E.J. Brill (Leiden)
Smitskamp (Rijk), born 1941, compiler
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1983
(22 cm), (4) pp., pp.93-220, illustrations. Items numbered 85-232; priced. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Part II (of three) only, describing 17th-century books concerned with Philologia orientalis: works by Erpenius (item nos. 85-90), early Syriac studies (nos. 91-98), German Orientalism until c. 1640 (nos. 99-133), travels to the Holy Land (nos. 124-148), Buxtorf (nos. 149-178), Italian Orientalism until c. 1640 (nos. 179-233). “An appendix listing, with references, the Syriac and Arabic type-faces occurring in the books (or otherwise mentioned) is a most useful feature, lacking in nearly all library catalogues and other bibliographies of such material” (from a review by Geoffrey Roper, in Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies), volume 12, 1985, pp. 103-104). ¶ Very good copy