Glorieux (Geneviève)
Bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er (Brussels)
Belgica typographica 1541-1600 : Catalogus librorum impressorum ab anno MDXLI ad annum MDC in regionibus quae nunc Regni Belgarum panes sunt, II (Centre national de l'archéologie et de l'histoire du livre, 2/2)
Nieuwkoop, De Graaf, 1977-1980
(28 cm), xviii (2), 495 (1) pp. Publisher’s red cloth. - 2750 catalogue entries, taking the total reached so far past 7700. In contrast to the previous volume, a statement is given of the number of pages or leaves, and the height and breadth of the type-area of the text; sometimes further information about the edition or content is provided. “One is struck by the large number of entries based on the collection in the Plantin-Moretus museum, hitherto only accessible through the manuscript alphabetical catalogue held in the museum… But in other libraries, too, material that has hitherto been unknown or obscure has now come to light” (from a review by Paul Valkema Blouw, in Quaerendo, volume 13 (1983), pp.75-79. Introduction in Dutch, French, and English. ¶ Excellent, unmarked copy.