Bindings for Gian Federico Madruzzo (1530/1535-1586) View larger

Bindings for Gian Federico Madruzzo (1530/1535-1586)

Gian Federico Madruzzo first came to notice as a bibliophile in 1868, when three bindings decorated with his armorial insignia appeared in a sale in Paris of the stock of the Brighton bookseller Giovanni Garcia.1 Some copies of the auction sale catalogue contain, quite unusually, photographic illustrations of bindings, one of them Madruzzo’s copy of the 1559 Statius (lot 481; see no. 61 in the List below). The arms on its covers were drawn by Joannis Guigard and reproduced in his Nouvel armorial du bibliophile (1890). With few exceptions, Madruzzo’s books have since been identified correctly, albeit without consensus about the places and dates of binding.

During a collecting lifetime of some thirty years, Gian Federico (or his agents) patronised binders in Paris, Lyon, Rome, and northern Italy, who executed bindings for him in goatskin, calf, and vellum, and in a variety of styles. This has made him an attractive subject for connoisseurs of bookbindings. The Comtes de Chandon de Briailles (father and sons) acquired seven of Gian Federico’s bindings (sold in 1954), while T. Kimball Brooker collected eleven (to be sold 2023-2025). Jean Fürstenberg possessed four; Carl D. Becher, Hector Marie Auguste de Backer, and Michel Wittock each owned three; William Henry Corfield, Louis-Alexandre Barbet, Grace Whitney Hoff, Albert Ehrman, and Frederick B. Adams were content with one each.

Scholarly investigation of Gian Federico’s bindings commenced in 1935, when G.D. Hobson described six volumes decorated à la fanfare (a seventh was added by Anthony Hobson in 1970).2 In 1990, Paul Culot published another (no. 43 in our List), while claiming knowledge of “une vingtaine d’autres ouvrages.”3 Francesco Malaguzzi then took up the hunt, extending it to bindings made for other members of the Madruzzo family, referring in 1993 to “più di trenta” bindings for Gian Federico in an essay documenting the bibliophilism of the Madruzzo family.4 Malaguzzi published the same year a monograph on legature madruzziane, in which 37 bindings are listed (31 were made for Gian Federico and of these 16 are illustrated).5 Malaguzzi subsequently added four Gian Federico bindings to that corpus in a series of catalogues of bindings in Piemontese collections;6 Culot contributed five more;7 and André Markiewicz discovered an especially beautiful binding that Gian Federico had commissioned in Paris in 1555.8 The present list includes twenty-nine bindings not mentioned by Malaguzzi, Culot, or Markiewicz, in a new iteration of the census.9 It excludes books which belonged to Gian Federico, but do not display his name or armorial insignia on their covers.10 Also excluded are books bound for other members of the family (several of the latter are however listed in the Appendix).

Gian Federico was born in Trento, the son of Nicolò Madruzzo (1507?-1572), commander of the imperial army, and Hélène de Lamberg.11 No family was of greater local renown than the Madruzzi. Four of its members occupied uninterruptedly from 1539 to 1658 the seat of the prince-bishop of Trent, the first three acceding in addition to the cardinalate: Gian Federico’s uncle, Cristoforo (Cardinal, 1542; Fürstbischof, 1539); Gian Federico’s brother, Ludovico (Cardinal, 1561; Fürstbischof, 1567); Gian Federico’s second son, Carlo Gaudenzio (Cardinal, 1604; Fürstbischof 1600); and Gian Federico’s grandson, Carlo Emanuele (Fürstbischof, 1629-1658). It is therefore remarkable that Gian Federico’s early life should be so poorly documented. The date of his birth is uncertain, with the year variously stated as 1530, 1531, and 1535, and his place in the order of his siblings is contentious.12 He and his brother Ludovico, the future cardinal, were sent about 1546 to study in Louvain, however neither is mentioned in the matriculation roll of the Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis.13 It is claimed that they proceeded to Paris, for further studies (or to learn French), but no record of a visit exists.14 The brothers accompanied their father and uncle Cardinal Cristoforo to the imperial diet in Augsburg in 1547-1548; afterwards, Gian Federico renounced to Ludovico his office of canon in the cathedral of Trent. It seems to have been decided, that he would enter imperial service with a military vocation, and that Ludovico would seek an ecclesiastical career.

In August 1552, Gian Federico and his brother Giorgio were taken prisoner after a fierce naval battle near Ponza, transported by the Ottoman admiral Cabel Beg to Constantinople, incarcerated there for two years, then turned over to the French, who imprisoned Gian Federico for an additional two years in Lyon and in the tower of the Château de Vincennes outside Paris. Upon his release in May 1556, Gian Federico assumed command of the imperial garrison at Pavia, and on 1 October 1557 he married there Isabella di Challant (1531-1596), daughter of the Maresciallo di Savoia, Renato di Challant, next to duca Emanuele Filiberto the most powerful man in Savoy. Gian Federico entered the service of Emanuele Filiberto, who bestowed on him a succession of honours. In 1561, he was appointed Colonel of 6000 infantrymen (with an annual salary of 1000 ecus d’Italie); in 1569, he was nominated for the premier chivalric order of Ss. Annunziata;15 in 1570, he was the emissary of Savoy to the wedding of Charles IX of France; and in 1574, he became Savoy’s ambassador to the papal court of Gregory XIII. Gian Federico was appointed by Rudolph II in 1581 imperial ambassador to the papal court of Sixtus V, and he died in Rome in 1586 (interred in the family vault in Sant’Onofrio al Gianicolo).

Gian Federico’s interest in fine bindings seems to have been awakened during his captivity at Vincennes, where he and two fellow hostages (Peter Ernst, Graf von Mansfeld-Vorderort, captive June 1552-1557; and Philippe III de Croÿ, August 1553-May 1556) diverted themselves by collecting books. Ten bindings in our List have their date of binding (1555 or 1556) lettered either on their covers, or horizontally on the back, and can be attributed to this period with certainty (nos. 1, 2-6, 22, 24, 31, 70). Twelve others appear to have no lettered date, but are similarly decorated, and most likely were commissioned during Gian Federico’s imprisonment (nos. 16, 19, 35, 39, 41, 44, 43, 49-51, 59, 65).

Chosen for binding were Latin editions of the classics printed at Lyon by Sébastien Gryphe in sextodecimo (nos. 19, 22, 39, 65) and octavo format (no. 41), Gryphe’s sextodecimo edition of Erasmus’ collection of apophthegms from classical antiquity (no. 24), and the collection of apophthegms by the Dutch physician Jérémie de Drijvere (Thriveris), bound together with the miscellany from ancient history of Nicolò Leonico Tomeo, sextodecimos printed at Lyon (respectively) by the Beringen brothers and by Gryphe (no. 70). Another binding contains the geographical works of Solinus and Pomponius Mela in Latin editions in octavo format printed at Lyon by Gryphe and by Antoine Vincent (no. 59). Two bindings contain books from the Lyonese press of Guillaume Rouillé: an edition of Alciati’s Emblemata in octavo (no. 1), and a volume of the Corpus juris civilis in sextodecimo (no. 35). The outliers are a copy of the Lausiac History of Palladius, a quarto printed at Paris in 1555 (no. 44); an advice book for rulers, Antonio de Guevara’s L’Horloge des princes, a folio published at Paris in 1555 (no. 31); and a five-volume set of Amadis de Gaule, in folio editions printed at Paris 1544-1556 (nos. 2-6).

Gian Federico’s arms before 1569
Simpler form (nos. 1, 16, 19, 22, 24, 35, 39, 41, 43, 49-51, 59, 65, 70)
Right Surmounted by crests (nos. 2-6, 31, 44)

Patterns of strapwork ornament (nos. 19, 22, 24, 39, 43)

Two different arms blocks are used. On both the escutcheon is quartered, displaying 1. and 4. bandato d’azzurro e d’argento (Nanno); 2. and 3. di nero, al monte di cinque punte, d’argento, carico di uno scaglione, di rosso (Sparenberg); with the ancient arms of Madruzzo on an inescutcheon (d’argento, al gonfalone di rosso, frastagliato di 3 bandoni, munito di 2 anelli d’oro). The simpler of the two blocks is used on nine bindings, enclosed by elaborate strapwork, with a dotted (pointillé) ground (nos. 16, 19, 22, 24, 39, 43, 49-51). The same block is accompanied on four bindings (nos. 1, 35, 41, 70) by cornerpieces, of which there are three different designs. Some bindings have titles lettered horizontally on the spine, to facilitate their identification on the shelf, or in a travelling case. This decorative feature, and also the one of lettering 1555 or 1556 at the foot of the spine, occurs on several of Graf von Mansfeld’s bindings, and suggests reciprocal influences.

The other arms block presents the same quartering of the shield, but beneath a helmeted crest and eagle. It is used on the books in quarto and folio format (nos. 2-6, 31, 44). The exuberant decoration on the Guevara (no. 31) is comparable to that on a copy of Plato’s works in folio (Lyon: Godefroy & Marcellin Beringen for Antoine Vincent, 1548), which Gian Federico commissioned in 1555-1556 as a gift for his uncle, Cardinal Cristoforo (see Appendix 1: Bindings with the arms of Cardinal Cristoforo Madruzzo). The binder of the Plato placed the simpler Madruzzo arms block in the centres of the covers, amplifying it somewhat by addition of a cardinal’s galero and tasselated strings; however, the insignia remains sadly dwarfed on the covers. It could be that Gian Federico ordered as a remedy. The achievement strongly resembles fresco decoration painted in 1547-1548 on the southern wall of the Cappella Madruzzo in Trento [link]. Since the Guevara is more sumptuously decorated than any of the bindings Gian Federico ordered for himself, it may be that it also was intended for presentation - perhaps to Gian Federico’s father, Nicolò, who together with his uncle Cardinal Cristoforo had negotiated his ransom.

The bindings mentioned thus far were surely executed for Gian Federico before 25 March 1569, when he became a Cavaliere dell’Ordine Supremo della Santissima Annunziata. After that date the collar and badge of the Order surround the shield on his bindings. Two more bindings which likely predate 1569 have no armorial insignia, but are tooled in gilt “I F Y” and “Madrutz,” the initials apparently signifying Gian Federico and his wife Isabelle. One of them, covering a Lyonese imprint of 1554 (no. 71), is decorated on both covers by a panel stamp of strapwork and grotesque masks; it doubtless is a Lyonese binding. The other, on a Paris imprint of 1561 (no. 34), has the same lettering, however the decoration is minimal and localisation impossible.

Gian Federico’s arms after 1569
Left Chain lettered F-E-R-T (no. 11) Centre Chain unlettered (no. 42) Right Arms counterquartered (no. 73)

Many of the post-1569 bindings are fanfare and fanfare types, executed in the mid-1570s and 1580s. The characteristics of a binding à la fanfare were defined by G.D. Hobson: the whole surface of the covers is decorated by a symmetrical pattern of variously shaped compartments, each outlined by a double line on one side and a single line on the other, with a large oval central compartment (here containing Gian Federico’s arms, but often left empty; the other compartments generally contain arabesque tooling or are filled with sprays of olive or laurel).16 The earliest bindings in this style were classified by Hobson “type primatif,” because they are without foliage, or the foliage is not naturalistic; later examples “proprement dite.” Hobson identified seven of Gian Federico’s bindings as fanfare types (“primatif”: nos. 56, 61; “proprement dites”: nos. 11, 14, 21, 52, 72). Malaguzzi and/or Culot classified four more (“primatif”: no. 7; “proprement dites”: nos. 32, 57, 67); and six are added to the group here (“primatif”: no. 8; “proprement dites”: nos. 20, 36, 40, 66, 58).17

G.D. Hobson speculated that Madruzzo acquired these books ready-bound, perhaps from Plantin’s agent in Paris, and that his arms were added later. The claim seems doubtful, as on almost all the bindings Gian Federico’s arms fit perfectly within the central oval. An exception is no. 67, where the arms were clearly impressed on the covers after the binding had been executed. With mostly illustrations at our disposal, some of poor quality, it is not possible here to separate the works of one finisher from another, or to organize the bindings by workshop. Clearly, several kits of tools were used to produce them. The chains in the collar of the Ss. Annunziata differ, with some lettered F-E-R-T (an acronym of the motto of the House of Savoy) and others unlettered.

Fanfare bindings: Type primatif (no. 56); Type proprement dites (nos. 21, 32, 40)

Upon marriage, Gian Federico acquired by contract the comital title of Challant (he became 6° conte di Challant after the death of Renato in 1565), the baronies of d’Aymavilles and Bauffremont, and seigneuries in Aosta, Monferrato, and Lorraine. On two bindings (nos. 37, 73) the quartered shield is partitioned 1. Nanno and Sparenberg, 2. Aosta and Challant, 3) Valangin and Bauffrement, 4) Nanno and Sparenberg, with again the old arms of Madruzzo on the inescutcheon. When no. 37 was in the hands of Bernard Breslauer, he speculated that it might be a Roman binding.

After their marriage, Gian Federico and Isabella lived initially in Riva and Trento, moving during the mid-1560s to the Castello di Issogne, the ancestral seat of the Challant family in the Valle d’Aosta. Until his appointment in 1574 as ambassador to the papal court in Rome, Gian Federico resided here, and it was during this period that he seems to have collected the main part of his library.

Inscriptions by Gian Federico Madruzzo in no. 43. Comparable inscriptions were incised by him in the walls of the Castello di Issogne

A feature of the Castello is graffiti that its inhabitants and visitors have incised in its walls, the earliest dating from about 1489. A typical graffito has the date, a series of initials, a biblical or classical quotation, sometimes accompanied by a symbol. Remarkably, Gian Federico began to write comparable inscriptions in his books. Into his copy of the collection of spurious chronicles written by the Domincan friar Giovanni Nanni, bound in 1555 during his imprisonment in the Château de Vincennes (no. 43), he placed inscriptions dated 4 August 1564 and 23 June 1565 with his initials and surname (Hieronymus Fridericus, Freiherr zu Madrutz), “Benedictus Dominus Deus meus” (Psalm 144) and “non hic [symbol of the Sacred Heart] | satiabor.” Omar Borettaz, who has transcribed and published some 600 of the graffiti in the castle, records two left by Gian Federico in the “corridoio verde”, one reading “15y65 20 iunii | Benedictus est Dominus Deus meus | F.Z. Madrus,” and almost matching the inscription in the book, the other “X augusti 15y64 | Sperat et perseverat | H. … Z. Madruz,” close in date.18 Gian Federico’s copy of the treatise of St Augustinus on the harmony of the Evangelists (no. 39) is inscribed “15y74 25. aprilis. Die S. Marci … perlegi hunc librum ad laudem et utinam ad meam salutem. Laus Deo. Amen. D[eus].P[astor].M[eus].”.

When he was appointed Savoy’s ambassador to the papal court, in 1574, Gian Federico extracted from the Castello di Issogne the most valuable portable chattels, including silver, textiles, and what he apparently regarded as his “best” books, and installed himself in the Palazzo dei Penitenzieri (formerly delle Rovere) in Piazza Scossacavalli nel rione Borgo, where he lived for the remainder of his life in the company of his brother, Cardinal Ludovico. Gian Federico continued to commission fine bindings. He acquired Luis de Granada’s Obras espirituales, published at Antwerp by Christophe Plantin, in 1572, in fourteen volumes. Five volumes of the set in Roman bindings have so far come to light (nos. 26-30). Malaguzzi credited another volume, Gian Federico’s copy of the 1572 St Bonaventura (no. 17), to the Vatican binder, Niccolò Franzese; however, Anthony Hobson has reassigned it to an anonymous Roman shop.

No testament or post mortem inventory of Gian Federico’s possessions is known. The project Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines, an investigation of the noble libraries in the Valle d’Aosta, principally through the transcription of post-mortem inventories, initiated by Paulette Taieb,19 has made available in searchable databases library inventories taken in 1617-1618 at the Castello di Issogne and in 1630 at the Palazzo dei Penitenzieri in Borgo, which provide clues to the dispersal of Gian Federico’s books.

The books in Rome became the property of Gian Federico’s second son, Carlo Gaudenzio (1562-1629), who was guided by his uncle, Cardinal Ludovico, into a successful ecclesiastical career, becoming in 1595 coadjutor of his uncle as bishop of Trento (succeeding him in 1600), and created Cardinal by Pope Clement VII in 1604. After Carlo Gaudenzio’s death, on 14 August 1629, an inventory was taken of his possessions in the family palace “in Borgo,” with the library inventoried separately (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb). Forty-eight of the 73 bindings in our List can be linked to entries in this inventory. When and how these books reached the market is presently unknown.20 Four volumes, apparently recorded by the notary in 1630 (nos. 16, 49-51), have on their title-pages the ownership inscription of Giovanni Benedetto Colocci (1563-1638), stating that they were gifts from the Cardinal: “Munus Ill[ustriss]imi D[omini] Caroli Card[ina]lis Madrutij Jo: Benedicto Colocio”. Giovanni Benedetto studied law for three years in Rome and another three in Macerata, where in 1590 he was laureated doctor; he is well-known as a bibliophile.21 “Il signor Ippolito Colocci” is among the familiari named as beneficiaries in the Cardinal's testament, however he does not seem to be a direct relation of Giovanni Benedetto.

Gian Federico had left behind in the Castello di Issogne some books collected during his “periodo valdostano”. Those which can be identified are in unpretentious bindings, albeit decorated with Gian Federico’s gilt arms (nos. 10, 12, 13, 25, 33, 53, 60). They became the property of his eldest son, Emanuele Renato (1558-1614), 7° comte de Challant, then of his heir, Carlo Emanuele (1599-1658), 8° comte de Challant. In 1617-1618, Carlo Emanuele ordered an inventory of Castello di Issogne (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n° 1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website). It lists books kept in the “Gabinetto del Sgr Conte” and in the “Gabinetto della capella”, the latter housing according to Taieb’s reckoning around 600 titles [link]. Six of the seven identified volumes correspond to entries in this 1617-1618 inventory, the exception being no. 13 (presented by Emanuele Renato to Ernst Freiherr von Wolkenstein-Rodenegg). Most of the books were still in family possession when an inventory was taken in 1775. It is suspected that some books reached the market early in the 19th century through the agency of a Torinese bookseller, Ignazio Genova.22

1. Delbergue-Cormont & Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. G. Gancia composée en partie de livres de la première bibliothèque du Cardinal Mazarin et d’ouvrages précieux, Paris, 27 April-2 May 1868, lots 109, 481, 585 (respectively nos. 11, 61, 18 in List below). Lots 109 and 481 were subsequently offered at fixed prices in a “Catalogue de la bibliothèque d’un amateur” [pp.12, 86; link]. Gancia is first recorded as a bookseller in 1839, trading from 61 King’s Road, Brighton, Sussex (British Book Trade Index, link). Four catalogues issued by him in 1852-1854 from 73 King’s Road, Brighton, are digitised by Google Books [link]. Other auction sales of his stock were conducted in London, 27 June 1856, 23 June 1858, 18 June 1860; and in Paris, by Antoine Laurent Potier & Boulouze, 13-18 February 1860, and by Delbergue-Cormont & Adolphe Labitte, 11-12 April 1872. None of those catalogues offered Madruzzo bindings.

2. Geoffrey D. Hobson, Les reliures à la fanfare, Le problème de l’s fermé … Deuxième édition, augmentée d’un Supplément contenant des additions et corrections par Anthony R.A. Hobson (Amsterdam 1970), nos. 12a (no. 61 Statius in List below), 14a (no. 56 Seneca), 74 (no. 11 Bernardus Claravallensis), 80 (no. 21 Dionysius Areopagita), 107 (no. 72 Vida), 140 (no. 14 Biblia Sacra 1583); Supplément 60b (no. 52 Plutarchus 1566), 81b (no. 21 Dionysius Areopagita).

3. Anthony Hobson & Paul Culot, Italian and French 16th-century bookbindings (revised edition, Brussels 1991), no. 50 (no. 58 in the edition 1990).

4. F. Malaguzzi, “Committenza madruzziana di legature di pregio” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), pp.661-671 (p.662) nos. 34-40. Three bindings were made for Gian Federico (nos. 14, 43, 60 in our List) and four for other members of the Madruzzo family.

5. F. Malaguzzi, Regiam sibi bibliothecem instruxit: legature di pregio del secondo Cinquecento dalla raccolta di Gian Federico Madruzzo (Trento [1993]). His list of 37 volumes (pp.36-45) includes two repetitions: nos. 10 and 28 are the same binding; likewise, nos. 19-20. Two volumes were not bound for Gian Federico, but for others: no. 27 was made for Paolo Giordano I Orsini, Duke of Bracciano (1541-1585), an inaccurate interpretation by Malaguzzi of Leo & Edwin Baer, La France: littérature, histoire, beaux-arts, livres illustrés, riches reliures, monuments typographiques. 1ère ptie, Livres et gravures du XIIe au XVIIe siècle (Annemasse [1934]), item 162 (“Trois volumes mar olive ... Au centre des plats dans un medaillon ovale les armes de Paul Jordan Orsini” [link]); no. 29, was made for a different member of the Madruzzo family, see below: Appendix 2, no. A2a). Two volumes are in impersonal bindings, and most likely were bought second hand: no. 36, with inscriptions linking the volume to Gian Federico (see footnote 10 below); no. 37, presumed to be the copy listed in an inventory taken at the Castello di Issogne, in 1618, but without evidence of Gian Federico’s ownership [link].

6. In our List, these are nos. 25 Giustiniani (F. Malaguzzi, Vestire i libri: Mostra di legature preziose in biblioteche biellesi, Biella 1995, p.13 no. 7; F. Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: legature di pregio in Piemonte, 2: Il Biellese, Turin 1996, pp.95-96 & Pl. 2); 34 Hozjusz (F. Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: legature di pregio in Piemonte, 4: Il Vercellese, Turin 1998, pp.76-77); 10 Beda (F. Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: Legature di pregio in Piemonte. Il Cuneese, Turin 2006, p.46 & Pl. 35); 9 St Augustinus (F. Malaguzzi, De libris: cinquecento anni di bibliofilia in Piemonte, Turin 2007, p. 73, no. 83).

In our List, these are nos. 18 Boscán, 28 Granada, 32 Herodianus, 67 Tauler (P. Culot, “Un bibliophile du Trentin, Gian Federico Madruzzo (1531-1586): Les reliures frappées à ses armoiries” in Bulletin du bibliophile, 1997, no. 1, pp.148-153 (pp.149-150); 38 Leonico (P. Culot, “Une reliure française au décor doré, frappée aux armoiries de Gian Federico Madruzzo (1531-1586)” in Bulletin du bibliophile, 1997, no. 2, pp.363-366).

No. 31 Guevara: André Markiewicz, “A propos d’une reliure de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Nancy: Le bibliophile italien Gian Federico Madruzzo (1531-1586)” in Mémoires de l’Académie de Stanislas (1999-2000), pp.87-101 (p.95: “Les études récemment menées ont permis de retrouver et d’identifier à ce jour 39 reliures ayant appartenu à Jean-Frédéric de Madruce. … La reliure nancéienne est une quarantième pièce à verser au dossier…” [pdf, link]).

9. Our additions are nos. 2-6 Amadis de Gaule, 7 St Augustinus, 13 Bible, 15 Bible, 16 Bible, 20 Cicero, 24 Erasmus, 26 Granada, 27 Granada, 36 Thomas à Kempis, 37 Leo I, 39 Lucanus, 40 Lucanus, 41 Macrobius, 47 Petrarca, 49-51 Plutarchus, 53 Plutarchus, 54 Prudentius 1562, 55 Prudentius 1566, 59 Solinus, 66 Suetonius, 68-69 Thevet. Our knowledge of nos. 2-6, 15, 16, 40, 44, 49-51, 53, 68-69 is entirely owing to the kindness of Federico Macchi.

10. Among such books are

(a) Claudio Corte, Il cavalerizzo (Lyon: Alessandro Marsili & Pierre Roussin, 1573), bound in plain vellum, with presentation inscription on its title-page to his third son, Ferdinand Gabriele (1564-1618): “A ferdinand de Madruz comte d’Ave mon fils” ● Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale, 234630 (opac, [link]).

(b) Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, In hoc volumine continentur C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolarum libri nouem (Venice: Giovanni Rosso & Bernardino Rosso, December 1510), bound in vellum, with presentation inscription to the Portuguese humanist Aquiles Estaço: “1578 29 novembrio dono datum hic liber mihi Io: Federico Madrutio ab Achille Statio lusitano optm. vero amicus mihi. Roma in Burgo” ● Bloomsbury / Philobiblon Auctions, Asta 3: Millecinquecento libri del cinquecento, Rome, 1-2 December 2015, lot 663 [link].

(c) Pietro Andrea Mattioli, New Kreüterbuch. Mit den allerschönsten und artlichsten Figuren aller Gewechsz, dergleichen vormals in keiner sprach nie an Tag kommen (Prague & Venice: Jiří Melantrich & Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1563) ● Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, Ris. 10, Atl 4. This book evidently was bought second-hand or ready-bound; for its binding, see Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit 1993, no. 36 & Pl. 19; and for the inscriptions “Madruzzo” and “15y72 / D.P.M. / H.F.F.Z. Madrutz” see ibid., Fig. 6 & p.95.

11. Pompeo Litta, Famiglie celebri di Italia: Madruzzo di Trento (Milan 1841) [link].

12. Cf. Malaguzzi (Regiam, op. cit. 1993, p.17) and Markiewicz (op. cit., p.91), both giving a birthdate of 1531 without hesitation; Paolo Cozzo (in Madruzzo’s entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 67, 2006, pp.180-181 [link]) writes “Nacque nel 1530 o nel 1531”; Wikipedia currently opts for 1535 [link]. Cf. Severino Vareschi, “Profili biografici dei principali personaggi della casa Madruzzo” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), pp.52-53, as “Figlio primogenitor (probabilmente)”; Paolo Cozzo’s more recent entry in the DBI (op. cit.) asserts “terzogenito.”

13. Malaguzzi curiously offers “Schillings” in a footnote (Regiam, op. cit. 1993, p.19), implying that Gian Federico is named in A.H. Schilling’s edition of the Matricule de l’Université de Louvain, IV: Février 1528-février 1569 (Brussels 1966). Only Gian Federico’s half-brother, Aliprando (1543-1606), who arrived there in 1564, is indexed.

14. Cf. Bernard Steinhauf, Giovanni Ludovico Madruzzo (1532-1600): katholische Reformation zwischen Kaiser und Papst (Münster 1993), pp.9, 13, 24, 220.

15. The letter of nomination is transcribed by Ernesto Bianco di San Secondo, “Giovanni Federico Madruzzo ambasciatore di Emanuele Filiberto. Notizie e carteggi” in Studi trentini di scienze storiche 9 (Fascicolo 2, 1928), pp.103-132 (p.112 [link]).

16. See Anthony Hobson, “Three bindings à la fanfare and the origins of the fanfare style” in The Arcadian Library: bindings and provenance (Oxford 2014), pp.177-190 (p.179).

17. Perhaps also nos. 47, 59 (images of both are lacking).

18. Omar Borettaz, I graffiti nel castello di Issogne in Valle d’Aosta (Turin 1995), nos. 389 and 478. Compare inscriptions nos. 377, 386, both commencing with letters “I.F.M.” (Iohannes Fridericus Madrutius); nos. 392, 462, for dates expressed “15y67” and “15y65” and “Benedictus Dominus Deus,” etc.

19. Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines [link].

20. In his testament, Carlo Gaudenzio named his nephews, Vittorio Gaudenzio (1597-1630) and Carlo Emanuele (b. 1599), as heirs to his property, including the Roman palace. The death of Vittorio (leaving only a daughter) caused his younger brother, Carlo Emanuele, to leave the Church, and to marry Claudia Particella (1597-ca 1667). The Roman palace was sold in 1648 (Maria Gemma Pavioli, I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), [Italy] 2015).

21. See Elisa Curti, “La Biblioteca della famiglia Colocci di Jesi e un dimenticato fondo librario di Montecarotto (An)” in La Bibliofilía 112 (2010), pp.13-20. Giovanni Benedetto divided with his brother Francesco the large family library collected by their ancestor, the humanist Angelo Colocci, and father, the poet and scholar Ippolito Colocci (d. 1592). Some of Giovanni Benedetto’s books can be identified from his ownership inscriptions in the Fondo Colocciano in the Biblioteca Planettiana in Jesi.

22. Francesco Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: legature di pregio in Piemonte, 2: Il Biellese (Turin 1996), pp.95-96.

bindings with the arms of gian federico madruzzo

(1) Andrea Alciati, Emblemata D.A. Alciati, denuo ab ipso autore recognita, ac, quae desiderabantur, imaginibus locupletata (Lyon: Macé Bonhomme & Guillaume Rouillé, 1551)

Octavo. USTC 154134. Binding: Parisian, 1555. Title and date of binding “1555” lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.239 recto (line 27): Alciati Emblemata” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Alessando Semitecolo, inkstamp “Ex Bibliot.a N.V. Alex Semitecolo” on title-page
● Charles van der Elst (1904-1982)
● Ader Picard Tajan & Claude Guérin with Dominique Courvoisier, Manuscrits et livres anciens, Paris, 16 September 1988, lot 5
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 4500) [L’Argus du livre 1988-1989, no. 113]
● Zisska & Kistner, Auktion 22: Handschriften, Autographen, seltene Bücher, Munich, 20-21 April 1993, lot 210 (“Exemplar in dekorativem spanischen Einband aus Soria in Altkastilien.”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (DM 1900) [Jahrbuch der Auktionspreise]
● Reiss & Sohn, Auktion 215: Wertvolle Bücher, Handschriften: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne, Königstein im Taunus, 3-4 May 2023, lot 357 (“Ldr. d. Zt. mit Rückenvergoldung, dreifachen Deckelfileten, goldgepr. orientalisierenden Eckstücken, gepunztem Goldschnitt und Wappensupralibros der aus dem Trentino stammenden Adelsfamilie Madruzzo (Madruze, Madrutsch); Kapitale, Ecken und vorderes Gelenk mit hervorragenden Ergänzungen.Provenienz: Familie Madruzzo (Wappensupralibros; möglicherweise Jean-Frédéric Madruzzo de Trente; 1534-1586); Alessandro (hier: Alexandro) Semitecolo (Stempel auf Titel u. letztem Blatt; Venezianischer Adliger, Provveditor 1765-1767); Exlibris Charles vander Elst; Zisska & Kistner, Auktion 22 (1993), Los 210” [catalogue, link; images, link, link])

Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 4)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 23
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (“A/ Armoiries simples: a) Coins ornés, no. 1”)

(2-6) Amadis de Gaule, [volume 1:] Le premier livre d’Amadis de Gaule, traictant de maintes aventures d’armes et d’amours, qu’envers plusieurs chevaliers et Dames, tant du royaume de la Grand’Bretaigne, que d’autres païs (Paris: Étienne Groulleau for Vincent Sertenas, 1548), bound with: Le second livre de Amadis de Gaule (Paris: Pasquier Le Tellier for Vincent Sertenas, 1550), bound with: Le tiers livre de Amadis de Gaule, contenant les guerres et discordz qui survindent en la Grand’Bretaigne, et ses environs, à l’occasion du mauvais conseil que receut le Roy Lisvast de Gandadel (Paris: Vincent Sertenas, 1547)

[volume 2:] Le quatriesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, auquel on peut voir quelle issue eut la guerre entreprise par le Roy Lisvast contre Amadis (Paris: Vincent Sertenas, 1555), bound with: Le cinquiesme livre de Amadis de Gaule, contenant partie des faictz chevalereux d’Esplandian son filz et autres (Paris: Denis Janot for Vincent Sertenas, 1544).

[volume 3:] Le sixiesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, qui traicte amplement des grands faicts d’armes et adventures estranges, tant de Perion son filz, qe de Lisurat de Graece, filz d’Esplandian (Paris:[Jeanne de Marnef?] 1544), bound with: Le septiesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, histoire très excellente d’Amadis de Grece, surnommé le chevalier de l’ardante épée, filz de Lisuart de Grece et de la belle Ondorie de Trébizonde (Paris: Jeanne de Marnef for Vincent Sertenas, 1546), bound with: Le huitiesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, auquel sont recitées les hautes prouesses et faitz merveilleux d’Amadis de Grece, surnommé le chevalier à l’ardante épée (Paris: Étienne Groulleau pour Vincent Sertenas, 1548)

[volume 4:] Le neufiesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, auquel sont contenuez les gestes de Dom Florisel de Niquée surnommé le chevalier à la Bergère, qui fut filz d’Amadis de Grece et de la belle Niquée (Paris: Étienne Groulleau for Jean Longis & Vincent Sertenas, 1553), bound with: Le dixiesme livre d’Amadis de Grece, auquel (continuant les haultz faitz d’armes et prouesses admirables de Dom Florisel de Niquée et des invincibles Anaxartes et la pucelle Alastraxercée sa soeur) est traité de la furieuse guerre qui fut entre les princes gaulois et grecz pour le recouvrement de la belle Hélène d’Apolonie (Paris: Étienne Groulleau for Jean Longis & Vincent Sertenas, 1555)

[volume 5:] L’onziesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, traduit d’espagnol en francoys, continuant les entreprises chaleureuses et aventureuses estranges, tant de luy que des princes de son sang (Paris: Étienne Groulleau for Vincent Sertenas, 1554), bound with: Le douziesme livre d’Amadis de Gaule, contenant quelle fin prindrent les loyales amours d’Agesilan de Colches et de la princesse Diane (Paris: Étienne Groulleau & Vincent Sertenas, 1556)

Folio, 12 parts bound in 5 volumes. USTC 40605, 60187, 24295; 27140, 24283; 49795, 41486, 60186; 27137, 27143; 31101, 38584. Bindings: Parisian, 1556. Date “1556” lettered on covers.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.13 (line 5) “Historia di Amadis de Gaula, volume cinq” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Armand Cigongne (1790-1859), exlibris
● Henri Eugène Philippe Louis d’Orléans, duc d’Aumale (1822-1897)
● Chantilly, Bibliothèque du musée Condé, VIII H 13-17 (opac Reliure 16e siècle, veau fauve, filets dorés et entrelacs peints, armes d’un prince allemand (non identifié), tranches dorées et gaufrées 1er vol.: dos refait (caissons 3, 4, 5, 7 d’origine), plats remontés, entrelacs et armes repeintes 2-4e vol.: dos d’origine, coiffes refaites, coins refaits, entrelacs et armes repeints 5e vol.: dos d’origine, coiffes refaites, coins refaits, repeints des entrelacs enlevés sur les plats … “Réglé, rempli de témoins. Charmant bois. Très belle reliure ancienne et uniforme, portant la date de 1556 et les armes en or et en couleurs d’un prince allemand.” (cat. du duc d’Aumale) [link; image, link])

Antoine Le Roux de Lincy, Catalogue des livres, manuscrits et imprimés composant la bibliothèque de M. Armand Cigongne (Paris 1861), no. 1852 (“Douze parties in-fol. fig. sur bois, reliées en cinq volumes, veau fauve antique, tr. dor. et gaufrée. Très-belle reliure ancienne et uniforme, portant la date de 1556 et les armes en or et en couleur d’un prince allemand” [link]) [library purchased en bloc by the Duc d’Aumale]
Léopold Delisle, Chantilly. Le cabinet des livres: Imprimés antérieurs au milieu du XVIe siècle (Paris 1905), pp.14-15 no. 68 (“Reliure datée de 1556, aux armes d’un prince ou seigneur de l’Empire” [link])

(7) St Augustinus, Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi, de consensu Evangelistarum, libri quatuor (Paris: Charlotte Guillard, 1538)

Octavo. USTC 147370. Binding: Parisian, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros, inscriptions: “15y72. ult. Iunii. Ben. dns. meus. Amen,” “15y74 25. aprilis. Die S. Marci … perlegi hunc librum ad laudem et utinam ad meam salutem. Laus Deo. Amen. D.P.M. [Deus Pastor Meus]” (compare transcription by Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, p.95)
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.244 recto (line 29): “D. Aurelij Augustini de consensu evangelistarum” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
Martin Breslauer Inc., New York; their Catalogue 104: Fine books in fine bindings (New York [1979]), item 48 ($7800; “Parisan ‘fanfare’ binding of c. 1572 … almost identical with the one illustrated in the Whitney Hoff catalogue on plate XXXV”)
● Claudio de Polo, Trieste (?)
● Christie’s Roma, Libri e autografi, Rome, 16 June 2005, lot 134 (“Legatura alla fanfare per il Conte Gianfederico Madruzzo eseguita nel 1572 circa in vitello marrone, sui piatti grande ovale contenente lo stemma gentilizio coll’Ordine dell’Annunziata circondato da girari fitomorfi in oro e parzialmente colorati in argento, dorso liscio con decorazione geometrica e fitomorfa, tagli dorati e fermagli (sapienti restauri).”) [RBH 2470-134]
● unsold (estimate €8000-12,000)

Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 7)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 1 & Pl. 13
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: b) ‘Fanfare,’ type primitif, no. 1”); p.152 (“Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)

(8) St Augustinus, D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De doctrina christiana libri IIII: omnibus sacram scripturam vel recte intelligere, vel fructuose populo p[ro]ponere volentibus perqua[m] utiles et necessarii (Paris: [Nicolas Barbou] for Jean Foucher, 1541), bound with St Augustinus, D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi, De fide & operibus liber unus (Paris: [Nicolas Barbou] for Jean Foucher, 1542)

Octavo. USTC 199355, 116386 (as sextodecimo). Binding: French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.244 verso (line 30): “De doctrina Christiana D. Augustini” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Thierry de Maigret & Fabrice Teissèdre, Livres anciens; Livres du XIXe et modernes, Paris, 4 March 2016, lot 3 (“basane fauve, dos et plats ornés d’un décor d’arabesques et de feuillages, armes au centre entourées du collier de l’ordre de l’Annonciade, tranches dorées (reliure de l’époque). Une note ancienne au crayon indique qu’il s’agit des armes de Jean-Pierre [sic] de Madruze, comte d’Avy et marquis de Sorian, chevalier de l’Annonciade. Discrètes restaurations aux coiffes et aux coins. Bel exemplaire, réglé” [link; website, link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (€1700 without fees)
● New York, Pierpont Morgan Library & Museum, 196542.1-2 (opac Brown calf, tooled in gilt to a simple (often called ‘primitive’) fanfare design with painted (oxydized silver?) strapwork and Madruzzo’s arms in a central medallion; smooth back, all edges gilt. Binding possibly attributed to Claude de Picques (see Needham, Twelve Centuries, no. 81 … marginal annotations and inscriptions (front pastedown and colophon of De fide) dated June-August 1572 [link, link])


(9) St Augustinus, D. Aurelii Augustini… Meditationum libellus plane piissimus. Hunc alii Anselmo Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo ascribunt (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1550), bound with Bible - Psalms, Liber psalmorum Parisiis. Ex officina Dyonisii Lanotii (Paris: Denis Janot [s.d., 1539?])

Sextodecimo. USTC 123026, 186146. French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.244 verso (line 26) “D. Aurelij Augustini Medit[atio]nes” or f.251 verso (line 27) “Meditationes Sancti Augustini” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● private collection (Malaguzzi)

Francesco Malaguzzi, De libris: cinquecento anni di bibliofilia in Piemonte (Turin 2007), p.26 (“Il panorama di esemplari appartenuti a raccolte private dal Cinquecento a oggi inizia con una paio di volume (n. 83, 84) della biblioteca portatile di Gian Federico Madruzzo…”), p.73 no. 83

(10) Beda Venerabilis, Opera bedae venerabilis presbyteri, anglosaxonis: viri in divinis atque hvmanis literis exercitatissimi: omnia in octo tomos distincta addito rerum et verborum indice copiosißimo (Basel: Johann Herwagen, 1563)

Folio. USTC 679606 (issued in 8 volumes). Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.7 (line 14) “Opera Bedae venerabilis tomi 7. ligati in 5. volume” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● possibly François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (listing 422 books in the family library), f.15 Cote Ab_09->13 “Opera Bedæ Venerabilis Presbyteri, Anglo-Saxonis: viri in Divinis atque humanis literis exercitatissimi: omnia in octo Tomos distincta, pro ut statim post Præfationem suo Elencho enumerantur. Addito rerum & verborum” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)

Francesco Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: Legature di pregio in Piemonte. Il Cuneese (Turin 2006), p.46 & Pl. 35

(11) Bernardus Claravallensis, S. Bernardi abbat. Claraevallis De consideratione ad Eugenium libri V. Eiusdem De praecepto, & dispensatione libellus (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1571)

Sextodecimo. USTC 404634. Binding: Parisian, after 1571 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.244 recto (line 26): “Divi Bernardi de considert[ione] ad Eugenium” or f.258 recto (line 4): “Sti. Bernardi Abb: de consideratione ad Eugenium” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Gancia, Brighton & Paris
● Delbergue-Cormont & Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. G. Gancia composée en partie de livres de la première bibliothèque du Cardinal Mazarin et d’ouvrages précieux, Paris, 27 April-2 May 1868, lot 109 (“in-16, mar. br. avec comp., tr. dor. Magnifique reliure à la fanfare à comp. et riches dorures, reliure française de la plus grande beauté. Exemplaire aux armes de Jean-Fréd. Madruze” [link])
● [fixed-price catalogue of an unidentified Parisian bookseller, perhaps Antoine-Laurent Potier, offering Gancia’s books; drop-head title:] Catalogue de la Bibliothèque d’un amateur. Pour les conditions, voir la couverture du présent Catalogue (Paris, “imp. De Jouaust, rue Saint-Honore, 338,” undated [the date 1865 is found in text]), p.86 [unnumbered entry] (FF45; “Riche reliure du temps a petits fers, aux armes de Jean-Frederic Madruze…” [link]) [the only known copy of this catalogue belonged to the Florentine bibliophile Giovanni Nencini (1803-1878) and was bequeathed by him to the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, shelfmark Nencini; link]
● Librairie Damascène Morgand, Paris; their Bulletin mensuel, nouvelle série - No. 7, Novembre 1908 (Paris 1908), item 50 [link]; Livres dans de riches reliures (Paris 1910), item 69 & Pl. 15 (“pet. in-12 réglé, mar. olive, dos orné, compart. dorés couvrant les plats avec feuillages, tr. dor. (Rel. anc.) Très jolie reliure … aux armes de Jean-Frédéric Madruze” [link])
● Hector Marie Auguste de Backer (1843-1925)
● Fernand Lair-Dubreuil & Librairie Giraud-Badin, Bibliothèque de feu M. Hector de Backer, Deuxième partie, Paris, 28-31 March 1927, lot 2680 (“réglé, mar. brun, les plats couverts de compart. de fil droits, courbes et entrelacés avec guirlandes de feuillages et fers azurés, dos orne, tr. dor. … Jolie reliure dans le genre des Eve, aux armes de J.F. de Madruze” [link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 4000) [Annuaire des ventes de livres, link]
● Albert Besombes, Paris; their Très beaux livres anciens, ouvrages illustrés, riches reliures armoriées, livres sur les arts (Paris 1927), item 39 & Pl. 4 (“in-16 réglé, maroquin brun, plats entièrement couverts de compartiments de filets droits et courbes entrelacés avec branches de feuillages, dos orne, tr. dor (Rel anc.) FF 6000 … Jolie reliure ornée dans le style des Eve et aux armes de Jean-Frédéric de Madruze, comte d’Avi et marquis de Sorian” [link])
● Renaud-Giquello & Dominique Courvoisier with Emmanuel de Broglie, Livres & manuscrits, Paris, 8 February 2006, lot 29 [link]
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (€4800) [L’Argus du livre 2006, no. 1304]
● private collection (Malaguzzi)

G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.17 (“Troisième liste: Les reliures ‘à la fanfare’ proprement dites,” no. 74) and p.39 (“Sixième liste: Livres imprimés à Anvers,” no. 72)
Mirjam Foot, The Henry Davis gift: a collection of bookbindings, 1: Studies in the history of bookbinding (London 1978), p.165 (note 57)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 8
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 3”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)
Francesco Malaguzzi, De libris: cinquecento anni di bibliofilia in Piemonte (Turin 2007), p.26 (“Il panorama di esemplari appartenuti a raccolte private dal Cinquecento a oggi inizia con una paio di volumi (n. 83, 84) della biblioteca portatile di Gian Federico Madruzzo…”), p.73 no. 84

(12) Bible - Polyglot, Biblia sacra Hebraïcae, Chaldaïcae, Graece, & Latine, Philippi 2. Reg. Cathol. pietate, et studio ad Sacrosanctae Ecclesiae vsum (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, [1569-1573])

Folio. USTC 401394 (issued in eight volumes). Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 1573 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
probably Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.5 (line 21): “Biblia Sac., Ebraice, Chaldaice, Grece, et Latine stampata in Anversa tomus primus, Thomus secundus, Thom. 3e, thom. 4, et tom. 5. de methodica concordantiarum sac. Scripturae” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● probably François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (422 entries), f.5 Cote Aa 01-04: “Biblia Sacra Hebraïcae, Chaldaïcae, Graecae et Latine, Pietatis concordiae Isaia 11. Philippi II Reg. cathol. pietate et studio ad sacro sanctae Ecclesiae usum, Christoph. Plantinus excud. Antwerpiae 1569. 9 vol. grand avec fig. in-fol.” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
probably François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), post-mortem inventory (244 entries), f.3 no. 1: “Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Chaldaice, Grece et Latine, Philippi Secundi Regis, vol. 9: [publication date in inventory: 1569]” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 243, n° 4; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 34 (refers to 1775 Challant inventory; p.40: “presumibilmente rimasti nella biblioteca di Issogne dopo il trasferimento di Carlo Emanuele a Trento, passati ai Challant di Châtillon, andati a Torino e ritornati in valle”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit., p.153 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: f) Bordure aux filets, no. 3”; “Le décor des plus simples s’observe sur des reliures d’origines diverses; il a pu être exécuté dans un atelier du Trentin…”)

(13) Biblia - Latin, Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, Romaeque revisa in quibus praeterea, quae subsequens praefatio indicat, capita singula ita versibus distincta sunt (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1573)

Octavo. USTC 141032. Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 1573 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), presentation inscription “Emanuel Renatus comes Schialati et aui baro Madruttij Brentoni etc. dono dedi hunc librum D. Ernesto barone a Wolchestain consanguineo optimo, Auguste Vindelicorum anno 82 in comitijs imperialibus” (Fedele & Gonzo)
● Ernst, baron Wolkenstein (1552-1616)
● Carlo Melchiori (d. 1669), inscription dated 1668 (transcribed by Fedele & Gonzo)
● Trento, Biblioteca S. Bernardino, m-IX-16 (opac [link])

Claudio Fedele & Anna Gonzo, Incunaboli e cinquecentine della Fondazione Biblioteca S. Bernardino di Trento (Trento 2004), no. 450 (“Legatura del XVI sec., seconda metà; arte francese; alle armi di Gian Federico Malaguzzi in marocchino marrone tendente al rosso; piatti decorati in oro con riquadro di due filetti accantonato internamente da una foglia d’acanto, écoinçon con arabeschi su fondo azzurrato, stemma (Malaguzzi tipo C.1.d) su un seminato di gigli araldici; dorso rinforzato in pergamena e rivestito successivamente in carta pesante; taglio dorato e cesellato con motivi fitomorfi; titolo e data di stampa manoscritti sul dorso… Exemplaire réglé. Sconosciuta a Malaguzzi F., Regiam…, che descrive una legatura simile, tav. 8, p.132” [i.e. our List no. 52])

(14) Bible - Latin, Biblia sacra. Quid in hac editione a theologis Louaniensibus praestitum sit, eorum praefatio indicat (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1583)

Folio. USTC 415623. Binding: Parisian, after 1583 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.240 verso (line 10): “Biblia sacra” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Imperial Regia Biblioteca di Milano (Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit., p.96))
● Milan, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, LP. 0006 (opac Per la legatura cfr. Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Arte della legatura a Brera, a cura di Federico Macchi, p.198 fig. 82 [link])

Biblioteca nazionale Braidense, Catalogo descrittivo della mostra bibliografica (Milan 1929), p.50, no. 157 & Pl. 36 (“Leg. francese, fine sec. XVI, su vitello naturale … Nel centro, in un ovale mosaicato rosso, una targa barocca con stemma e corona comitale”) [arms not identified as Madruzzo’s]
G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.22 (“Troisième Liste: Les reliures ‘à la fanfare’ proprement dites,” no. 140); p.39 (“Sixième liste: Livres imprimés a Anvers,” no. 140)
Francesco Malaguzzi, Legature di pregio in Valle d’Aosta (Turin 1993), p.11 Fig. 2
Francesco Malaguzzi, “Committenza madruzziana di legature di pregio” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), pp.668-669 no. 35
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 15 & Colour frontispiece & Pl. 16
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 8”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)
Federico Macchi, Arte della legatura a Brera: storie di libri e biblioteche: secoli XV e XVI (Cremona 2002), p.198 & Fig. 82

(15) Bible - Latin, [Liber Regum IIII, Paralipomenon II, Esdrae IIII, Tobiae I, Judith I, Esther I, Job I] (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1574)

Vigesimo-quarto. USTC 407669 (in five volumes). French, after 1574 (publication date).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 verso (line 27): “Libri Regum 4. Paralipomenon 2. Esdrae 4. Tobiae, Judit 1, Esther, Job.” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Susa (Turin), Seminario Vescovile, Biblioteca Diocesana


(16) Bible - N.T. (Latin), Novum Testamentum. Haud poenitendis sacrorum doctorum scholiis, Joannis Benedicti Theologi Parisiensis cura concinnatis, non inutiliter illustratum: jámque deintegrò recognitum. Huic secundae editioni adjunctus est praetereà & alius scholiorum index, ad errorum censuram maximè conferens (Paris: Charlotte Guillard & Guillaume Desboys, 1554)

Sextodecimo. USTC 151609. Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), possibly post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.253 recto (line 21): “Nouum testamentum” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
Giovanni Benedetto Colocci (1563-1638), inscription apparently in his hand “Munus Ill[ustriss]imi D[omini] Caroli Card[ina]lis Madrutij Jo: Benedicto Colocio” [see, generally, Elisa Curti, “La Biblioteca della famiglia Colocci di Jesi e un dimenticato fondo librario di Montecarotto (An)” in La Bibliofilía 112 (2010), pp.13-20]
● private collection


(17) St Bonaventura, Stimulo dello amore diuino composto per il seraphico dottore santo Bonaventura cardinale (Venice: Giovanni Padovano, 1542)

Sextodecimo. USTC 803020. Binding: Roman (?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
not traced in Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629)’s post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), unless to be identified with f.252 verso (line 5): “Opuscula diui Bonauenturae tom: 2” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Gian Carlo Grifoni, Bologna, their “Catalogo G. C. Grifoni, Bologna, 1988, n. 37” (Malaguzzi)
● Arturo Dazza (d. 2010) [“re dell’antiquariato” of Vercelli]
● Bloomsbury Auctions, Libri e autografi: una collezione di legature, Rome 6 December 2006, lot 3 (“marocchino rosso, decorazione dorata, sui piatti cornice formata da nastri dipinti in nero su seminato pointille impressi in oro, al centro placca contenente le armi del Conte Gian Federigo Madruzzo con l’Ordine dello Stemma dell’Annunziata, dorso a 3 nervi, ai comparti motivi di nastri intrecciati in marocchino nero, tagli dorati goffrati, fermagli, restauri”) [RBH Roma-1-3; image, link]
● unidentified owner – bought in sale (€4500)
● Patricia J. Pistner

Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 3)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 2 & Pl. 17 (p.57, as a Roman binding, workshop of Niccolò Franzese; p.89, executed before 1557)
Anthony Hobson, review of Malaguzzi’s Regiam in The Book Collector 43 (1994), pp.145-146 (“The author attributes the binding of a 16mo Bonaventura, Stimulo dello amore divino, Venice 1542, to the Roman workshop of Niccolò Franzese on the strength of the design. The binding bears the owner’s arms ensigned by the Collar of the Annunziata; it cannot therefore be earlier than 1569, when Madruzzo was admitted into the Order, and is probably not earlier than 1574 when he moved to Rome. Niccolò’s bindings in this style were all on larger books and of much superior quality; the latest was made in about 1555 or soon after. The Bonaventura is decorated with none of Niccolò’s tools and is probably the product of an anonymous Roman shop.”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: d) Cadre à bandes entrelacées et fers, sur fond pointillé, no. 1”; “la reliure serait italienne”)
Patricia J. Pistner & Jan Storm van Leeuwen, A matter of size: miniature bindings and texts from the collection of Patricia J. Pistner (New York 2019), pp.128-129 no. 66 [image]

(18) Juan Boscán, Las obras de Boscan y algunas de Garcilasso dela Vega, repartidas en quatro libros (Antwerp: Joannes Steelsius, 1554)

Duodecimo. USTC 440064. Binding: unknown.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.25 (line 16): “Las obras de boscan” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
possibly François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (listing 422 books in the family library), f.147 Cote Bf_30 “Las obras de Boscán y algunas de Garcilasso de la Vega: repartidas en quatro libros emendadas agora nuevamente y restituidas a su integridad En Anvers: en casa de Martin Nucio a la ensena de las dos Ciguegnas” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Gancia, Brighton & Paris
● Delbergue-Cormont & Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. G. Gancia composée en partie de livres de la première bibliothèque du Cardinal Mazarin et d’Ouvrages précieux, Paris, 27 April-2 May 1868, lot 585 (“mar. noir, riches comp. sur les plats, dos orné, tr. dor. et cis. Avec étui de maroquin. Riche et élégante reliure genre Groslier [sic], exécutée pour Jean-Frédéric Madruzze [sic]” [link])
● Vicente Salvá y Pérez (1786-1849)
● Ricardo Heredia y Livermore, conde de Benahavís (1831-1896)
● Maurice Delestre & Ém. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin, Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Ricardo Heredia, comte de Benahavis, Paris, 16-25 May 1892, lot 1873 (“mar. noir, dos et plats ornés de comp. dorés sur un fond au pointillé, tr. dor. et ciselée. (Reliure du XVIe siècle.) Exemplaire aux armes de Jean-Frédéric de Madruze, comte d’Avi; il provient de la collection Salvá (n° 479).” [link])
● Louvain, Université catholique (reported destroyed in 1940)

Pedro Salvá y Mallén, Catálogo de la biblioteca de Salvá (Valencia 1872), p.193 no. 479 [link]
Jean Peeters-Fontainas, Bibliographie des impressions espagnoles des Pays-Bas méridionaux (Nieuwkoop 1965), no. 148 (“L’exemplaire a fait partie de la collection Salvá, puis Heredia (1873), pour finir à la bibliothèque de l’Université de Louvain, où nous avons pu le reconnaître et l’examiner… Ce précieux exemplaire a été détruit en 1940, dans l’incendie de cette bibliothèque.”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (“Un ouvrage devrait pouvoir être encore signalé, sans précision quant au type d’armoiries et à celui du décor, faute d’en posséder une reproduction.”)

(19) Gaius Iulius Caesar, C. Iulii Caesaris Rerum ab se gestarum commentarii Ad codicum uetustissimorum fidem summa diligentia castigati (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1549)

Sextodecimo. USTC 150364 (as octavo). Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 recto (line 5): “Iulii Caesaris rerum ab se gestar[um] commentarij” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Hector Marie Auguste de Backer (1843-1925)
● F. Lair Dubreuil & Librairie Giraud-Badin, Bibliothèque de feu M. Hector de Backer, Deuxième partie, Paris, 28-31 March 1927, lot 3060 (“mar. brun plats couverts de compart. entrelacés peints en noir avec médallion central, fond sablé d’or, dos orné comme les plats, tr. dor et ciselées … Riche reliure du XVIe siècle, aux armes mosaïquées de J.F. de Madruze; le couleurs du blason ont été ravivées.” [link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 3350) [Annuaire des ventes de livres, p.74; link]
● Henri, comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 80 (illustrated)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 162,000) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, vol. 6, p.171]
● R. Zierer
● Étienne Ader, René Boisgirard, L. Lefèvre & Claude Guérin, Précieux livres anciens, très beaux livres illustrés du dix-huitième siècle, Paris, 6-7 November 1968, lot 7
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 3100) [saleroom report by “V.E.G.” in Le Livre et l’estampe 57-58 (1969), p.105: “Exemplaire de la vente Chandon (1954) et qui s’est singulièrement et outrageusement bonifié à 3100 FF, la reliure n’était pas spécialement attrayante”]
● Ader Picard Tajan & Claude Guérin with Dominique Courvoisier, Manuscrits et livres anciens, Paris, 11 December 1981, lot 8
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 22,000) [result in Le Livre & l’Estampe 109-110 (1982), p.112]

G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, pp.44-45 (“dans le catalogue de Backer, no. 3060, sur un livre imprimé à Lyon en 1549 (elle est ornée d’un dessin à entrelacs de l’époque Henri II sur fond pointillé: on n’y voit ni la couronne, ni le collier de l’Annunziata et la reliure doit être antérieure à 1569, à moins que le livre n’ait appartenu à un autre membre de la famille).”)
Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 3)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 20 & Pl. 1
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (“A/ Armoiries simples: b) Entrelacs sur fond pointillé, no. 1”)
Federico & Livio Macchi, Dizionario illustrato della legatura (Milan 2002), p.279 (illustrated)

(20) Marcus Tullius Cicero, De officiis M.T. Ciceronis libri tres. Eiusdem, de amicitia, de senectute dialogi duo cum paradoxis, & somnio Scipionis (Lyon: Antoine Gryphe, 1581), bound with Marcus Tullius Cicero, M.T. Ciceronis Fragmenta ab Andrea Patricio collecta, & in quattuor tomos digesta (Lyon: Antoine Gryphe, 1579)

Sextodecimo. USTC 141798, 138870. Binding: Parisian, after 1581 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.252 recto (line 15): “M. Tullij Ciceronis de officijs” or f.252 recto (line 23): “Manutius in Ciceronis officia” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Alde, Très beaux livres anciens, Paris, 6 May 2011, lot 11 [RBH 16179-11]
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (€9600) [results, link]
● Librairie Amélie Sourget, Paris; their Catalogue 1 - Printemps 2013 (Paris 2013), item 16 [link]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above, 2013 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2378; to be sold by Sotheby's in 2024-2025]


(21) Dionysius Areopagita, Beati Dionysii Areopagita … Opera. Cum scholiis in librum de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia a Ioachimo Perionio conuersa (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1572)

Sextodecimo. USTC 140993. Binding: Parisian, after 1572 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.245 recto (line 12): “Dionys Areopag opera” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Eugène Piot (1812-1890)
● Paul Chevallier & Ém. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de feu M. Eugène Piot, Paris, 1-5 June 1891, lot 37 (“mar. olive, dos orné, fil. comp. tr. dor. Riche reliure du XVIe siècle bien conservée; le dos et les plats sont couverts d’arabesques, de feuillages et de fers azurés, d’une jolie composition; au centre les armoiries de Jean-Frédéric De Madruze, comte d’Avi” [link])
● Librairie Damascène Morgand, Paris - bought in sale (FF 305)
● Librairie Damascène Morgand, Bulletin mensuel - No. 29, novembre 1891 (Paris 1891), item 19632 (FF 500; “in-16, réglé, mar. vert, dos orné, riches comp. de feuillages, fil. droits et courbés, tr. dor (Rel. anc.) Riche reliure du XVIe siècle à la fanfare. Les plats portent les armes de J. Fr. de Madruze, comte d’Avi. Excellente conservation.” [link]); Librairie Damascène Morgand, Répertoire méthodique de la librairie, Première partie (Paris 1893), item 226 [link]; Librairie Damascène Morgand, Bulletin mensuel - No. 41, mai 1897 (Paris 1897), item 29526 (FF 500 [link])
● Edouard Rahir, Paris
● Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of a small collection of valuable books & manuscripts, London, 20 June 1902, lot 88 (illustrated; “ruled in red, old French brown morocco, back and sides covered in rich and elaborate gilt floriate tooling in geometrical compartments with the arms of Madruze Comte d’Avi in centres, g.e. well preserved … (See Plate)” [unillustrated issue, link])
● J. & J. Leighton, London - bought in sale (£13 5s) [Book Auction Records, link]
● Philibert Lombard de Buffières, Comte de Rambuteau (1838-1912)
● Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs, D 18921

G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.4 (“Troisième Liste: Les reliures ‘à la fanfare’ proprement dites,” no. 80); p.8* no. 81b (“1572 Lyon - Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris”)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 10 (as sold 20 June 1902, lot 88) & no. 28 (“s.a., s.t., Lyon, 1572 Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.149 (“Paris, musée des Arts décoratifs, D 18921, legs du comte de Rambuteau en 1912”); p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 4”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)

(22) Dionysius Halicarnassus, Dionysii Halicarnassei Antiquitatum, siue Originum Romanarum Libri X. Sigismundo Gelenio interprete (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1555) [volume 1 only]

Sextodecimo. USTC 151686. Binding: Parisian, 1556. Title and date of binding “1556” lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.245 recto (line 9): “Dionysii Alicarnassei antiquitatum Rom:” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Luigi Arrigoni, Milan, label [bookseller, d. 1886] (Malaguzzi)
● London, National Art Library (Victoria & Albert Museum), Drawer 42

W.H. Weale, Bookbindings and rubbings of bindings in the National Art Library South Kensington, II: Catalogue (London 1894), p.27 no. 133 (“Crimson morocco; gold tooling. The sides adorned with interlacing strap and scroll-work, painted black and outlined in gold, on a ground powdered with gold dots. In the centre, a coat of arms within an elliptical frame. Back; five panels, with foliated ornament with the title ‘Dionysii Hallicarnassei’ in the first and ‘Tomvs I 1556’ at the foot, an early instance. Gilt edges, tooled”)
Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 3)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 24 & Pl. 2
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (“A/ Armoiries simples: b) Entrelacs sur fond pointillé, no. 4”)

(23) Epictetus, Le manuel d’Épictète … Plus y sont adioustées les sentences des Philosophes de Grèce, traduictes en langue Françoyse, par Antoine Du Moulin (Lyon: Jean de Tournes, 1544)

Sextodecimo. USTC 57204. Binding: French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 verso (line 25): “Le Emanuel [sic] d‛Epictète” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● inscriptions, “App. Gallias Soc. Jesu ad usum paun.rum Gallonine” (?), “QQ. VI 1/GV20” (Culot)
● Victor Masséna, prince d’Essling (1836-1910)
● Nicolas Rauch, Manuscrits enluminés, incunables, xylographies: oeuvres de A. Dürer & J. Duvet, très beaux livres du XVIe au XIXe s., Geneva, 2-4 March 1953, lot 105 & Pl. 23
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (CHF 1920) [Prix d’Adjudication de la Vente no. 3]
● Pierre Berès, Paris; their Bulletin 29/30 (Paris 1960), p.[7] (illustrated; NF 7500)
● Robert Danon
● Laurin, Guilloux, Buffetaud & Pierre Berès, Manuscrits enluminés et livres rares; collection Robert Danon, Paris, 21 March 1973, lot 27
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 6500) [Catalogue bibliographique des ventes publiques 1972-1973 et 1973-1974, p.299]

Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 4)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 3 & Pl. 4
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: a) Paire d’écoinçons et semé de fleurs de lis ou de quatre-feuilles, no. 1”)

(24) Desiderius Erasmus, Apophthegmatum ex optimis vtriusque linguae scriptorib. per Des. Erasmum Rot. collectorum libri octo (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe 1550)

Sextodecimo. USTC 150414. Binding: Parisian, 1555. Title and date of binding “1555” lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.240 recto (line 12): “Apophthegmatum per Erasmum” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Todeschini (d.1646)
● Trento, Biblioteca S. Bernardino, A 776

Claudio Fedele & Anna Gonzo, Incunaboli e cinquecentine della Fondazione Biblioteca S. Bernardino di Trento (Trento 2004), no. 1458 (“Legatura del XVI sec., terzo quarto (1555); arte francese; alle armi di Gian Federico Madruzzo in marocchino oliva; piatti decorati in oro con riquadro di due filetti, nastri intrecciati e foglie stilizzate colorati a cera in nero su fondo pointillé; stemmi (Malaguzzi tipo C.1.a.) con trace di colore; dorso liscio, con decori simili a quelli dei piatti; labbri con decorazione in oro con motivi a barrette e filetti; titolo, autore e 1555 (probabile data della legatura) impressi sul dorso; capitelli in cotone bianco e azzurro; taglio dorato e cesellato … Exemplaire réglé. Sconosciuta a Malaguzzi, F., Regiam, che descrive tre legature molto simili, p.118-123, tav. 1-3”)

(25) Lorenzo Giustiniani, Opera, postrema hac editione insignibus accessionibus locupletata: in his duplici indice, rerum et verborum altero curavimus (Lyon: Pierre Ruffin for Heirs of Jacques Giunta, 1568)

Folio. USTC 139834. Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.11 (line 11): “Opera divi Laurentij Iustiniani Veniti in folio” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● possibly François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (listing 422 books in the family library), f.27 Cote Ac 17: “Divi Laurentii Justiniani proto Patriarchae Veneti opera postrema hac editione insignibus accessionibus locupletata: in his duplicii indici, rerum & verborum altero, locorum altero, qui è Sacris Litteris per multi pié aequè at” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● label “cittadino Ignazio Genova mercante libraio in Torino accanto alla chiesa di S. Tommaso” on pastedown (Malaguzzi, Biellese, p.96: “essa conferma il fatto che una dispersione dei volumi, rimasti originalmente nel castello di Issogne, fosse già avvenuta a inizio Ottocento, come ho supposto a suo tempo sulla base di un esemplare appartenuto al collegio torinese della compagnia dei Gesù, attualmente a Torino (Malaguzzi, Regiam, pp.40-42)”)
● Biella, Biblioteca Diocesana del Seminario vescovile di Biella, B 30, n. 1773 (shelfmark from Malaguzzi; opac records one copy of the 1569 edition: collocazione, A.5.202; Inventario, 2933; “Leg. pelle, dec. oro e stemma oro sui piatti ant. e post., targhetta del libraio Ignazio Genova sul contropiatto ant.” [link])

Francesco Malaguzzi, Vestire i libri: Mostra di legature preziose in biblioteche biellesi (Biella 1995), p.13 no. 7
F. Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: legature di pregio in Piemonte, 2: Il Biellese (Turin 1996), pp.95-96 & Pl. 23 (“Il dorso, con cinque nervi, doppi più due semplici, e decorato con testa leonina nelle caselle.”)
F. Malaguzzi, Biblioteche storiche disperse (Turin 1999), p.19

Luis de Granada, Obras espirituales (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572)

Under the fictitious entry Obras espirituales (or Obras completas) are often brought together five different works of Luis de Granada, all published by Plantin in 1572: a) Libro de la oracion y meditacion (in 4 volumes); b) Guia de peccadores (in 4 volumes); c) Memorial de la vida christiana (in 4, occasionally 5 volumes); d) a Spanish translation by Luis of the Contemptus Mundi of Thomas à Kempis (1 volume); e) Siguense unas oraciones y exercicios de devocion (1 volume). Although no general title was printed, the 14 volumes were considered to form a single publication, and were sold together (Plantin press online, [link]). Some bibliographers separate from the Obras the translation of Thomas à Kempis and the “Siguense”; compare Jean Peeters-Fontainas, Bibliographie des impressions espagnoles des Pays-Bas méridionaux (Nieuwkoop 1965), nos. 732 and 1289.

I. Luis de Granada, Libro de la oracion y meditacion: en el qual se tracta de la consideracion de los principales mysterios de nuestra fe. Con otros tres breves tractados de la excellencia de las principales obras penitenciales: que son, lymosna, ayuno, y oración (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572)

Duodecimo. Three parts in 4 volumes. Gian Federico may have possessed the work bound in four volumes, as his son’s post-mortem inventory records f.255 verso (line 15) a “Quarta parte dell oratione et meditatione” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website).

1. [title for the “Prima parte” transcribed above; pp.1-1075 + Tabla del presente libro; digitised copy, link]

possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 verso (line 28): “libro de la oratione y[a] moderat[ne] p[a] par:” [a scribal mistranscription of “meditacion primera parte”?] (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Gian Federico‛s copy is untraced

2. [drop-head title reads: Comienca la segvnda parte deste Libro: en la qual se trata dela Deuocion…”, pp.1-687 + Tabla de la segunda parte; digitised copy, link]

● possibly
Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.258 recto (line 13): “Seconda parte dell‛oracion, e deuotione” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Gian Federico‛s copy is untraced

(26) 3. Tercera parte de este libro: en el qual se ponen tres breues Tratados, uno de la Oracion, y otro del Ayuno, y otro de la Lymosna, pp.1-471 + Tabla de la tercera parte (colophon); digitised copy, link]

Duodecimo. Binding: unknown (presumably Roman, after 1572 publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 verso (line b 1): “Terzera parte dell‛oracione…” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Eugène Piot (1812-1890)
● Paul Chevallier & Ém. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de feu M. Eugène Piot, Paris, 1-5 June 1891, lot 75 (“Très Brèves Tratados, uno de la oracion y otro del Ayuno, y otro de la lymosna. En Anvères, en casa de Christophoro Plantino, 1572, in-12, mar. vert, tr. dor. (Rel. anc.) Troisième partie de ces traités. La reliure de ce volume est couverte de riches compartiments dorés pointillés et fers azurés. Au centre, les armes de Jean-Frédéric de Madruze, comte d’Avi, marquis de Sorian. Exemplaire incomplet du titre.” [link])
● Symes - bought in sale (FF24) [Grolier Club copy priced in a contemporary hand, with “Symes” identified as buyer]


II. Luis de Granada, Memorial de la vida christiana: En el qual se ensena todo lo que vn Christiano deue hazer dende el principio de su conuersion, hasta el fin de la perfection: repartido en siete Tratados (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572)

Duodecimo. In two parts and five volumes. Gian Federico perhaps possessed part 1 bound as three volumes, as there are separate entries in his son’s post-mortem inventory (see below).

1. [title transcribed above, continuing:] Primer volumen, donde se pone lo que pertenesce a la doctina de bien viuir (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572); paginated (24) 1-407 (1); pp.417-905. Contains: Tratado primero, en el qual se contiene vna exhortacion a la virtudy mudança de la vida (pp.1-110); Tratado Segundo de la Penitencia (pp.111-407); Tratado Tercero de la sagrada Communion (pp.417-667); Tratado Quarto, que contiene dos principals (pp.668-898 + Tabla de este primer volumen); digitised copy, [link]

● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.252 recto (line 19): “Memorial de la vida christiana” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Gian Federico‛s copy is untraced

possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.258 recto (line 14): “Seconda parte del lib: p:o della esortacion, a la virtude” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
Gian Federico‛s copy is untraced

Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 verso (line 4): “Terza parte del libro primo dell‛ezhortat[io]ne a la uertud.e” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
Gian Federico‛s copy is untraced

2. Segundo volumen del memorial de la vida Christiana: En el qual se contienen los tres Tratados postreros que pertenescen a los exercicios de la deuocion, y el del Amor de Dios (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572); in three sections. Contains: Tratado quinto de la oracion vocal (pp.1-464); Tratado sexto de la materia de la oracion mental, donde se pone toda la vida de Christo nuestro Senor (pp.465-1024);Tratado septimo del Amor de Dios con sus oraciones y consideraciones para pedir y despertar este sancto amor (pp.1025-1408); digitised copy, [link]

(27) [title transcribed above, containing “Tratado Quinto de la Oracion vocal, en el qual se ponen muchas maneras de oraciones para diversos propositos”] (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572)

Duodecimo. Binding: Roman, after 1572 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros, inscriptions “15 & 85.3.octob. Vig. S. Francisci, D.P.M.” on upper pastedown [since Feast of St Francis of Assisi is held on October 4 each year, the vigil is always 3 October]
possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 recto (line 28): “Tratado sopra dela oratione uocale” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Maurice Burrus (1882-1959)
● Thierry de Maigret & Emmanuel de Broglie, Livres & manuscrits, Paris, 27 November 2013, lot 47 [online, link; image, link]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased in the above sale [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2356; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]


(28) [Tratado sexto, de la materia de la Oracion mental, en la qual se ponen breuememte los principales mysterios de la vida de nuestro Saluador, con otras cosas]

Duodecimo. Binding: Roman, after 1572 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 verso (lines 2-3): “Tratado 6° dela oratione mentale” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Frederik Muller, Livres illustrés, reliures provenant des collections de feu M. le Dr. Van den Corput de Bruxelles de feu M. H. Dyserinck Ministre de La Marine. Deuxième partie, Amsterdam, 15-20 May 1911, lot 1831 (illustrated; “F. Luys de Granada. Tratato sexto de la materia de la oracion mental. (Partie des oeuvres de Louis de Grenade, de la page 465 à la fin, sans titre” [link; image link])
● Raoul Warocqué (1870-1917)
● Morlanwelz, Bibliothèque du Musée royal de Mariemont, Rel. 58 (shelfmark from Culot; not traced in opac, [link])

Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 8) [misidentified as part III, vol. 2; in fact the 2nd part of volume 2 ]
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.149 [misidentified as “la partie III, volume 2”]

(29) [Tratado septimo del Amor de Dios, en el qual consiste la perfection de la vida Christiana]

Duodecimo. Binding: Roman, after 1572 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 verso (line 5): “Tratado 7° del amor de Dios” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Carl D. Becher (1857-1934)
● Leipzig, Deutsche Buch- und Schriftmuseum, 11/695
● Moscow, Russian State Library (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ gosudarstvennai︠a︡ biblioteka. Nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ otdel redkikh knig (Muzeĭ knigi), MK VII-16794

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 14 (as “Tratado septimo del Amor de Dios. s.l., s.e., 1580”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.149 [misidentified as “partie III, volume 1 est sans doute le numéro 14 de l’anciene collection Becher, au Deutsches Buch und Schriftmuseum à Leipzig”; in fact, the 3rd part of volume 2]
Tatiana Alekseevna Dolgodrova, Katalog khudozhestuennykh pereplëtov sobraniia Karla Bekhera [Catalogue of Decorative Bindings in the Collection of Carl Becher] (Moscow 2007), p.170 no. 191 (“Tratado septimo del Amor del Dios, en el qual consiste la perfection de la vida Christiana. S.l. s.n. 16… 1025-1404 c”; illustrated: spine lettered “Tratado | VII Del | Amor de | Dios”)

(30) Luis de Granada, Siguense unas oraciones y exercicios de devocion muy prouechosos recopilados de diuersos y graues auctores (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572), bound with Thomas à Kempis, Contemptus mundi, nuevamente romançado y corrigio (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572)

Duodecimo. USTC 440442, 440431 (both as octavo). Binding: Roman, after 1572 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.243 recto (line 17): “Contemptus Mundi” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Lt Col. Bryan Palmes (1851-1932) [lots 90-113A in sale below offered as his property]
● Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of valuable printed books, illuminated & other manuscripts, also of autograph letters & historical documents, London, 25-26 July 1923, lot 94 (“old green morocco gilt, border of fleur-de-lys adossées in blind on a gold ground framed by 2-line fillets, coat-of-arms in centre of panel within an oval frame of two 2-line fillets, g.e. enclosed in a case of brown morocco over green roan”)
● Villars - bought in sale (£10 10s)
● Maggs Bros, London; their Catalogue 489: Book bindings, historical & decorative (London 1927), item 82 & Pl. 42 (with entry commencing Siguense; “Bound in contemporary dark brown morocco, full gilt ornamental back, the sides covered with gilt tooling consisting of border with scroll ornaments, surrounding panel, containing leafy corners and centre oval, with the Arms of the Marquis de Sorian, g. e.”) [RBH 489-82]
● Jean Fürstenberg (1890-1982)
● Martin Breslauer Inc., New York; their Catalogue 104: Fine books in fine bindings (New York 1979), no. 49 ($7800; “contemporary gilt Antwerp binding”)

Ilse Schunke, “Die Entwicklung der päpstlichen Einbände vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert” in Collectanea Vaticana in honorem Anselmi M. Card. Albareda a Bibliotheca Apostolica edita (Città del Vaticano 1962), pp.331-354 (p.346)
G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.44 (“elle présente une large bordure et des fers lourdement azurés, assez semblables à ceux qui ornent le volume aux armes d’Anvers signale ici, p.36”)
Exposition de reliures de la Renaissance: collection Jean Furstenberg: 30 September 1961 (Paris 1961), no. 54
Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 8)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 9 & Pl. 18
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.149; p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: e) Cadre à double volume répétée, paire de fers azurés, no. 1”)

(31) Antonio de Guevara, L’Horloge des princes, avec le tresrenomme livre de Marc Aurele (Paris: Guillaume Le Noir, 1555)

Folio. USTC 11314. Binding: Parisian, 1555. Title and date “1555” lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● perhaps Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.11 (line 9): “L’horloge des princes avec le tresnomme livre de Marc-Aurele in-fol. Paris 1555” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● perhaps Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.248 recto (line 8): “Horologe des Princes” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Saint-Firmin, Flavigny-sur-Moselle (Benedictine convent), inscription dated 1740
● Nancy, Bibliothèque municipale, Rés. 494 [image, link]


André Markiewicz, “A propos d’une reliure de la Bibliothèque municipale de Nancy: le bibliophile italien Gian Federico Madruzzo (1531-1586)” in Mémoires de l’Académie de Stanislas (1999), pp.87-105 (p.89: “Le dos à 6 nerfs est lui aussi décoré avec un fer à double rinceau de feuillage répété dans les entre-nerfs. Il porte en tête le titre et la date de 1555 en queue.” [pdf, link])
André Markiewicz, “Quand la reliure s’invite au donjon de Vincennes” in À livres couverts: reliures du Moyen Age à nos jours (Nancy 2007), pp.21-26 no. 33
Fabienne Le Bars, “Un luxe éphémère: les reliures aux armes de Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld” in Un prince de la Renaissance: Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld (1517-1604) (Luxembourg 2007), pp.157-167 (p.166) and p.469 (compared with Mansfeld’s Historiale description de l’Afrique (Lyon 1556) bound in 1556)

(32) Herodianus, Herodiani Historiae de imperio post Marcum vel de suis temporibus, libri VIII (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1576)

Sextodecimo. USTC 406332. Binding: Parisian, after 1576 (publication date). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.248 verso (line 6): “Herodiani historiae de Imperio” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● unidentified owner, inscription “Ex Bibliotheca Relinis” (?) on title-page (washed)
● Léon Techener, Paris
● Maurice Delestre & Émile Paul, Catalogue de livres précieux composant la bibliothèque de M. Léon Techener. Troisième partie, Paris, 20-21 May 1889, lot 186 (“in-16, réglé, vél. fil. et comp. tr. dor. Jolie reliure du XVIe siècle à compartiments, dorée en plein et aux armes de Jean-Frédéric Madruze, comte d’Avi, marquis de Sorian, nommé chevalier de l’Annonciade le 24 mars 1569” [link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF600) [Gustave Brunet, Le Bibliomanie en 1886-87-88-89: Bibliographie rétrospective des adjudications remarquables (Paris 1889), pp.140-141 (Vente Techener) [link])
● Librairie Damascène Morgand, Paris; their Bulletin mensuel - No. 26, novembre 1889 (Paris 1889), item 17536 (FF 1000; “in-16 réglé, vélin, dos orné, riches comp. de fil. droits et courbés, tr. dor. (Rel. anc.) Exemplaire recouvert d’une ravissante reliure avec dorures à la fanfare ornant entièrement le dos et les plats du volume. Cette reliure … porte les armes de Jean-Frédéric Madruze, comte d’Air, chevalier de l’Annonciade.” [link])
● Librairie Patrick et Elisabeth Sourget, Chartres; their Catalogue 9: Manuscrits enluminés et livres précieux: De l’Enluminure Capétienne à Matisse (Chartres 1992), item 27 (FF 75,000)
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above, 1992 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2371; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

T. Kimball Brooker, Upright works: the emergence of the vertical library in the sixteenth century, thesis (Ph.D.), University of Chicago, 1996, p.1268 Fig. 226b
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (citing Sourget’s catalogue; “Collection particulière”); p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 6”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)

(33) Hieronymus, Omnes quae extant D. Hieronymi Stridonensis lucubrationes, additis vna pseudepi raphis et alienis, scriptis ipsius admixtis, in nouem tomos, per Des. Erasmus Roterodamus digestae, ac tanta uigilantia postremum emendatae, ut eruditus lector uix quicquam ultrà queat desiderare (Basel: Nikolaus & Eusebius Episcopius, 1565)

Folio. USTC 679543 (issued in 4 volumes). Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.15 (line 21): “Divi Hieronimi opera omnia tomi 9 in Volumina 4” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1); transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
possibly François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (listing 422 books in the family library), f.9 Cote Aa 14-17: “Omnes quae extant D. Hieronymi Stridonensis lucubrationes, additis vna pseudepi raphis et alienis, scriptis ipsius admixtis, in nouem tomos, per Des. Erasmus Roterodamus digestae, ac tanta uigilantia postremum emendatae, ut eruditus lector uix quicquam” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
possibly François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), post-mortem inventory (244 entries), f.5 no. 4: “S. Hyeronimi Opera omnia cum additionibus Erasmi Rotterodami vol: 4: Basilee 1565” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 243, n° 4; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 33 (as “quattro tomi,” not located; p.40: “presumibilmente rimasti nella biblioteca di Issogne dopo il trasferimento di Carlo Emanuele a Trento, passati ai Challant di Châtillon, andati a Torino e ritornati in valle”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.153 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: f) Bordure aux filets, no. 2”; “Le décor plus simples s’observe sur des reliures d’origines diverses; il a pu être exécuté dans un atelier du Trentin”)

(34) Stanisław Hozjusz, De expresso Dei verbo. Dialogus trimembris. De communione sacrae Eucharistiae sub utraq; specie, de sacerdotum coniugio, deque sacro vulgari lingua celebrando (Paris: Jean Foucher, 1561)

Sextodecimo. USTC 198481. Binding: French (?), probably before 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.248 recto (line 4): “Hosius de uerbo Dei” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Vercelli, Biblioteca Civica di Vercelli, Cinq. A 15 (shelfmark from Malaguzzi; only copy in local opac (librinlinea) held by Biblioteca Agnesiana e Diocesana di Vercelli, shelfmark 502.15.Int.1, and bound in “Leg. in perg. rigida.” [link])

Francesco Malaguzzi, De libris compactis: legature di pregio in Piemonte, 4: Il Vercellese (Turin 1998), pp.76-77 (“sul piatto superiore Madrutz, sull’inferiore I.F.Y. … rappresentare le iniziali dei nomi di Gian Federico e della consorte: Iean Frédéric Ysabelle”.)
F. Malaguzzi, Biblioteche storiche disperse (Turin 1999), p.19

(35) Justinianus, [Corpis juris civilis, tomus octavus] Codicis Dn. Iustiniani sacratiss. principis ex repetita praelectione libri XII (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1551) [part 1 only?]

Sextodecimo. USTC 115217 (in 2 parts: pp. 104, 974, 2; 1151, 92). Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.242 verso (line 9) “Codicis lib. 1o. et 2o” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● J. & J. Leighton, London
● Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of the first portion of the famous stock of the late Mr. W. J. Leighton (who traded as messrs. J. & J. Leighton), of 40 Brewer Street, Golden Square, W. (sold by order of the Executor), London, 14-19 November 1918, lot 433 (“original Lyonnese binding of wooden boards and brown leather, gilt ornamental back, line sides with corner fleurons, and Coat of Arms in centres, gilt gauffred edges (back and rims renewed)” [link])
● Ellis, London - bought in sale (£1 8s) [Book Auction Records, vol. 16, p.44]
● J. & J. Leighton, London [J. & J. Leighton revived under the ownership of H.S. Leighton and H.W. Davies; Part I of their “new series” of catalogues was advertised in Book Auction Records 17 (1920), p.xxviii]; their Catalogue, new series 4: A selection of notable books of interest for their subject, typography, decoration, binding, or association (London [1921?]), item 188 & Pl. 11 (“Codicis ex Repetita Praelectione Libri XII. Lyon, G. Rouille, 1551. Stout 12mo., orig. Lyonnese binding of brown calf, sides gilt with corner arabesques and centre piece containing the arms of the Madrucci family, gilt and painted in various colours, edges gilt and elaborately tooled”)

Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 5)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 22 [edition wrongly identified]
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 p.150 (“A/ Armoiries simples: a) Coins ornés, no. 2,” among “reliures sont vraisemblablement toutes françaises”; “l’auteur indique judicieusement qu’elles ont pu être acquises pendant le séjour force au donjon de Vincennes entre 1554 et 1556, celles au décor d’entrelacs en particulier”)

(36) Thomas à Kempis, De Christi imitatione libellus vere aureus, ex fontibus sacrae scripture totus excerptus (Louvain: Joannes Foulerus, 1570)

Duodecimo. USTC 405679. Binding: Parisian, after 1570 (date of publication). Title lettered on back.


● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome, f.239 verso (line 21): “A Kempis de imitatione Christi” or f.261 recto (line 27): “Imitatione di Christo per Thom: di Kempis” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Constantin N. Radoulesco (d. 1957), octagonal, brown morocco exlibris, lettered “Ex libris C.N. Radoulesco”
● Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of valuable Continental printed books, fine bindings, autograph letters and historical documents, London, 19-20 October 1964, lot 137 [lots 1-144 consigned “The Property of a Lady”]
● Maggs Bros, London - bought in sale (£30)
● Antiquariaat Ludwig Rosenthal, Amsterdam, 1974
● Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek, OTM: Band 2 E 9 (opac, [link]; images, [link])


(37) Leo I, D. Leonis Papae hvivs nominis primi … Epistolae decretales ac familiares quae quidem hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnes (Louvain: Hieronymus Welleus, 1566)

Octavo. USTC 405302. Binding: Roman (?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.243 verso (line 5): “Divi Leonis PP Ep[isto]lae decretales” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Borghese family, exlibris
● Vincenzo Menozzi, Bibliothèque de s.e.d. Paolo Borghese, Prince de Sulmona et de M. Le Comte de l’Aubepin, Seconde partie, Rome, 6-28 February 1893, lot 1023 (“anc. rel. mar. r., dos et plats fil. or., aux centres armoiries tranche dorée” [link])
● Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, London, 24 November 1969, lot 77 (“contemporary Italian red morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons at corners, arms of the Madruzzi family on sides, spine with three raised bands gilt, g.e., bookplate of Prince Borghese”) [lots 64-89 offered as “The Property of a Lady”; RBH Rochester-77]
● A. Eadie - bought in sale (£75)
● Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of valuable printed books, Oriental drawings, autograph letters and historical documents, London, 29 November 1971, lot 38 (“contemporary Italian red morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons at corners, arms of the Madruzzi family on sides, spine with three raised bands gilt, g.e., bookplate of Prince Borghese”) [RBH Brinsley-38]
● Martin Breslauer, London - bought in sale (£65); their List 41: A miscellany of books & Mss (London 1972), item 97 & Pl. 20 (£120; “contemporary Italian (Roman?) russet morocco … in centres the gilt arms of Giovanni Federigo Madruzzi, Conte d’Avi, Marchese di Soriano, surrounded by the collar of the Annunciata, g.e.”)


(38) Nicolò Leonico Tomeo, Nicolai Leonici Thomaei De varia historia libri tres. Cum eorum, quae notatu digna sunt, indice locupletissimo (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1555)

Sextodecimo. USTC 151769. Binding: French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 verso (line 6): “Thomei historia” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● unidentified owner, inscription “… ex libris … Carisimi d’Asole … dal Sig. … Alfier Giacomonti … 8 febr … 1736” (Colin) [Christie’s as “Io. Gio. Fracomonti (pencilled inscriptions on free endpapers recording the gift of the volume from Alfier Gio. Fracomonti, 8 February 1736)”]
● Pietro Buoninsegni, exlibris “Bibliothecae Petri Buoninsegni Senis 1814” [Egisto Bragaglia, Gli ex libris italiani dalle origini alla fine dell’Ottocento, no. 1628]
● Emilio Pittalugo (?)
● Giorgio Pittalugo
● Christie’s Roma, Libri di pregio, manoscritti e autografi da collezioni private, Rome, 10 June 1997, lot 90
● Michel Wittock (1936-2020)
● Christie’s, The Michel Wittock Collection, Part I: Important Renaissance Bookbindings, London, 7 July 2004, lot 71 (“French late 16th-century limp vellum gilt, covers with gilt and red- and black-painted arms of Gian Federigo Madruzzo within a strapwork cartouche (Guigard II, p.334), on a semé of fleurs de lis, deep, hatched strapwork cornerpieces, single fillet border, yapp fore-edges with gilt foliate rolls, spine gilt in compartments with hatched foliate tools, lettered in manuscript, gilt and gauffered edges (paint on arms a little rubbed, covers lightly marked and a little cockled and bowed, lacking ties, a few small chips at edges and on spine, short splits on hinges, hinges starting to separate from spine of binding)”) [RBH 6996-71]
● Librairie Lardanchet, Paris; their Beaux livres anciens et modernes (Paris 2005), item 5 (€17,000; online, [link]); Librairie Lardanchet, Livres anciens du XVIe au XIXe siècle (Paris 2007), item 10 (€18,000; online, [link; link])

Francesco Malaguzzi, Biblioteche storiche disperse (Turin 1999), p.19 (“acquistato da un amico ad una recente asta romana … Christie’s, 10 giugno 1997, lotto 90”)
Colin, Une reliure française, op. cit. 1997, pp.363-366 (illustrated)

(39) Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, M. Annei Lucani De Bello Civili, libri decem (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1547), bound with Silius Italicus, Silij Italici, poetae clarissimi, De Bello Punico, libri septemdecim (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1547)

Sextodecimo. USTC 149739. Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 verso (line 26): “Lucanus” or f.250 verso (line 27): “Lucanus de bello ciuili” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● unidentified owner, cancelled inscription “Jo(ann)es Dominicus Perrochius” on title-page (Christie’s)
● Charles Louis Fière (1863/1864-1937)
● Edouard Girard & Georges Andrieux, Bibliothèque Ch.-Louis Fière: bibliophile dauphinois, précieux livres anciens, Deuxième vente, Paris, 14-17 June 1937, lot 314 (“Exemplaire réglé, dans une riche reliure mosaïquée aux armes de J. F. de Madruze, provenance très recherchée. La mosaïque est très effacée; dans l’ensemble, la reliure est un peu défraîchie.” [link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 330) [link]
● Hubert de Ganay, marquis de Ganay (1888-1974), exlibris, initials “H H” flanking a crowned eagle; possibly by descent to Jean-Louis, marquis de Ganay (1922-2013)
● Christie’s Paris, Bibliothèque de Martine de Béhague et des comtes de Ganay. Première partie, Paris, 26 November 2019, lot 86 (estimate €4000-6000) [online, link; RBH 18470-86]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased in the above sale [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2454; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]


(40) Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, M. Annei Lucani De bello civili, libri decem, argumentis illustrati (Lyon: Antoine Gryphe, 1569)

Sextodecimo. USTC 140603. Binding: Parisian, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 verso (line 26): “Lucanus” or f.250 verso (line 27): “Lucanus de bello ciuili” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Milan, private collection (Macchi)


(41) Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius Macrobius, Macrobii Ambrosii Avrelii Theodosii, Viri Consvlaris, & illustris, In Somnium Scipionis, Lib. II. Saturnaliorum, Lib.VII. Ex uariis, ac uetustissimis codicibus recogniti, & aucti (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1550)

Octavo. USTC 150602. Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.19 (line 13): “Macrobius, in Somnium Scipionis Saturnaliorum” or f.31 (line 1): “Macrobii In Somnium Scipionis & Saturnaliorum” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Francesco Muratori (1804-1870), inscription “J. Franciscus Muratori Rhetoricus professor A.A. L. L. P Praeses in Reg. Taurin. Athen. 1850” (opac)
● Francesco Bubani (1809-1874?), exlibris (opac)
● Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale, Rés 349397 (opac Reliure en veau fauve à écoinçons, au centre du plat supérieur, dans un cartouche ovale, armes peintes de Gian-Federico Madruzzo; opac, [link], numelyo, [link])


(42) Paolo Manuzio, Apophthegmatum ex optimis vtriusque linguae scriptoribus libri IIX Paulli Manutii studio, atque industria, doctissimor. theologor. consilio, atque ope, ab omnib. mendis uindicati, quae pium, & ueritatis catholicae studiosum lectorem poterant offendere (Venice: Aldo II Manuzio, 1577)

Sextodecimo. USTC 840495. Binding: French (?), after 1577 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Giannangelo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1618), Barone di Madruzzo, Capitano della Rocca di Riva del Garda, inventory taken in his residence, Riva del Garda, in 1615, f.5 recto [no. 124]: “Apotheomata Pauli Manutij” or f.5 recto [no. 127]: “Apothemata Manutij” (Trento, Biblioteca diocesana, fondo Felice Vogt, teca II, “Inventario delli mobili dell Illustrissimo Signore Conte Gaudenzio Madruzzo Colonello di S. M. Cat. fatto a di 16 febraro 1615”; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● unidentified owner, inscription “hic liber special ad me franciscum a mor C.R.S. [Chierico Regolare Somasco] Michaelis ad Albesini” on endpaper [King as “Altresini”]
● Henri, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953), exlibris
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 196
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 4100) [Le Guide du Bibliophile et du libraire, vol. 6, p.692]
● Conrad, Graf Reuttner-Weyl (1908-1969)
● Bloomsbury Book Auctions, Catalogue of early printed books many in interesting bindings and including examples from more than 150 presses of the 15th century: the property of a continental collector, and other properties, London, 31 October-1 November 1985, lot 45 (part lot) [RBH 45-309]
● Patrick King Rare Books, Stony Stratford - bought in sale (£154, cost of lot); their Catalogue 14: Sixteenth century books (Stony Stratford [1987]), item 34 (£1250; illustrated; as “contemporary Parisian olive brown morocco”; “He clearly patronised many different binderies and at least five different arms blocks can be distinguished – that on the present binding we have not otherwise traced”)
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above, 1987 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #0745; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 30
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.153 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: f) Bordure aux filets, no. 4”; “Le décor plus simples s’observe sur des reliures d’origines diverses; il a pu être exécuté dans un atelier du Trentin”)

(43) Giovanni Nanni, Berosi Chaldaei sacerdotis reliquorumque consimilis argumenti autorum, De antiquitate Italiae, ac totius orbis, cum f. Ioan. Annij Viterbensis theologi commentatione, & auxesi, ac verborum rerumque memorabilium indice plenissimo, tomus prior (Lyon: Barthélemy Frein & Jean Temporal, 1555) [volume 1 of 2 only]

Sextodecimo. USTC 151907. Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros, inscriptions “15y64-4 Augusti | non hic [symbol of the Sacred Heart] | satiabor | HF. F.Z. Madruts” and “15y65 | 23 junij | Benedictus d[omi]n[u]s deus mé | H.F. F.Z Madru…” on pastedown and front endleaf (compare transcription by Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, p.95)
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.241 recto (line 17): “Berosius, de antiquitate Italiae” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Villa di Carmignanello, Sesto Fiorentino, summer monastery for the Dominican friars of Santa Maria Novella, inscription “Bibliotheca Carmingnanell[o] posuit (?) Fr: Aloysius M[aria] della Biavella”
● Santa Maria Novella, Florence (Dominican convent), armorial inkstamp (18C)
● Dr [Isidore?] Simon, of Marseille, exlibris “Bibliothèque Bastide de la Pomme”
● Joseph d’Authier de Sisgaw et Yvon Charriaud & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Livres anciens rares et curieux, belles reliures aux armes ou ornées, éditions originales de nombreux textes littéraire, livres d’Heures, Marseille, 25-26 May 1974, lot 42 (Hobson & Culot)
● Librairie Jean Viardot, Paris (?)
● Michel Wittock (1936-2020)
● Christie Manson & Woods, The Michel Wittock collection. Part I, Important Renaissance bookbindings, London, 7 July 2004, lot 15 [RBH 6996-15]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased at the above sale [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2286]
● Sotheby’s, Bibliotheca Brookeriana: A Renaissance Library. Magnificent Books and Bindings, New York, 11 October 2023, lot 12 [online, link; RBH N11245-12]
● Maggs Bros, London - bought in sale ($33,020)
● New York, Morgan Library & Museum, 199039 (opac, [link])

Yves Devaux, Dix siècles de reliure (Paris 1977), p.48 (untitled colour plate opposite p.48), p.83 (image credited “Librairie Jean Viardot”)
Cinq siècles d’ornements dans le décor extérieur du livre, 1515-1983, catalogue succinct des reliures exposées à l’occasion de l’inauguration de la Bibliotheca Wittockiana (Brussels 1983), no. 38
Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, no. 50 [no. 48 in the edition 1990]
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 25 & Pl. 3
Francesco Malaguzzi, “Committenza madruzziana di legature di pregio” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), pp.661-671, no. 37 (illustrated p.669)
Paul Culot, “La reliure en Italie et en France” in Bibliotheca Wittockiana, Musea Nostra - 38 (Brussels 1996), p.36 (illustrated)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (“A/ Armoiries simples: b) Entrelacs sur fond pointillé, no. 3”); pp.150-151 [erroneously citing Malaguzzi “pl. 5” (it is Pl. 3)]
Fabienne Le Bars, “Un luxe éphémère: les reliures aux armes de Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld” in Un prince de la Renaissance: Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld (1517-1604) (Luxembourg 2007), pp.467-468 (comparing this binding with Mansfeld’s Cicero, Les sentences… (Lyon 1550) bound in 1556)

(44) Palladius Helenopolitanus, Palladii divi Evagrii discipuli Lausiaca quae dicitur historia, et Theodoreti episcopi Cyri [Greek], id est, religiosa historia Quorum vtérque continet instituta, res gestas, & miracula piorum virorum sui temporis Gentiano Herueto Aurelio interprete (Paris: Bernard Turrisan, 1555)

Quarto. USTC 151851. Binding: Parisian (?), before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1555-1556).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● private collection


(45) Julius Obsequens, Iulii Obsequentis Prodigiorum liber ab vrbe condita usq[ue] ad Augustum Caesarem cuius tantum extabat fragmentum, nunc demum historiarum beneficio (Lyon: Jean de Tournes & Guillaume Gazeau, 1553)

Duodecimo. USTC 158689 (as sextodecimo). Binding: French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.249 recto (line 29): “Iulius obsequens de prodigijs” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Felix Joseph Slade (1788-1868)
● London, British Library, C46a33

Manuscript “Catalogue of the library of Felix Slade” (England, ca. 1866), fol. 96 [Grolier Club, *08.27S6311866Folio, link]
Catalogue of the collection of glass formed by Felix Slade … and an appendix containing a description of other works of art presented or bequeathed by Mr Slade to the nation (London 1871), p.175 no. 87 (“A fine specimen of French contemporary binding; on each side are the arms of Madruccio; the edges are gilt and gauffred”)
Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 4)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 5 & Pl. 6
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: a) Paire d’écoinçons et semé de fleurs de lis ou de quatre-feuilles, no. 3”)
British Library, Database of bookbindings, [link]

(46) [reputed remboîtage] Francesco Petrarca, Il Petrarca con nuoue spositioni, nelle quali, oltre l’altre cose, si dimostra qual fusse il vero giorno & l’hora del suo innamoramento, insieme alcune molto vtili & belle annotationi d’intorno alle regole della lingua toscana (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1574)

Sextodecimo. USTC 116076. Binding: French, after 1574 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.254 verso (line 22): “Petrarca” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Battista Dalvai (1798-1857), inkstamp (Malaguzzi, p.97) [parish priest of SS. Apostoli, from 1836]
● Trento, Biblioteca Diocesana Tridentina Antonio Rosmini, C. 1. 181 (shelfmark form Malaguzzi)

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 11 & Pl. 7 (p.130: “N.B. questa legatura è stata riutilizzata sul Petrarca; il pacco ei fogli è più spesso di quello originale; le guardie sono state rifatte e quindi non e possibile stabilire se la pergamena era morbida o no.”)
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: a) Paire d’écoinçons et semé de fleurs de lis ou de quatre-feuilles, no. 5”; “Remboîtage”)

(47) Francesco Petrarca, Il Petrarca con nuoue spositioni, nelle quali, oltre l’altre cose, si dimostra qual fusse il vero giorno & l’hora del suo innamoramento, insieme alcune molto vtili & belle annotationi d’intorno alle regole della lingua toscana (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1574)

Sextodecimo. USTC 116076. Binding: unknown (presumably of the fanfare type, after 1574 publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.254 verso (line 22): “Petrarca” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of printed books and manuscripts, autograph letters and historical documents, London 28-29 February 1949, lot 470 (“ruled in red throughout, woodcuts, contemporary French vellum gilt, arms of Jean-Frederic de Madruze, Comte d’Avi, Marquis de Sorian, etc., within an oval in the centre of each cover, the field decorated with quadrilobes and circles formed by fillets, and leafy sprays, back similarly tooled, g. e., the arms on the lower cover almost obliterated”) [lots 460-491 offered as “The Property of a Collector”; RBH BERRY-470]
● Romer - bought in sale (£4)


(48) Plutarchus, Les vies de huit excellens et renommez personnages grecz et romains (Lyon: Jean de Tournes, 1548)

Sextodecimo. USTC 27259. Binding: French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.250 recto (line 30): “Les vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains” or  f.254 recto (line 5) “Plutarchi opera franc:” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Henri, comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles, Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 262 (“vélin à recouvr., armes peintes et dor. au centre d’un cartouche, grands fleurons d’angles repoussés sur fond azure … Signat. raturée sur le titre”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 118,000) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, vol. 6, p.852]
● Librairie Lardanchet, Catalogue 57: Beaux livres anciens et modernes (Paris 1964), item 270 (FF 3800; illustrated; “aux arms du marquis de Soriano, Jean Madruzzi”)
● Dubois [Blogie, Répertoire des catalogues de ventes de livres imprimés, II: Catalogues français, Brussels 1985, col. 403, identifies “Dubois” as consignor to sale 17 April 1970]
● Ader Picard & Michel Castaing, Bibliothèque d’un amateur, autographes et livres, Paris, 17 April 1970, lot 94
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 5500) [Le Livre & l’Estampe 109-110 (1982), pp.116-117: “Dubois (1970 17 IV, ill. 5500FF”)
● Ader Picard Tajan & Claude Guérin with Dominique Courvoisier, Manuscrits et livres anciens, Paris, 11 December 1981 lot 59
● unidentified owner – bought in sale (FF 26,000) [Paul Culot, in Le Livre & l’Estampe 109-110 (1982), pp.116-117: “Volume fort désirable de ce livre de poche qu’un bibliophile éclairé s’empressa glisser dans la sienne”]
● Frederick B. Adams (1910-2001) and Princess Marie-Louise of Croÿ (b. 1919)
● Sotheby’s, Précieuses reliures du XVIe au XXe siècle de la collection d’un couple de bibliophiles, Paris, 17 November 2022, lot 6 (realised €10,710 inclusive) [catalogue, link; RBH pf2223-6]

Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 4)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 4 & Pl. 5
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: a) Paire d’écoinçons et semé de fleurs de lis ou de quatre-feuilles, no. 2”)

(49-51) Plutarchus, Plutarchi Cheronei Graecorum Romanorumque illustrium vitae, e Graeco in Latinum versae [-Tomus Secundus; Tomus Tertius (Lyon: Heirs of Giunta [vols. 1- 2], Guillaume Gazeau [vol. 3], 1552)

Sextodemcimo. USTC 199837/ 199838 (issued in three volumes). Bindings: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

Images courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
Cardinal Carlo Madruzzo (1562-1629), possibly post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.255r (line 9): “Plutarchi Cheronei Graecorum Romanorumque tom. p: et 2. et 3:” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Benedetto Colocci (1563-1638), inscription apparently in his hand “Munus Ill[ustriss]imi D[omini] Caroli Card[ina]lis Madrutij Jo: Benedicto Colocio” [for G.B. Colocci’s library, see Elisa Curti, “La Biblioteca della famiglia Colocci di Jesi e un dimenticato fondo librario di Montecarotto (An)” in La Bibliofilía 112 (2010), pp.13-20]
● private collection


(52) Plutarchus, Plvtarchi Cheronaei philosophi et historici vitae comparatae illustrium virorum Graecorum et Romanorum ita digestae, vt temporum ordo seriesque conster. Hermanno Cruserio I.C. interprete (Lyon: Antoine Gryphe, 1566)

Sextodecimo. USTC 139658. Binding: Parisian, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.255 recto (line 20): “Plutarchi Ceronei Heremnio [sic] Cruserio tom. 1:” or f.255 recto (line 18): “Plutarchi Ceronei Heremnio [sic] Cruserio tom. 3:” or f.255 recto (line 9): “Plutarchi Cheronei Graecorum Romanorumque tom. p: et 2. et 3:”; (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● John Gennadius (1844-1932)
● Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of the extensive and valuable library of manuscripts & printed books of His Excellency Monsieur John Gennadius, D.C.L., F.R.S.I., late Greek Minister at the court of St. James’s, &c. &c., London, 28 March-7 April 1895, lot 2388 (“contemporary brown morocco, the back and sides covered with elaborate gilt leafy scroll tooling, gilt edges (Le Gascon), with the arms of J.F. Madruze, Comte d’Avi, marquis de Sorian in centre” [link])
● Bernard Quaritch, London - bought in sale (£6 15s) [Book-prices Current, link]
● Henry White, FSA (d. 1900)
● Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of the valuable and extensive library of printed books and illuminated & other important manuscripts of the late Henry White, Esq., London, 21 April-2 May 1902, lot 1719 (“contemporary brown French morocco, back and sides covered in gilt leafy scrolls and other ornaments, g. e. with the arms of J. F. de Madruze, Comte d’Avi, Marquis de Sorian (Clovis Eve), well preserved” [link])
● J. & J. Leighton, London - bought in sale (£4 12s) [Book Prices Current, no. 4359]
● Pickering & Chatto, London; their Catalogue of old and rare books being a portion of the stock of and offered for sale by Pickering & Chatto, 66 Haymarket, London, S.W. (London [n.d., 1902?]), p.342 item 2581 (£14 14s; “12mo, old French olive morocco, sides gilt tooled in compartments, and filled in with leafy branches, centre ovals contain the arms of J.F. de Madruze, Comte d’Avi, Marquis of Sorian, a charming little piece of binding by Clovis Eve (see reproduction)”) [copy in British Library, RB 23.a.35070 examined; annotated with notes indicating their purchases, July 1902]
● William Henry Corfield (1843-1903)
● Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of the collection of books in valuable bindings of the late Professor W.H. Corfield, M.D., 19, Savile, Row, W., London, 21-23 November 1904, lot 395
● Gaston - bought in sale (£10 5s) [Book Auction records, link]

G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.7* (“Additions à la Troisième liste: Les reliures ‘a la fanfare’ proprement dites,” no. 60b)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 26
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 2”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes”; “Madruzzo aurait-il possédé deux exemplaires du même ouvrage au décor ‘fanfare’ semblable?”)

(53) Plutarchus, Les oeuvres morales et meslees de Plutarque translatees de grec en françois, reveuës & corrigees en plusieurs passages par Messire Jacques Amyot (Lyon: Étienne Michel, 1579)

Folio. USTC 29513 (pp.[8], 842, [164]). Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 1579 (date of publication).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 15 December 1617-2 January 1618, f.29 (line 23): “Les oeuvres morales de Plutarque, et les meslées du mesme” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Parma, Biblioteca Palatina, Pal. 11860 1-2 (opac pelle; sui piatti impressioni in oro e stemma impresso in oro; tagli [link])



(54) Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, Aurelii Prudentii Clementis viri consularis opera, a Victore Giselino correcta & annotationibus illustrata Ad Hippolytum Estensem cardinalem ac principem illustrissimum (Paris: Jérôme de Marnef, 1562)

Sextodecimo. USTC 153224. Binding: French, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.253 verso (line 2): “Opera Aurelij Prudentij” or f.254 verso (line 12): “Prudentius” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Joseph de Guyon de Crochans (1673-1756), inscription “Latour Guion Romae 1708” on endleaf [appointed bishop of Cavaillon (Vaucluse), 9 September 1709-30 July 1742, promoted Archbishop of Avignon; for other books from his library, see Quaritch, Examples of the art of book binding (London 1897), item 532, for Aresta amorum LII (Paris 1555) “bound about 1670 at Paris” with “On the flyleaf is a memorandum of presentation to Latour-Guion, Rome, 1699, from ‘Philippus Albinus, Episcopus S. Agathae Gothorum’”; Wittock sale catalogue, Part III, Paris, 7 October 2005, lot 4: a Sammelband from Benoît Le Court’s library, with ownership inscription: “Ex Lib. Joseph de La Tour Guyon Rome 1701”]
● Berthier de Wagram, family library (Château de Grosbois)
● Sotheby’s France, Une famille et Napoléon: collections du Maréchal Berthier, Prince de Wagram, Paris, 29 April 2014, lot 287 (“vélin ivoire doré à plaques d’écoinçon, aux armes peintes de Gian Federico Madruzzo, tranches dorées, traces d’attaches (Reliure de l’époque). En partie dérelié”) [catalogue, link; RBH PF1450-287, online, link]
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (€625)
● Libreria Prometheos, Rome; their Scelta di opere curiose e rare per la Mostra del Libro e della Stampa Antica, Milano, 1 Ottobre 2016 (Rome 2016), item 11 (€5000) [online, link]
● Mayfair Rare Books (Paolo Rambaldi), London
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above, 2017 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2327; to be sold by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]


(55) Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, Aurelii Prudentii clementis viri consulais opera (Paris: Jérôme de Marnef, 1566)

Sextodecimo. USTC 154658. Binding: unknown (presumably of the fanfare type, after 25 March 1569 investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.253 verso (line 2): “Opera Aurelij Prudentij” or f.254 verso (line 12): “Prudentius” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● unidentified owner, inscription “Anchise Areafortis romanus” (opac)
● unidentified owner, inscription “Giorgio Bonelli” (opac)
● unidentified owner, monogram “CB” (opac)
● Armand Cigongne (1790-1859), exlibris
● Henri Eugène Philippe Louis d’Orléans, duc d’Aumale (1822-1897)
● Chantilly, Bibliothèque du musée Condé, VIII-C-046 (opac Reliure française, 16e siècle, maroquin olive, décor dorée à la fanfare, armes de Jean-Frédéric de Madruze [link; image, link])

Antoine Le Roux de Lincy, Catalogue des livres, manuscrits et imprimés composant la bibliothèque de M. Armand Cigongne (Paris 1861), no. 458 (“Riche et belle reliure du XVIe siècle”) [library purchased en bloc by the Duc d’Aumale]

(56) Lucius Annaeus Seneca, L. Annei Senecae Cordubensis Tragoediae septem (Paris: Jérôme de Marnef, 1563)

Sextodecimo. USTC 139333. Parisian, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● “inscription “1571 14 Decemb. Chastil.” on upper pastedown, early shelfmarks (opac as “Chastil”; Boinet as “Chastel”; compare Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, p.96)
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.257 verso (line 11): “Seneca Tragediae” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Grace Whitney Hoff (1862-1938)
● Albert Ehrman, Broxbourne Library, exlibris
● Oxford, Bodleian Library: Broxb. 11.2 (opac French binding, late 16th century; brown calf, with silver- and gold-tooled armorial binding (Jean Frederic de Madruze, Marquis de Sorian), with arms painted; gold-tooled spine, fillet and hatching on board edges; gilt edges. Clasps (missing) hinged to lower cover [link; image, Flickr database, link])

Amédée Boinet, Bibliothèque de Madame G. Whitney Hoff: Catalogue des manuscrits, incunables, éditions rares, reliures anciennes et modernes (Paris 1933), no. 79 & Pl. 35 (“La reliure est don de quelques années postérieure a l’impression du volume.”)
G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.4 (“Première liste: Les reliures ‘à la fanfare’ du type primitif,” no. 14a)
Mirjam Foot, The Henry Davis Gift, A collection of bookbindings, 1: Studies in the history of bookbinding (London 1978), p.162 (located as “Broxbourne Library, R883”)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 7 & Pl. 14
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: b) ‘Fanfare,’ type primitif, no. 2”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)

(57) Lucius Annaeus Seneca [unidentified edition, perhaps a Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe edition of the Tragoediae (issued in sextodecimo in 1547, 1548, 1554) or one volume of Gryphe's two-volume edition of the Opera (1555)]

Sextodecimo (?). Binding: Parisian, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Auguste-François Perrodin (1834-1887)
● Henri Lechat, Léon Tual & Ém. Paul, Catalogue des livres à figures (XVe-XVIIIe s), la plupart gravées sur bois, composant la bibliothèque de feu M. Auguste Perrodin, Paris, 30-31 May 1888, lot 226 (“L. Annaei Senecae Tragoediae. S.l. nd. Pet. In-12, vél. dos orné, fil. et comp. dor. tr. dor. Exemplaire réglé et recouvert d’une reliure du XVIe siècle, à compartiments avec armoiries. Le titre et le dernier f. manquent. Légères taches et cassures.” [link])
● Librairie Damascène Morgand, Paris; their Bulletin mensuel, nouvelle série - No. 10, juin 1910 (Paris 1910), item 534 (“Sénèque le tragique. L. Annaei Tragoediae X (Lugduni, Gryphius, 1548?), in-16, réglé, vélin blanc, dos orné de feuillages, compart. de fil. droits et courbés avec fleurons, arabesques et feuillages, tr. dor.” [link]); Librairie Damascène Morgand, Bulletin mensuel, nouvelle série - No. 16, mars 1913 (Paris 1913), item 2498 [link]

Léon Charvet, Enseignement des arts décoratifs (Paris 1914), p.398 & Fig. 1104 (“reliure, renferment un Sénèque, en peau de truie blanche avec ornements frappées et dores; blason du premier possesseur. … Appartiennent à M. Perrodin” [link])
Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 7)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 16
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.152 (“L’ouvrage est impossible à déterminer; à titre d’exemple, avant 1586, date du décès de Madruzzo, l’édition latine des Tragédies de Sénèque au format in-16° est publiée à Lyon, chez les Gryphe, Sébastien puis Antoine, en 1548, 1554, 1573, 1581”; “B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 9”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes”)

(58) Gaius Silius Italicus, Silii Italici poetae clarissimi, De bello punico secundo libri septemdecim. Cum argumentis (Lyon: Antoine Gryphe, 1578)

Sextodecimo. USTC 141607. Binding: Parisian, after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture). Title lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.256 verso (line 8): “Silij Italici Poetae de bello Punico libri 17” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
Louis-Alexandre Barbet (1850-1931)
● Henri Baudoin, Maurice Ader & Librairie Giraud-Badin, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de feu M. L.-A. Barbet. Première partie, Paris, 13-14 June 1932, lot 142 (“aux armes de Jean-Frédéric de Madruze” [link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 8000)
● Henri, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 307 (“…du style des Eve, aux armes de Jean-Frédéric Madruzzi … De la vente L.-A. Barbet, no. 142 du cat.”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 32,500) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, vol.6, p.974]
● Jean Fürstenberg (1890-1982)
● Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil, Beaumesnil (Mesnil-en-Ouche)
● Wemaëre-de Beaupuis-Denesle Enchères SARL & Binoche et Giquello, Livres et objets d’art provenant des collections de la Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil, Paris, 9 December 2013, lot 154 [catalogue, link]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased at the above sale [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2376; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

Exposition de reliures de la Renaissance: collection Jean Furstenberg: 30 September 1961 (Paris 1961), no. 97
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 31
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.153 (binding unclassified, “faute de pouvoir visualiser le décor”)

(59) Caius Iulius Solinus, C. Iulii Solini Polyhistor (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1538), bound with Pomponius Mela, Pomponii Melae De situ orbis libri tres. Cum annotationibus Petri Ioannis Oliuarij Valentini (Lyon: Antoine Vincent, 1551)

Octavo. USTC 147494, 126547. Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.253 verso (line 30): “Pomponius Mela [de Situ] Orbij” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Trento, Biblioteca S. Bernardino, C401

Claudio Fedele & Anna Gonzo, Incunaboli e cinquecentine della Fondazione Biblioteca S. Bernardino di Trento (Trento 2004), nos.3121/2271 (“Legatura del XVI sec., prima metà (?); arte francese; alle armi di Gian Federico Madruzzo in marocchino oliva; piatti decorati in oro con riquadro di due filetti, nastri intrecciati e foglie stilizzate colorati a cera in nero su fondo pointillé; stemmi (Malaguzzi tipo C.1.a) con tracce di colore rosso e blu; dorso a 5 nervature rinforzato in pergamena; labbri con decorazione in oro con viticci, barrette e filetti; capitelli in seta verde; taglio dorato e cesellato con motivi vegetali; autore e titolo manoscritto sul taglio di piede … exemplaire réglé. Sconosciuta a Malazuzzi F., Regiam, che descrive tre legature molto simili, tav. 1-3, p.118-123”)

(60) Domingo de Soto, Fratris Dominici Soto Segobiensis theologi ordinis praedicatorum … In epistolam diui Pauli ad Romanos commentarii. Eiusdem de natura & gratia, ad Sanctum Concilium tridentinum, libri 3., cum apologia contra reuerendum episcopum Catharinum (Antwerp: Joannes Steelsius, 1550)

Folio. USTC 402602. Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 25 March 1569 investiture.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros, inscriptions dated 1573 (Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, pp.95-96)
● probably Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 2 January 1618 for his son and heir, Carlo Emanuele Madruzzo (1599-1658), f.13 (line 9): “Comentarii Fratris Dominici Soto in folio in Epistolam Divi Pauli ad Romanos & eiusdem lib. 3 de natura et gratia, thomus unus” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● probably François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (listing 422 books in the family library), f.41 Cote Ad 12: “Fratris Dominici Soto Segobiensis Theologi, ordinis praedicatorum, cæsaræ Majestati à sacris confessionibus, In Epistolam diui Pauli ad Romanos commentarii: eiusdem de Natura [et] Gratia, ad Sanctum Concilium Tridentinum Libri III. C” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Collegio dei Ss. Martiri di Torino
● Turin, Biblioteca Civica, 70.A.16 (opac [link]) [no binding detail]

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 35 & Pl. 12
Francesco Malaguzzi, “Committenza madruzziana di legature di pregio” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi di Trento tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), p.668 no. 38
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.153 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: f) Bordure aux filets, no. 1”; “Le décor plus simples s’observe sur des reliures d’origines diverses; il a pu être exécuté dans un atelier du Trentin”)

(61) Publius Papinius Statius, Statii Papinii neapolitani Syluarum libri V. Thebaidos lib. XII. Achilleidos lib. II (Lyon: Heirs of Sébastien Gryphe, 1559)

Sextodecimo. USTC 152756. Parisian, after 25 March 1569 investiture.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.258 recto (line 10): “Petrarca tatius Papinius Silvae liber” or f.258 recto (line 6): “Sextij Papinij” or 257 verso (line 31): “Statius” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Giovanni Gancia, Brighton & Paris
● Delbergue-Cormont & Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. G. Gancia composée en partie de livres de la première bibliothèque du Cardinal Mazarin et d’Ouvrages précieux, Paris, 27 April-2 May 1868, lot 481 (“in-16, réglé, vél., comp., fil., tr. dor. Riche reliure du temps a petits fers, aux armes de Jean-Frédéric Madruze…” [link])
● [fixed-price catalogue of an unidentified Parisian bookseller, perhaps Antoine-Laurent Potier, offering Gancia’s books; drop-head title:] Catalogue de la Bibliothèque d’un amateur. Pour les conditions, voir la couverture du présent Catalogue (Paris, “imp. De Jouaust, rue Saint-Honore, 338,” undated [the date 1865 is found in text]), p.86 [unnumbered entry] (FF45; “Riche reliure du temps a petits fers, aux armes de Jean-Frederic Madruze…” [link]) [the only known copy, kept by the Florentine bibliophile Giovanni Nencini (1803-1878), and bequeathed by him to the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (shelfmark Nencini [link], with notation “Manca il frontispizio”)

Joannis Guigard, Nouvel armorial du bibliophile (Paris 1890), II, p.334 [this book cited]
G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.4 (“Première liste: Les reliures ‘à la fanfare’ du type primitif,” no. 12a)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 6
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 1”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)

(62-64) Agostino Steuco, Augustini Steuchi, Eugubini … Opera quae extant, omnia, è veteribus bibliothecis, & multis aliis locis bonorum virorum eorundémque doctissimorum cura & labore simul redacta (Paris: Michel Sonnius, 1578)

Folio. USTC 170458 (three parts). Binding: Lyon (?), after 1578 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Horace, Baron de Landau (1824-1903), exlibris
● Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of very important illuminated manuscripts and printed books selected from the renowned library formed by Baron Horace de Landau (1824-1903), maintained and augmented by his niece Madame Finaly, of Florence (d. 1938) and now sold in accordance with the terms of her will and on the instructions of her heirs, the present owners, London, 12-13 July 1948, lot 110 & Pl. 45 (“fine contemporary Lyonese bindings having in the centre the arms of Count Gianfederigo Madruzzo, surrounded by the collar of the Santissima Annunziata … the cornerpieces are very similar to, if not the same as, those on the dedication copy to Charles IX of C. Corti, Il Cavallerizzo, Lyons, 1573, which was lot 198 of the Christie Miller sale, March 30, 1925. The border may be seen on a Huguenot Psalter printed at Lyons in 1563 which was lot 83 of the Escoffier sale at Paris, May 18, 1933.”) [RBH PALM-110]
● Charles J. Sawyer, London – bought in sale (£150); their Catalogue 190 (London 1948), item 128 (£225); Catalogue 200 (London 1950), item 180 (£225); Catalogue 202 (London 1950), item 70 (£225); Catalogue 217 (1953), item 132 (£225) [Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 4) cite Sawyer, Catalogue 225, 1954, item 132]
● Christie Manson & Woods, Catalogue of valuable printed books from the libraries of the Right Honourable the Lord Forbes and others, London, 28 June 1961, lot 205
● Maggs Bros, London - bought in sale (£100)
● Bernard Quaritch, London; their Catalogue 1357: Art & architecture (London 2007), item 91 (£30,000; “evidently bound for him in an anonymous Lyonese workshop whose distinct strapwork cornerpieces on azured ground can be found on another three bindings in the mid 1570s attributed to Lyons (cf. M. v. Arnim, “Beiträge zur Einbandkunde XIII. Ein Lyoner Eckplatten-Band für Antoine du Verdier, ca 1575” in Philobiblon, March 1992, fasc. 1, pp.55-58”)
● Hesketh & Ward, London; their Catalogue 41: Continental books (London [2008?]), item 65 (£28,000)
● Reiss & Sohn, Auktion 141: Wertvolle Bücher, Handschriften, Königstein, 10-11 May 2011, lot 142
● Studio Bibliografico di Paolo Rambaldi, Molinella; exhibited: Salon du Livre, Paris 2015

Mostra storica della legatura artistica in Palazzo Pitti (Florence 1922), no. 404 (“Signora A. Finaly, Firenze”)
Hobson & Culot, op. cit., p.121 (note 4)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 12 & Pl. 8
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.151 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: a) Paire d’écoinçons et semé de fleurs de lis ou de quatre-feuilles, no. 4”)

(65) Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Caesares. Item Io. Baptistae Egnatii Veneti De Romanis principibus libri III (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1548)

Sextodecimo. USTC 154826. Binding: Parisian, before 25 March 1569 investiture (probably 1554-1556).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
possibly François-Maurice-Grégoire de Challant (1756-1796), library catalogue of 1775 (listing 422 books in the family library), f.77 Cote Af-14: “C Suetonii Tranquilli, XII Caesares D. Julius Cæsar Sans date ni endroit d’Impression. 1 vol. in-12º” (“Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775,” in Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Henri, comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 316 (“veau fauve, plats couverts de jeux de filets brisés et entrelacés dessinant des compart. et fleurons emplis au pointilé dor., armes peintes dans un cartouche au centre, dos à nerfs à caissons d’entrelacs dor., tr. ciselées … Aux armes de Jean Fédéric Madruzzi … Les plats de la reliure sont en excellent état; le dos provient d’une autre reliure”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 25,100) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, vol. 6, p.994]

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 18
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.150 (“A/ Armoiries simples: b) Entrelacs sur fond pointillé, no. 2”)

(66) Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, Qui Romanorum imperatorum vitas scripserint, authores, praecipui. Cum annotationibus (Lyon: Symphorien Barbier for Jean Frellon, 1562)

Sextodecimo. USTC 203091. Binding: unknown.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.240 recto (line 11): “Authorum praecipuorum, Qui Romanorum uitas scripserint pars 1 et 2a : 3a” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Carl D. Becher (1857-1934)
● Leipzig, Buch- und Schriftmuseum, 11/763
● Moscow, Russian State Library (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ gosudarstvennai︠a︡ biblioteka. Nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ otdel redkikh knig (Muzeĭ knigi), MK VII-16866

Tatiana Alekseevna Dolgodrova, Katalog khudozhestuennykh pereplëtov sobraniia Karla Bekhera [Catalogue of Decorative Bindings in the Collection of Carl Becher] (Moscow 2007), pp.333-334 no. 388 [indexed p.390, as “Madruze d’Avi, J.F.”]

(67) Johannes Tauler, Exercitia D Joannis Thauleri piissima, super vita et passione salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, in gratiam sitientium salutem, ex idiomate germanico in latinum versa (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1572)

Sextodecimo. USTC 140962. Binding: Parisian, after 1572 (publication date).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.245 verso (line 28): “Exercitia Io: Taulerij de uita, et pass[io]ne Christi” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Ader Picard Tajan & Jean Viardot, Livres anciens XVe-XVIIIe provenant de la bibliothèque d’un amateur, Paris, 22 May 1991, lot 124 [sale date cited by Culot erroneously as 12 May]
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 55,000) [Book Auction Records]
● Maggs Bros, London; their Catalogue 1142: Fine books & manuscripts (London 1992), item 13 [erroneously as “From the collection of Horatio Walpole, 9th Earl of Orford (1813-1894), sale, Sotheby, 20/6/1902, lot 88” - that volume is Madruzzo’s copy of Dionysius Areopagita 1572 described above]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above, 1992 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2357; to be sold by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

T. Kimball Brooker, Upright works: the emergence of the vertical library in the sixteenth century, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Chicago, 1996, pp.700 (see above), 1268 Fig. 226a
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, pp.149-150 [erroneously stating that this volume was sold in London, 20 June 1902, as lot 88; that volume is the Dionysius Aeropagita described above]; p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 5”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)

(68-69) André Thevet, La Cosmographie universelle d’André Thevet cosmographe du Roy illustrée de diverses figures des choses plus remarquables veuës par l'auteur … Tome Premier [- Second] (Paris: Guillaume Chaudière, 1575)

Folio (2 volumes). USTC 1595. Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

Image courtesy of Federico Macchi

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● not traced in Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629)’s post-mortem inventory, nor in the “Catalogue du cabinet a livres du Comte de Challant à Turin, 1775” (Passerin d’Entrèves family archive; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website) [competing Cosmographies were published at Paris in 1575, both in two volumes in folio format: one, by François de Belleforest (a translation of Sebastian Münster’s Cosmographia), was printed by Nicolas Chesneau & Michel Sonnius; the other, by Thevet, was printed by Pierre L’Huillier & Guillaume Chaudière. Recorded in the inventory of the Cardinal’s library (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, folio 250 recto, line 29) is a copy of Belleforest’s work, as “La Cosmographie universelle de tout le monde libri duo tom. 1 et 2”]
● Padua, Università degli studi, 113.B.42-43


(70) Jérémie Thriveris, Hieremiae Thriveri Brachelii Varia apophthegmata (Lyon: Godefroy & Marcellin Beringen, 1549), bound with Nicolò Leonico Tomeo, Nicolai Leonici Thomaei De varia historia libri tres. Cum eorum, quae notatu digna sunt, Indice locupletissimo (Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1555)

Sextodecimo. USTC 157856, 151769. Binding: Parisian, 1556. Date “1556” lettered on back.

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● perhaps Emanuele Renato Madruzzo (1558-1614), inventory of the family library, Castello di Issogne, taken 15 December 1617-2 January 1618, f.31 (line 13): “Apophtegmata Hieremia Triveri” (Archives historiques régionales d’Aoste, Fonds Challant, vol. 55 n°1, Conte di Challant - Inventari legali e pupillari, liasse 1 (1565-1590), doc. 1; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● more probably Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.253 recto (line 24): “Nicolai Thomaei De varia historia” or f.259 recto (line 6): “Thomei historia” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● unidentified owner, oval stamp containing crossed arms, surmounted by a cross over S.M.N. | NP. (repeated on final leaf)
● Hector Marie Auguste de Backer (1843-1925) [président de la Société des bibliophiles et iconophiles de Belgique]
● Fernand Lair-Dubreuil & Librairie Giraud-Badin, Bibliothèque de feu M. Hector de Backer. Deuxième partie, Paris, 28-31 March 1927, lot 3029 (“Exemplaire réglé, aux armes de J.-B. Madruze, comtye d’Avi. Timbre de la bibliothèque d’un couvent sur les titres” [link])
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 2900) [Annuaire des ventes de livres, link]
● Henri, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 175 (“Exemplaire réglé, aux armes de Jean Frédéric Madruzzi … Provient de la vente H. de Backer, no. 3029 du cat.”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 10,800) [Guide du bibliophile et du libraire, 6, p.637]
● Jean Fürstenberg (1890-1982)
● Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil, Beaumesnil (Mesnil-en-Ouche)
● Wemaëre-de Beaupuis-Denesle Enchères SARL & Binoche et Giquello, Livres et objets d’art provenant des collections de la Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil, Paris, 9 December 2013, lot 162 [catalogue, link]
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased at the above sale [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2221; to be sold by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 21
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.153

(71) François Titelmans, Elucidatio paraphrastica in librum d. Iob, priore aeditione multò castigatior, adiectis Annotationibus in loca difficiliora (Lyon: Jean Ausoult & Guillaume Rouillé, 1554)

Sextodecimo. USTC 144081. Binding: Lyon, probably before 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros, initials “I.F.Y. Madrutz” on upper cover, evidently signifying the owner and his wife, Isabelle (Ysabelle) de Challant (1531-1596); inscription “15 Y 72 4 maj. Issog. [i.e., Castello di Issogne] Breues anni transeunt et semitam per quam non revertar ambulabo Y” (compare transcription by Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, p.96)
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.259 recto (line 10): “Titelmann: in Job” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’ auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● inscription “Fr(atr)is Archangeli Platinae Mantuani ordinis praed(icatorum) et suorum amicorum, emptus Papiae a d(omi)no Andrea Viano Brixiensi” on title-page
● G. Hess, Munich; their Katalog 33: Manuskripte XI.-XV. s., Inkunabeln, Holzschnittbücher, Einbände, Varia (Munich [1927?]), item 125 & Taf. 3 [link]
● Henri, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 334
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 78,000) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, 6, p.1017]
● Jean Fürstenberg (1890-1982)
● Martin Breslauer Inc., New York; their Catalogue 104/II: Fine books in fine bindings from the fourteenth to the present century (New York 1981), item 179 ($8500; “contemporary Lyonnese binding”)
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased from the above, 1989 [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2280; to be sold by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]

G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.45
Exposition de reliures de la Renaissance: collection Jean Furstenberg: 30 September 1961
(Paris 1961), no. 111
Hobson & Culot, op. cit. 1991, p.121 (note 6)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 32 [erroneous citation of the Hess catalogue]
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.153 (“C/ Inscription ify madrvtz Plaque à motifs d’arabesques et de marques grotesques, no. 1”; “Reliure d’un atelier lyonnais”)

(72) Marco Girolamo Vida, Marci Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis, Albae episcopi, Opera. Quorum catalogum sequens pagella continet (Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1578)

Duodecimo. USTC 406416 (sextodecimo). Binding: Parisian, after 1578 (date of publication).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Carl D. Becher (1857-1934)
● Leipzig, Buch- und Schriftmuseum, 183 11/173
● Moscow, Russian State Library (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ gosudarstvennai︠a︡ biblioteka. Nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ otdel redkikh knig (Muzeĭ knigi), MK VII-16793

Martin Gerlach, Das alte Buch und seine Ausstattung vom XV. bis zum XIX. Jahrhundert: Buchdruck, Buchschmuck und Einbände (Die Quelle, Mappe 13) (Vienna [1915]), Tafel 128/4 [link]
G.D. Hobson, op. cit. 1970, p.19 (“Troisième Liste: Les reliures ‘à la fanfare’ proprement dites,” no. 107; “de la collection du Docteur Becher, de Carlsbad, et sont maintenant au Deutsches Buchmuseum, Leipzig”)
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 13 & Pl. 15
Culot, Un bibliophile du Trentin, op. cit. 1997, p.152 (“B/ Armoiries avec la couronne comtale et le cordon de l’Ordre: c) ‘Fanfare,’ type proprement dit, no. 7”; “Toutes les reliures au décor ‘fanfare’ sont françaises, sans doute parisiennes.”)
Tatiana Alekseevna Dolgodrova, Katalog khudozhestuennykh pereplëtov sobraniia Karla Bekhera [Catalogue of Decorative Bindings in the Collection of Carl Becher] (Moscow 2007), p.165 no. 183

(73) [unidentified]

Sextodecimo (?). Binding: Italian (?), after 25 March 1569 (date of investiture).

● Gian Federico Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Felice Vogt (1873-1958)
● Biblioteca Diocesana Tridentina Antonio Rosmini (Malaguzzi)
● Trento, Biblioteca Diocesana Vigilianum (?)

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 17 & Pl. 10

appendix 1: bindings with the arms of cristoforo madruzzo (1512-1578)

(A1a) Titus Livius, Le deche di T. Liuio padouano delle historie romane, tradotte nella lingua toscana, da Iacopo Nardi cittadino fiorentino, & nuouamente dal medesimo riuedute & emendate (Venice: Heirs of Lucantonio Giunta, March 1547)

Folio. USTC 838296. Binding: unknown. Presumed arms of Cardinal Christoforo Madruzzo.

● Cardinal Cristoforo Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Bernard Quaritch, London; their Catalogue 135: A Catalogue of Greek and Latin Classics (London 1893), item 577 (£25; “fine copy bound for Cardinal Madruccio, with Nardi’s autograph letter of presentation, dated May 18th, 1547; in a beautiful Venetian binding of smooth brown morocco, gilt in the Canevari style and having the Cardinal’s arms painted in the centre” [link]); Catalogue 166: Examples of the art of book-binding and volumes bearing marks of distinguished ownership (London 1897), item 373 [link]; Bernard Quaritch, Catalogue 207: A catalogue of rare and valuable books comprising Americana, bibles, fine bindings, early printed books, woodcuts (London 1901), item 63 [link]

(A1b) Plato, Omnia diuini Platonis opera tralatione Marsilii Ficini, emendatione, et ad Graecum codicem collatione Simonis Grynaei, summa diligentia repurgata (Lyon: Godefroy & Marcellin Beringen for Antoine Vincent, 1548)

Folio. USTC 150088. Binding: Parisian, 1554-1556. Arms of Cardinal Christoforo Madruzzo.

● Cardinal Cristoforo Madruzzo, armorial supralibros
● Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Tirnoleone, Count Libri-Carrucci (1803-1869)
● S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson, Catalogue of the reserved & most valuable portion of the Libri collection, containing one of the most extraordinary assemblages of ancient manuscripts & printed books ever submitted for sale, London, 25-29 July 1862, lot 458 (“This copy belonged to Cardinal Christopher Madruccio, Bishop of Trent, and has his arms and his device (a Phoenix ardent, with the motto Vt Vivat) worked in gold, silver, and colours on both sides of the binding. The device of Cardinal Christopher Madruccio will be found engraved in the collection of Imprese, published by Girolamo Porro at Venice, in 1578, in 4to.” [link])
● unidentified collector - bought in sale (£44)
● Robert Hoe (1839-1909)
● Anderson Galleries, Catalogue of the library of Robert Hoe of New York. Part IV: A to K: illuminated manuscripts, incunabula, historical bindings, New York, 11-15 November 1912, lot 385 (“contemporary Lyonnese binding in dark brown calf … the arms of a Cardinal in the center of both covers … a medallion stamped in gold representing the Phoenix surmounted by the sun with the letters V.E.V. and the motto Vt Vivat” [link])
● Joseph Baer, Frankfurt am Main
● E.P. Goldschmidt, London; their Catalogue 4: Manuscripts and early printed books (London 1924), item 140 (£350)
● Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio (Malaguzzi, Committenza, op. cit., p.661)

Guillaume Libri, Monuments inédits ou peu connus, faisant partie du cabinet de Guillaume Libri (London 1862), Pl. 16
Robert Hoe, One hundred and seventy-six historic and artistic bookbindings dating from the fifteenth century to the present time (New York 1895), Pl. 34
Leo Baer, “Aus unserer Einbändesammlung. IV. Französische Renaissance-Einbände” in Frankfurter Bücherfreund 12 (1914), p.215 & Pl. 48
Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, pp.61-67 (“Il Platone del Cardinale”), Frontispiece (lower cover, in colour) & Fig. 8 (upper cover)
Francesco Malaguzzi, “Committenza madruzziana di legature di pregio” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), pp.668-669 no. 34
Emile van der Vekene, Bemerkenswerte Einbände in der Nationalbibliothek zu Luxemburg (Luxemburg 1972), p.44 (“Vergl. besonders den Einband aus dem Besitz des Cardinals Madruccio, Abbildung”)
Fabienne Le Bars, “Un luxe éphémère: les reliures aux armes de Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld” in Un prince de la Renaissance: Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld (1517-1604) (Luxembourg 2007), pp.157-167 (p.166) and p.470 (compared with Mansfeld’s Tome second de l’Afrique, Lyon 1556)

appendix 2: bindings with madruzzo family arms

(A2a) Appianus, Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum Lib. XII. Ex collatione Graecorum exemplarium restituti & emendati [volume I only] (Lyon: Antoine Gryphe, 1576)

Sexodecimo. USTC 141401. Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 1576 (publication date). Madruzzo family arms.

possibly Ferdinando Madruzzo (1564-1618), armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.240 recto (line 7): “Appiani Alexandrini Historiarum Roman” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Henri, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953)
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 35 (volume 1 only, “mar. rouge, armes au centre … Exempl. incomplet qui s’arrête à la p.580 … Texte réglé. Aux armes de la famille Madruzzi (un fils de Jean-Frédéric Madruzzi et d’Ysabelle de Challant”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 14,000) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, vol. 6, p.31]
● Christie’s, Collection Michel Wittock. Troisième partie: Reliures françaises de la Renaissance, Paris, 7 October 2005, lot 3 (“The shop is difficult to localize, and an origin other than French of the gold-tooled morocco, with an unusual fleuron in the compartments of its spine, cannot be excluded.”) [RBH 5406-3]

Malaguzzi, Regiam, op. cit. 1993, no. 29 & Pl. 11 (entered in series of G.F. Madruzzo)
Francesco Malaguzzi, “Committenza madruzziana di legature di pregio” in I Madruzzo e l’Europa 1539-1658: i principi vescovi tra Papato e Impero (Milan 1993), pp.668-669 no. 36 (illustrated)

(A2b) Petrus de Palude, Sermones sive enarrationes, in Evangelia, de Tempore ac Sanctorum festis. Qui Thesaurus novus vulgo vocantur. Petro de Palude Authore. Pars Hyemalis. Exactissime & fidelissime denuo recogniti (Lyon: Guillaume Rouillé, 1575)

Octavo. USTC 141315. Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 1575 (publication date). Madruzzo family arms.

possibly Ferdinando Madruzzo (1564-1618), armorial supralibros
● inscription “15y79.24. Jan…” (?) on upper endleaf
● unidentified owner, inscription “fr. Asconini Dunii Potiboini (?)” on title-page
● Convento di Santa Mustiola, Chiusi, inscription
● Henri, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1898-1937)
● François, Comte Chandon de Briailles (1892-1953), exlibris
● Maurice Rheims & Jacqueline Vidal-Mégret, Bibliothèque de M. le Comte C. de X… Précieuses reliures armoriées ou ornées XVIe et XVIIe siècles; Manuscrits, Paris, 2-3 December 1954, lot 231 (“Aux armes d’un membre de la famille Madruzzi; elles ont été en partie peintes”)
● unidentified owner - bought in sale (FF 8200) [Le Guide du Bibliophile, vol. 6, p.813]
● Jean Fürstenberg (1890-1982)
● Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil, Beaumesnil (Mesnil-en-Ouche)
● Wemaëre-de Beaupuis-Denesle Enchères SARL & Binoche et Giquello, Livres et objets d’art provenant des collections de la Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil, Paris, 9 December 2013, lot 143
● T. Kimball Brooker, purchased at the above sale [Bibliotheca Brookeriana #2368; to be offered by Sotheby’s in 2024-2025]


(A2c) Marcus Terentius Varro, M. Terentii Varronis opera quae supersunt. In lib. De ling. Lat. Coniectanea Iosephi Scaligeri, recognita & appendice aucta. In libros De Re rust. notae eiusdem Ios. Scal. non antea editae. His adiuncti fuerunt Adr. Turn. Comment. in lib. De lingua latina: cum emendationibus Ant. Augustini. Item P. Victorii Castigationes in lib. De re rustica (Geneva: Henri Estienne, 1573)

Octavo. USTC 450659. Binding: Italian (Trentino, or Valle d’Aosta?), after 1573 (publication date). Madruzzo family arms.

possibly Ferdinando Madruzzo (1564-1618), armorial supralibros
● possibly Cardinal Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo (1562-1629), post-mortem inventory (listing 1435 books in his library in Borgo S. Pietro in Rome), f.258 verso (line 29): “Terentij Varonis opera” (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Notai del tribunale dell’auditor Camerae, Sanctes Floridus (1615-1650), no. 2991, cc.238v-262v; transcribed by Paulette Taieb, Bibliothèques Nobiliaires Valdôtaines website)
● Bologna, Biblioteca Archiginnasio, 7. OO. II. 12 (opac, [link]; Biblioteca digitale dell’Archiginnasio, Archivio dei possessori, ID 379 [link])

