Bosch (Gulnar Kheirallah), 1909-1998; Carswell (John), born 1931; Petherbridge (Guy), born 1944
Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago
Islamic bindings & bookmaking (catalogue of an exhibition at the Oriental Institute, the University of Chicago, 18 May-18 August 1981)
Chicago, Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum, 1981
(30 cm), xii, 235 (1) pp., 15 colour plates, 177 illustrations, 15 text figures. 100 catalogue entries. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - In 1929 the Oriental Institute acquired a collection of Islamic bookbindings from Dr Bernhard Moritz (1859-1939), a German Orientalist and Arabic scholar who had been head of the Khedivial Library in Cairo from 1896 to 1911. These bindings are catalogued in the present volume, preceded by lengthy essays by Gulnar Bosch (Islamic bookmaking: the historical setting) and by Gulnar Bosch and Guy Petherbridge (The Materials, techniques and structures of Islamic bookmaking). Also issued in publisher’s cloth, with dust jacket. ¶ Slight shelf wear; otherwise a fine, unmarked copy.