Writings on architecture civil and military c. 1460 to 1640 : a checklist of printed editions
t Goy-Houten, HES & De Graaf Publishers BV, 2000
(25 cm), 122 pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - A concise guide to some 1800 editions of 365 works on architecture by 280 authors. Publisher’s retail price €56 (www.brill.com; link). Noticed in The Book Collector, Autumn 2001, p.407. ¶ Fine, unmarked copy. Ordinary issue (a “bibliographer’s edition” was also published, with the pages interleaved). Loosely inserted are an offprint of Bury’s previous version, published in Les Traités d’architecture de la Renaissance: actes du colloque tenu à Tours du 1er au 11 juillet 1981 (Paris 1985), pp.485-503; and photocopy of typescript of a still earlier draft.