Pillinini (Stefano)
Bernardino Stagnino : un editore a Venezia tra Quattro e Cinquecento (Materiali e Ricerche, Nuova Serie, 7)
Rome, Jouvence, 1989
(23.5 cm), 116 (4) pp., [12] p. of illustrations. 193 catalogue entries. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - The printer belonged to the Giolito de’ Ferrari da Trino family of printers, yet seldom used the family name, preferring the nickname “Stagnino” (”tinsmith”). Around 1483, he moved from Trino (Piedmont) to Venice, where he established a press under the sign of San Bernardino, and began to publish juridical and medical textbooks for the university of Padua. With the decline of the university after 1550, Stagnino shifted his focus, and issued liturgical, devotional, and literary works (including four editions of the Divine Comedy, five editions of Petrarch’s Canzoniere and Trionfi); altogether, he was responsible for 193 editions. After Stagnino’s death in 1538, most of his typographical equipment passed to Giovanni Giolito, and was eventually inherited by his son Gabriele. One of the plates reproduces a woodblock employed for the July 1509 Missale Romanum (the block is preserved in the Soliani collection, Galleria Estense, Modena). ¶ Very good, unmarked copy.