Forum Antiquarian Booksellers ('TGoy-Houten)
[Stock catalogues, numbered series: 100] The Children’s world of learning, 1480-1880 : A collection of printed books, manuscripts, broadsides and prints illustrating four centuries of education and popular culture in Western Europe with emphasis the Low Countries. Part One : ABC books, calligraphy, spelling and reading exercises, teaching of languages, children's poetry, periodicals
t Goy-Houten, Forum Antiquarian Booksellers, 1994
(30 cm), (6) 114 pp., illustrations (some in colour). 529 items. Price list loosely inserted. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - First part of a remarkable series, founded on the acquisition in 1984 of a “sizable part” of the Coenraad Frederick van Veen collection of children’s books and juvenalia, sold in London and Amsterdam by Sotheby’s / Sotheby Mak van Waay B.V. “The completion of a catalogue of over 5500 items of the most diverse kind on this subject is itself no small achievement; it is a truism to add that it will become a work of reference in its own right” (from a notice of Part 10 in The Book Collector, Spring 2002, p.86). The eleven-part catalogue was reprinted in 2003 (ISBN 906191393, price €950; noticed in The Book Collector, Spring 2003, pp.74-75).