Hulshof (Abraham), 1877-1955; Schretlen (Martinus Joseph), 1890-1959?
Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit (Utrecht)
De Kunst der Oude Boekbinders : XVde en XVIde eeuwsche boekbanden in de Utrechtsche Universiteitsbibliotheek
Utrecht, Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Bibliothecarissen en Bibliotheekamtenaren, 1921
(24.5 cm), (8) 59 (1) pp., 40 numbered illustrations (20 leaves, printed both sides). Publisher’s printed wrappers. - “An excellent and detailed little work on the stamped bindings in the University Library of Utrecht which much enriches our knowledge of Low Country binders, about 280 stamps, 40 rolls, and 20 panel stamps being illustrated. The authors have based their work on documents, and have taken great pains to record the provenance of the bindings described” (Strickland Gibson, “Recent books on binding” in The Library, series 4, volume 3, 1922, p.138). ¶ Spine neatly reinforced with cloth. Bookseller’s label on upper wrapper: B.H. Blackwell Ltd.