Times Bookshop (London)
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 8] Witchcraft : an exhibition of printed books illustrating the history of the practices and philosophies of the occult arts in Europe
London, Times Bookshop, 1963
(25 × 14 cm), 60 pp. 90 items. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Includes some rare French books, among them three unrecorded by Alfred Caillet, Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques et occultes (1912). “The exhibition “proved quite a crowd-drawer. The Beatles came – all but Ringo, perhaps not to be accounted ‘booky’” (from Sheila Markham, “Timothy d’Arch Smith in conversation with Sheila Markham: The Markham Interviews : New Series 2” in The Book Collector, Winter 2011, pp.576-583). Timothy D’Arch Smith, The times deceas’d: the Rare Book Department of the Times Bookshop in the 1960’s ([Settrington, York]: Stone Trough Books, 2003), pp.76-79. ¶ Good, unmarked copy of the ordinary issue (200 numbered copies on Abbey Mills antique laid paper also were distributed).