Giovane di Girasole, Juliane Franziska, Herzogin von
Mudersbach (near Würzburg) 1766 – 1805 Ofen (Budapest)
Gesammelte Schriften der Frau Herzoginn Julie von Giovane gebornen Reichsfreyinn von Mudersbach, Sternkreuz-Ordensdame, Ehrenmitgliedes der k. Akademie der schönen Wissenschaften, Künste und Alterthümer zu Stockholm [edited by Joseph Edlen von Retzer].
Vienna, Ignaz Alberti, 1793
octavo (195 × 110 mm), in four parts (separately paginated, each sub-title with imprint of Ignaz Alberti and date 1793), signed π4 A–C8, 2A–C8 (–C8, cancelled), 3A–D8 E4, 2π8 and paginated (8) 1–48, 1–45 (1), 1–71 (1), 1–16.
contents title as transcribed above (π1), editor’s preface (π2–3), table of contents (π4); Die vier Weltalter. Nach dem Ovid in vier Idyllen followed by ‘Auf die Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft in Böhmen’ (A1–C8); Abhandlung über die Frage: Welche dauerhafte Mittel gibt es, die Menschen ohne äusserliche Gewalt zum Guten zu führen? (2A1–C7); Lettres sur l’ éducation des princesses … Troisième édition, revue et corrigée (3A1–E4); Lettera di una dama sul codice delle leggi di S. Leucio indirizzata al Signor D. Giuseppe Vairo (2π1–8).
paper thick wove paper, watermark Graeffer
provenance Georg Karl (Ignaz Johann Nepomuk) von Fechenbach zu Laudenbach (1749–1808), Fürstbischof von Würzburg 1795–1802, his engraved armorial exlibris G.C. v. Fechenbach on paste-down; inventory/shelfmarks on endleaves Nr. 1036 (deleted, replaced by 1025) | F.5 (B 650 on endpaper opposite, and that number on a paper spine label) — Hartung & Hartung, Auktion 113 (‘Dabei Teil ii der Bibliothek des fränkischen Adelsgeschlechts von Fechenbach’), Munich, 10 May 2006, lot 2120
In fine state of preservation.
bound in contemporary mottled calf, gilt frame on covers, the flat spine divided into compartments by repetition of a ‘Greek key’ roll, and further ornamented by an oval floral, tool, all edges gilt.
A collected edition of prose works of ‘die vergessene Dichterin’, Juliane Giovane (formerly Freiin von Mudersbach), elegantly printed in the leading printing-house of Vienna.1
The earliest works in the collection are juvenilia: ‘Die vier Weltalter, nach dem Ovid, in vier Idyllen’, dedicated at Würzburg, 4 October 1784 to Salomon Gessner (whose pastoral prose Idyllen, published 1756–1772, they imitate), previously printed at Vienna by Joseph Stahel in 1784; ‘Auf die Aufhebung der Leibebeigenschaft in Böhmen, eine Idylle’, a reworking of a piece contributed to the novelist Sophie von La Roche’s weekly publication, Pomona für Teutschlands Töchter, in 1783 (volume i, Heft viii, pp.765–769); and a moral work opposing torture and capital punishment, ‘Abhandlung über die frage: Welche dauerhaft Mittel gibt es, die Menschen ohne aüsserliche Gewalt zum Guten zu führen?’, printed anonymously (at Würzburg or Vienna?) in 1785. The original editions of these works are of greatest rarity.2
In 1785, Juliane married Duke Giovene di Girasole, and settled in Naples, where she held positions at the court of Archduchess Maria Carolina of Austria, wife of King Ferdinand iv of Naples, was painted by Angelika Kauffmann,3 and entertained among others Johann Gottfried Herder and (on 2 June 1787) Goethe.4 Another work in the collection was written during this period: ‘Lettera di una donna sul codice delle leggi di S. Lencio indirizzata’, addressed to Giuseppe Vairo, professor of chemistry and physician at the Neapolitan court, and first printed at Naples by Pietro Perger in 1790.5
In 1790, Juliane accompanied Maria Carolina to Vienna, where the latest work in the collection, her ‘Lettres sur l’éducation des princesses’ (five letters, all headed ‘[…] Genève’), was first printed (at the press of Joseph Stahel) in 1791. She continued to enjoy positions at court – until a rift with Maria Carolina in 1800, that required her to seek protection in Budapest – and occupied herself with writing and scholarship: in 1794 she was elected to the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (no other woman was to be elected for 106 years), in 1797 she published a book on the education provided by a grand Tour, dedicated to her son Carlo Francesco (1787–1849),6 and in 1802 one of her ‘idylls’ was printed by Bodoni.7
Three copies of our edition are located in North American libraries
● Ithaca, Cornell University, PT1887.G23 1793 ● Palo Alto, Stanford University, PT1887 .G25 1793 ● Storrs, University of Connecticut Libraries, A5067
and eight or nine copies can be traced in European libraries
● Berlin, Staatsbibliothek-Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ak 1901 (two parts only) ● Coburg, Landesbibliothek, W/II 12/31 ● Jena, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 8 MS 7565 ● Leeds, Brotherton Library, G–1 GIO ● Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Opp. 479 (reportedly ‘Verlust’) ● Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 22668–B. Alt Mag ● Vienna, Universitätsbibliothek, I 106440 ● Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, 3720 ● Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Misc. 0.26 (lacking ‘Lettres sur l’éducation des princesses’)
references J.G. Meusel and G.C. Hamberger, Das gelehrte Teutschland (Lemgo 1796), ii, p.567 (this edition; see also ix p.427, xi p.271, xii p.332); Carl Wilhelm von Schindel, Die deutschen Schriftstellerin des neunzehten Jahrhunderts (Leipzig 1823–1825), i, p.162; Karl Goedeke, Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung aus den Quellen (Dresden 1884–1891), v, p.450, no.14/5 and vi, pp.542–543, no.19/4; Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon (Bern & Munich 1978), vi, col.344; Helga Gallas and Anita Runge, Romane und Erzählungen deutscher Schriftstellerinnen um 1800 (Stuttgart & Weimar 1983), p.63; cf. Wolfgang Griep and Annegret Pelz, Frauen reisen. Ein bibliographisches Verzeichnis deutschsprachiger Frauenreisen 1700 bis 1810 (Bremen 1995), pp.125–126, nos. 255–256 (other works)
1. Johanna Senigl, ‘Ignaz Alberti, privil.Buchdrucker, Buchhändler und akad. Kupferstecher. Samt Bibliographie seines Lebenswerkes’ in Mitteilungen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum 49 (2001), parts 3–4 (November 2001), pp.102–125. Heinrich Hinterberger, Herzogin Juliane von Giovane, geb. Freiin von Mudersbach, gest. 1805. Eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten biographischen Mitteilungen über die Herzogin… Mit Abdruck von Goethes Beschreibung seines Besuches auf dem Schlosse der Herzogin-Italienische Reise, 2 Juni 1787 (Vienna 1946), p.23 (this 1793 edition); Heiner Reitberger, in Frauengestalten in Franken: eine Sammlung von Lebensbildern, edited by Inge Meidinger-Geise (Würzburg 1985), pp.124–129; Heiner Reitberger, ‘Würzburgs vergessene Dichterin. Juliane von Mudersbach, Herzogin Giovane di Girasole (1766–1805)’ in Würzburg heute. Zeitschrift für Kultur und Wirtschaft46 (1988), pp.89–92.
2. Only two copies of this 1784 edition Die vier Weltalter, are known to us ● New Haven, Yale University, Zg18 G341 784 ● Trier, Stadtbibliothek, 940 C 323; and only one copy of the 1785 edition of Abhandlung über die frage ● Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Pol.g. 675. An Italian translation of Leibebeigenschaft in Böhmen is reported by Hinterberger, op. cit., p.8.; no copy of it has been traced.
3. The presumed oval original of the engraving made in 1797; see Ludwig Pollak, Zum hundertsten Todestage Goethes (Spoleto 1932), pp.14–22, reproduced Tafel iii.
4. Goethe recounts his meeting with the ‘wohlgestaltete junge Dame von sehr zarter und sittlicher Unterhaltung’ in Italienische Reise (HA volume 11, pp.345–347; WA I, 31: 274–275). Benedetto Croce, Aneddoti e profili settecenteschi, second edition (Milan 1922), pp.115–128.
5. Copies of this 1790 first edition are located at ● London, British Library, 5373 aaa 17 ● Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, DC.s.100 (9) ● Williamstown, Williams College, Chapin Library ● Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, 02/VI.2.8.231 ● Jena, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2002 A 11328 ● Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 186182–B Alt Mag ● Vienna, Stadtbibliothek, A89940 ● Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek.
6. Plan pour faire servir les voyager à la culture des jeunes gens qui se vouent au service de l’état dans la carrière politique (Vienna: Heirs of Ignaz Alberti, 1797).
7. Translated from the German into Italian by Louis Arborio Breme, accompanying Karl Theodor von Dalberg’s De l’influence des sciences et des beaux arts sur la tranquillité publique (Parma 1802).