Breslauer (Bernard H.), 1918-2004; Toulet (Jean), introduction
Bibliotheca Wittockiana (Brussels)
Historic & artistic bookbindings from the Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana [cover title:] Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana (catalogue of an exhibition held at the Bibliotheca Wittockiana, Brussels, 11 October-22 November 1986)
Brussels, Bibliotheca Wittockiana, 1986
(30 cm), 167 (3) pp., illustrations (some in colour). 75 catalogue entries. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - “The Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana is a very comprehensive bibliographical reference library, the indispensable working tool of the internationally renowned firm of rare-bookdealers, Martin Breslauer, Inc., of New York. But beyond its immediate function it is also a mirror of the scholarly interests and bibliophilic tastes of its owner, B.H. Breslauer. The BBB comprises such special collections as a major group of works illustrative of the history of bibliography from the fifteenth century onwards, a vast assemblage of important library and booksale catalogues documenting the changing aims and tastes in bookcollecting from the sixteenth to the present century, and a very complete series of works on bookbindings of all periods. Mr Breslauer has attempted to obtain for his library as many special copies as possible of such works: author’s own and annotated copies, presentation copies, copies printed on vellum, on large and fine paper or in outstanding bindings. Such copies are, by their very nature, notoriously difficult to find, for owners of works of scholarship have, as a rule, paid scant attention to their physical qualities” (from the Introduction). ¶ Excellent copy.