrits et imprimés, composant la bibliothèque de M. Chedeau de Saumur, Paris, 3-13 April 1865, lot 979 (“mar. br. ornements à froid … Exemplaire très-grand de marges, parfaitement conservé et dans sa première reliure; quelques notules d’une main di XVIe siècle sont sur les marges. Ce bel exemplaire a figuré à la vente Bearzi ou il a été paye 520 fr.” [link])
reputedly Sir Richard Tufton, 1st Baronet (1813-1871)
reputedly Delbergue-Cormont & Adolphe Labitte, Livres rares et précieux et des manuscrits anciens composant la bibliothèque de Sir Richard Tufton, baronnet, Paris, 7-8 April 1873, lot 166 (“mar. r. compart. à fr. (ReI. du temps.) Très-jolie édition aldine, rare et recherchée. Bel exemplaire très-bien conservé, dans sa première reliure. Sur les marges se trouvent plusieurs notes manuscrites du seizième siècle.” [link])
● reputedly Robert Samuel Turner (1818-1887)
● reputedly Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge, Bibliotheca Turneriana. Catalogue of the first portion of the library of the late Robert Samuel Turner, London, 18-30 June 1888, lot 696 (“very large and fine copy in the original stamped binding” [link])
Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of a collection of valuable books and manuscripts including a portion of the library of the Rev. Canon Harford of Westminster, and other properties, London, 24-27 April 1899, lot 546
Bernard Quaritch, London - bought in sale (£11 10s) [Book Prices Current, 13, no. 5393]
● Richard Copley Christie (1830-1901)
● Manchester, John Rylands Library, R213322 (opac Sixteenth-century (original) full Venetian morocco; blind-tooled and panel stamped; remnants of cloth ties; spine: three raised bands and cross-hatched tooling in compartments … Also attached is a cutting from a [1899 Sotheby’s] sale (entry 546) [link])

Charles W.E. Leigh, Catalogue of the Christie Collection (Manchester 1915), p.58 (“Original Venetian morocco. This copy was in the possession of Schenck von Erbach in 1530, and has since been in the possession of E. Tross (the Paris bookseller) five times, M. Viel, M. Chedeau, (Sir H.) Tufton, and Mr R.S. Turner.” [link])

(6) Johannes Brassicanus, Grammaticae institutiones Ioannis Brassicani tvbingensis paedotribe cvm qvantitatibvs bebelianis examvssim absolvtissimis (Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, August 1512), bound with Josse Bade, In elegantiarum Augustini Dathi codice contenta ([Paris 1501? Basel 1520?])

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription (dated 1520?) on title-page
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 511 (opac (auf Titelbl.) Schenck Eberhardi Anno XX (auf Titelbl.) Schenck Eberhardus z.... [nicht Erbach...] … Zahlreiche hs. Anm. (verschiedene Hände, 16. Jh.) Kunstlederband (um 1900) [link])

(7) possibly Johannes Bugenhagen, Joannis pomerani Bvgenhagii in librvm psalmorvm interpretatio, Wittenbergae publice lecta (Basel: Adam Petri, 1524)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564) (?)
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), D 621 (opac Wahrscheinlich von Eberhard XIV. v. Erbach benutzt … Blindgeprägter Halblederband über Holz (16. Jh.), Rücken defekt, 2 Schließen wenige hs. Anm. passim (16. Jh.) [link])

(8) possibly Marcus Tullius Cicero, In hoc volumine haec continentur. Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium lib. IIII. M. T. Ciceronis de inuentione lib. II. Eiusdem de oratore ad quintum fratrem lib. III. Eiusdem de claris oratoribus, qui dicitur brutus: lib. I. Eiusdem orator ad brutum lib. I. Eiusdem topica ad trabatium lib. I. Eiusdem oratoriae partitiones lib. I. Eiusdem de optimo genere oratorum praefatio quaedam (Venice: Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, March 1514)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564) (?)
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 390 (opac Italienischer zeitgenössischer Einband? Prov.: Schenck Eberhard? [link])

(9) Giovanni Crastone, Dictionarium Graecum cum interpretatione Latina (Venice: Heirs of Andrea manuzio & Andrea Torresano, December 1524)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated Padua 1526
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 522 (opac Bildgeprägter Lederband über Holz (16. Jh.), Rücken defekt, 3 Stoffschließen (eine davon oben) … Prov.:(Titelb.) Est Schenck Eberhardj baronis et Domini in Erbpach: Patavij Anno M.D. XXVI [link])

(10) Dio Cassius, In hoc volumine haec continentur. Neruae et Traiani, atque Adriani Caesarum uitae ex Dione, Georgio Merula interprete (Venice: Heirs of Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, August 1519)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564)
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 439 (opac Prov.: Schenck Eberhard [link])

(11) Lucius Fenestella, L. Fenestellae de magistratibus,sacerdotijsq́; Romanorum libellus, iamprimum nitori restitutus. Pomponij Laeti itidem de magistratibus et sacerdotijs, et praeterea de diuersis legibus Rom. Item Valerij Probi grammatici de literis antiquis opusculum (Basel: Valentin Curio, May 1523)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1523 and monogram
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 332(1) (opac auf Titelbl. und neben Kolophon Monogramm von Eberhard Schenck zu Erbach, 1523 [link])

(12) Godescalcus Hollen, Sermonum opus exquitissimum … sacrarum litterarum profundissimi lectoris patris gotschalci pro tproe hyemali [-partis estivalis] (Hagenau: Heinrich Gran, September 1517)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription ca 1522
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), B59 (opac Federzeichnung auf Bl. 349v: Professor mit Buch in der Hand. Diese Zeichnung stammt, wie andere derartige Zeichnungen in anderen Büchern, von der Hand Eberhards Schenk zu Erbach, vermutlich in Tübingen angefertigt [link])

(13) Titus Livius, T. Livius Patavinus Historicus, duobus libris auctus cum L. Flori Epitome, indice copioso, et annotatis in libros VII. belli Maced (Mainz: Johann Schöffer, 1518)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564)
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 287 (opac Prov.: Schenck Eberhard [link])

(14) Philipp Melanchthon, Compendiaria dialectices Ratio (Hagenau: Thomas Anshelm, December 1522), bound with Philipp Melanchthon, Institutiones rhetoricae Philippi Melanchthonis (Hagenau: Thomas Anshelm, December 1522), bound with Georgius Trapezuntius, Georgii Trapezontii vIri aetatis suae doctißimi Dialectica breuis, sed iudicio omnium eruditorum absolutißima, in gratiam studiosorum denuo (Basel: Valentin Curio, July 1522)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1524
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 471 (1) (opac Buntpapiereinband (um 1900) … Handschriftliche Besitzeinträge des Grafen Eberhard II. aus dem Jahre 1524, teilweise zusätzlich in Form eines Monogramms und einem Wahlspruch in Griechisch. In deutscher Übersetzung: “Nichts ohne Dank” [link, link, link])

(15) Philipp Melanchthon, Syntaxis Philippi Melan. exempla copiae latini sermonis, adnotata à Nicolao Liburnio Veneto, et à quodã studioso multis in locis aucta (Cologne: Gottfried Hittorp for Eucharius Cervicornus, 1527), bound with Philipp Melanchthon, Elementa Latinae grammatices (Antwerp: [Michael Hillenius Hoochstratanus?], 1527)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1529
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 460 (1) (opac Graf Eberhard von Erbach, 1529 [link])

(16) Missal, Trier - Missale Treverense (Speyer: Peter Drach, August 1516)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1521
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), A 5 (opac auf Bl. 6b Besitzvermerk von Eberhard Baron zu Erbach, 1521 … Blindgeprägter Lederband über Holz (16. Jh.), Rücken beschädigt, 2 Schließen (beide abgerissen), ca. 20 Blattweiser (Leder). Initiale auf fol. 1r rubriziert (rot/blau) [link])

(17) Johannes Ökolampadius, Graecae literaturae dragmata Io. Oecolampadio avtore (Basel: Andreas Cratander, 1520)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1521
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 340 (opac Provenienz 1. Graf Eberhard von Erbach, 1521 … Zahlreiche hs. Anm. (16. Jh., viele wohl von Graf Eberhard von Erbach) Bildgeprägter Lederband über Holz (16. Jh.) Kaufpreis [1521?]: 4 Rollbatzen [link])

(18) Titus Maccius Plautus, M. Plavti comoediae xx. ex antiquis, recẽtioribusq́; exemplaribus, inuicem collatis, diligentissime recognitae (Basel: Andreas Cratander, 1523)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564),  inscriptions dated 1524
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 353 (opac im vorderen Spiegel und auf Vorsatz vorn: Schenck Eberhard XIV. Schenck, Baron zu Erbach 1524 … Einige hs. Anm. passim (16. Jh.) [link])

(19) Gaius Plinius Secundus, c. Plinii secvndi novocomensis Epistolarum libri decem, in quibus multae habentur epistolae non ante impressae. Tum Graeca correcta, & suis locis restituta (Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, 1514)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1518 on title-page
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 376 (opac auf Titelbl.: Schenk Eberhard Baron von Erbach, 1518 … Blindgeprägter Halblederband über Holz (16. Jh.), 1 Schließe (abgerissen) [link])

(20) Angelo Poliziano, Miscellaneorum centuria una (Basel: Valentin Curio, 1522)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564),  inscription dated 1523 on title-page and monogram
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 332 (opac Blindgeprägter Lederband über Holz (16. Jh.), 2 Schließen … auf Titelbl.: Schenck Eberhardus Anno M D XXIII … an verschiedenen Stellen Monogramm von Graf Eberhard [link])

(21) Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, Oratoriarum institutionum lib. XII. Una cum declamationibus eiusdem argutissimis, ad horrendae vetustatis exemplar repositis, diligenterque impressis (Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus & Hero Fuchs, 1521)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564),  inscription dated 1521
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 295 (opac Prov.: Schenck Eberhard ex Erpach 1521 [link])

(22) Publius Terentius Afer, P. Terentii Aphri Comoediae sex ad integrum per Philippum Melanchthonem restitutae (Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, May 1525)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564),  inscription dated 1525
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 357 (opac Provenienz Eberhard Schenck, Baron zu Erbach, 1525 … Hs. Anm. passim (16. Jh.) … Kopertband (16. Jh.). Im Rücken sowie im vorderen und hinteren Spiegel (zusätzlich) Stück einer lat. liturg. Perg.-Hs (14./15. Jh.) [link])

(23) Lorenzo Valla, Lavrentii Vallae Elegantiarum libri sex, deque reciprocatione libellus cum Antonii mancinelli lima suis locis apposita. Et cum iodoci badii ascensii epitomatis singulis capitibus antepositis. Adnotationes eiusdem in Antoniu raudensem. Item. Apologus seu actus scenicus in Poggium Florentinum (Sélestat: Lazarus Schürer, 1520)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564), inscription dated 1521
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), C 412 (opac Provenienz Graf Eberhard von Erbach 1521 [link])

(24) Vocabularium iuris nouiter impressum. Diligentissimeque castigatum (Venice: Guglielmo da Fontaneto, April 1524)

● Eberhard XIV Schenk, Graf zu Erbach (1511-1564)
● Michelstadt, Nicolaus-Matz-Bibliothek (Kirchenbibliothek), D 738 (opac Prov.: Schenck Eberhard XIV. von Erbach [link])
