Fritz Roth & Cie (Lausanne)
[Stock catalogues; numbered series:] 8 § 9
Lausanne, F. Roth & Cie, 1945-1946
Two catalogues (24.5 cm), as issued, in publisher’s pictorial wrappers, glassine jackets (fragmentary). - The final two (of nine) catalogues edited by Nicolas Rauch for Fritz R. Roth. Catalogue 9, item 2 (18,000 Swiss francs) is an illuminated prayer book in Dutch for the Diocese of Utrecht, apparently produced in Bruges for export (now University of Chicago, Ms 347; see Peter W. Parshall, ‘A Dutch manuscript of ca. 1480 from an atelier in Bruges’ in Scriptorium, volume 23, 1969, pp.333-337). ¶ Excellent copies.