Thirteen catalogues (various sizes), seven bound together in later quarter-buckram (original wrappers bound-in), six catalogues in publisher’s wrappers, as issued. - Contained in the bound volume are Catalogues 39 § 50 § 55 § 58-60 § 62. ¶ Three entire leaves and half of another have been cut from the bound volume (see condition statement below); the other catalogues are in very good state of preservation.
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 39] Illuminated manuscripts, incunabula, and other valuable books from the libraries of the Czars of Russia : including beautiful volumes from the famous Hermitage Collection, the Imperial Library of St. Petersburg, the private library of the Czars at Tsarskoe Selo : with a selection of books from other sources
London, William H. Robinson, [1932]
(24 cm), (4) 47 (1) pp., [8] leaves of plates (of items 1, 5, 7, 42, 53, 54, 55, 58), illustrations. [65] items; priced. Publisher’s printed wrappers (bound-in). - The firm’s first grand illustrated catalogue, containing books from the Imperial Library at Tsarskoe-Selo, some having the stamp of the Library, others the exlibris of Alexander III. The Robinson brothers had moved their business from Newcastle to London in 1930, and their first London catalogue had been no. 31. ¶ Two leaves excised (pp.21-22, 47-48).
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 50] Catalogue of fifty books & manuscripts : from a Vth century codex of the Gospels to first editions of Shelley and Keats
London, William H. Robinson, 1934
(24 cm), 80 pp., folding frontispiece (item 1), 4 plates (of items 2/4, 5/8, 10/39 etc, 28/46 etc), illustrations. 50 items; priced. Publisher’s printed wrappers (bound-in). - Includes two manuscripts of the New Testament in Syriac of the fifth to seventh centuries, discovered by James Rendel Harris (1852-1941) in the cupboard of a Syrian Jacobite church in Harput in Armenia (item 1, bought by the Morgan Library for £3500), and books from Fountains Abbey and Reading.
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 53] Rare books and manuscripts : including volumes from the library of Edward Gibbon (1737-1794)
London, William H. Robinson, 1935
(21 cm), 67 (1) pp., folding plate (inserted after title-page), illustrations. 120 items; priced. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Two of the fourteen books from Edward Gibbon’s library offered here (items 111 and 118) are not found in Geoffrey Keynes, The Library of Edward Gibbon: A Catalogue of His Books (London 1940). Includes the Lothian copy of the 1486 Machlinia edition of Caxton’s Chronicle (item 19, £250); shown on frontispiece is the original manuscript of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “An Essay on Mind” (item 1, £450). ¶ Pencil annotation on wrapper.
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 62] Rare books & manuscripts [cover title:] Recent acquisitions : including a superb early manuscript of "Piers Ploughman", a 12th century scientific manuscript, the first dated Bible 1462, the Sweynheym & Pannartz Cicero of 1470, Shakespeare's Poems 1640, and an unique "Shakespearianum", the first edition of "Pamela" in original calf, the Kilmarnock Burns, Boswell, Pepys, and other great English classics in original boards uncut, rare Alkens in original wrappers, etc. etc.
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 77] A selection of extremely rare and important printed books and ancient manuscripts [cover title:] Catalogue of extremely rare and important printed books and ancient manuscripts
London, William H. Robinson, 1948
(28 cm), pp.[i]-x, 11-189, [cxc]-xcxix [cc], 2 folding plates (inserted after pp.50, 102), illustrations. 192 items; priced. Publisher’s printed boards. - The frontispiece (p.[iv]) reproduces the binding of the Sherborne Abbey Cartulary (item 19, $20,000); the folding plates reproduce respectively Caxton’s Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye (8 leaves in facsimile; item 46, $60,000) and a broadside ballad “Good newes from Virginia” printed by John Trundel in 1623 and claimed to be the earliest known piece of American verse (item 98, $11,000). ¶ Good copy.
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 81] A selection of Precious Manuscripts, Historic Documents and Rare Books : the majority from the renowned collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872)
London, W.H. Robinson, 1950
(27 cm), [290] pp., including colour frontispiece, and 145 black & white illustrations; folding plate inserted (item 29). 120 items; priced. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Contains a manuscript in Greek, written and illuminated for a child in the sixteenth century (the first child’s picture book?); a presentation copy of Michael Drayton’s Poems (1619), with a stanza additional to the “Battle of Agincourt” and otherwise unpublished; and an illuminated manuscript of Boccaccio’s Cas des nobles hommes et femmes malheureux (now Pierpont Morgan Library, MS Glazier 35). “The catalogue disproves the supposition that the best of the Bibliotheca Phillippica has already gone” (E.C. Blunden, in The Times Literary Supplement, 5 January 1951, p.12). “Among the most costly and sumptuous catalogues ever issued by a bookseller.” (A.N.L. Munby, The dispersal of the Phillipps Library, Phillipps studies, no. 5, Cambridge 1960, p.108). ¶ Cutting from item 32; otherwise in perfect state of preservation.
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 84] Miscellaneous old books and manuscripts
London, William H. Robinson, [1954]
(23.5 cm), pp. [3]-113 (1), 6 leaves of plates, illustrations. 338 items; priced. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Includes (item 249, £750) Consul Smith’s copy of Piranesi’s graphic oeuvre (1761-1764), a presentation copy from the artist, bound in eleven volumes. ¶ Date stamp: May 10 1954 on cover.