Two volumes (24.5 cm), I: xx, 793 (3) pp., including portrait, text illustrations. II: xxxviii (2) pp., [114] plates (figs.1-609). Uniform publisher’s grey cloth, title lettered on upper covers; printed dust jackets; original plain card slipcase. - Contributions by 95 authors, including Giulio Carlo Argan, Creighton Gilbert, Lionello Puppi, Michelangelo Muraro, Otto Benesch, John Pope-Hennessy, Peter Murray, Philip Pouncey, Henry Millon, Terisio Pignatti. ¶ Fine, unmarked copy.
Two volumes (28 cm), I: 503 (3) pp. II: pp.[509]-941 (3), numerous black & white illustrations. Uniform publisher’s blue cloth, lettered; dust jackets; original blue paper slipcase. ¶ Slipcase rubbed and slightly discoloured; otherwise as new.
(21.5 cm), 198 (2) pp., [32] p. of black & white illustrations. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - A collection of 37 previously published articles on aspects of European and American painting. ¶ As new.
(26.5 cm), (4) xxxvi, 594 pp., colour portrait, illustrations (many in colour). Publisher's pictorial boards. - Remembrances, checklist of Duverger's publications, and 21 essays in Dutch, French, English, and German by his colleagues and friends. Duverger published numerous articles on the production and sale of textiles, but is best known for his fourteen-volume Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw (Brussels 1984-2004). Several essays are concerned with weavers, merchants, and collectors of tapestry (Agnieszka Bender, Anne Desprechins, Maria Hennel-Bernasikowa, Jean Luc Meulemeester, Norbert Poulain); others with the production and sale of prints (Ger Luitjen, Het prentwerk van Cornells Schut; Filip Lemmens & Alfons K.L. Thus), the markets for drawings (Patrick Michel, Collection de dessins et marché de l'art en France au XVIIIe siècle) and paintings (Sophie Raux, Ryszard Szmydki). ¶ As new.
(28.5 cm), xiv, 285 (1) pp., illustrations (most in colour). Publisher’s cloth, pictorial dust jacket. - Collection of 17 papers presented at the first Robert H. Smith colloquium, Victoria & Albert Museum, 12-13 November 2010. ¶ As new