The 293 metre-long Place de la Carrière in Nancy, engraving by Dominique Collin (sheet 410 × 515 mm) View larger
The 293 metre-long Place de la Carrière in Nancy, engraving by Dominique Collin (sheet 410 × 515 mm)
Collin (Dominique), 1725-1781

Views of Nancy

Nancy, Dominique Collin, 1757-1760
A fine group of four prints recording the spectacular redevelopment of Nancy in 1752-1760 ordered by Stanislas Leczinski (1677-1766), exiled king of Poland, granted the title Duc de Lorraine in 1738. Two prints document the remodelling of the 293 metre-long Place de la Carrière; another depicts the Place Royale (renamed Place Stanislas), a striking example of eighteenth-century town planning, with its statue of Louis XV (by Barthélemy Guibal and Paul-Louis Cyfflé), and Hôtel de Ville (by Emmanuel Héré de Corny, a pupil of Boffrand); and the last print shows the Place d’Alliance (1751-1757) designed by Héré, with its pyramidal fountain by Guibal and Cyfflé (this print is dated in the matrice 1760). The printmaker Dominique Collin engraved in 1764 the “Construction du Quartier Royal des Casernes de Nancy” and also a “Vue Septentrionale de la Place Royale de Nancy” (known only by impressions in unfinished state, without his name). These six topographical prints are “les plus importantes de l’œuvre de Dominique Collin”, writes Beaupré, observing “Il n’est pas facile de les réunir toutes, et surtout de les avoir en belles épreuves” (Notice sur quelques graveurs nancéiens du XVIII siècle, Nancy & Paris 1862, pp.24-27 nos. 47, 49, 50, 52).

£ 1,400


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Architecture, French - Early works to 1800
France - Description and travel - Early works to 1800
Prints - Artists, French - Collin (Dominique), 1725-1781
Collin, Dominique, 1725-1781
Collin, Dominique, 1725-1781
Collin, Dominique, 1725-1781
Other names
Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of Poland, 1677-1766

Collin, Dominique
Mirecourt (Vosges) 1725 – 1781 Lunéville

Views of Nancy

Nancy, Dominique Collin, 1757–1760

four prints (platemarks circa 255 × 370 mm, sheets 410 × 515 mm), engraved and published by Collin:

(i) ■ Veüe Septentrionale de la Carriere de Nancy | Dediée à sa Majesté Le Roy de Pologne | Duc de Lorraine et de Bar | Par son très humble très-obéissant et très fidelle Serviteur et Sujet D. Collin | Se Vend a Nancy chez Collin graveur du Roy vis a vis les Dominiquains.

(ii) ■ Veue Meridionale de la Carriere de Nancy | Dediée a Monsieur le Lieutenant Général de Police et Messieurs | du Magistrat de Nancy. | Par leur très humble et très Obeissant Servi­teur Collin Graveur Ordinaire du Roy et de la Ville | Collin delline 1757 | Se Vend a Nancy chez Collin graveur du Roy vis a vis les Dominiquains.

(iii) ■ Vue Meridionale de la Place Royale de Nancy | Dediée a Monsieur Alliot Conseiller Aulique Intendant et Commissaire | Général de la Maison du Roy | Par son très humble et Obeissant Serviteur Collin graveur ordinaire du Roy et de la Ville de Nancy | Se Vend a Nancy chez Collin graveur du Roy vis a vis les Jacobins.

(iv) ■ Vue de la Place d’Alliance de Nancy | et de la Fontaine pyramidale elevée par le Roy de Pologne Duc de Lorraine, pour monument de l’Alliance contractée par le traité de Versailles | du 1 may 1756 entre le Roy très Chrétien et l’Impératrice Reine de Hongrie. | Collin deli­neavit fecit 1760 | Se Vend a Nancy chez Collin graveur ordinaire du Roy et de la Ville vis a vis les Dominiquains.

provenance ‘A German Family of Title’, sale by Christie’s, ‘Old Master, Modern and Con­temporary prints’, London, 18 December 2001, lot 16 (part lot)

Superb impressions imposed on half sheets with deckle edges.

A fine group of prints recording the spectacular redevelopment of Nancy in 1752–1760 ordered by Stanislas Leczinski (1677–1766), exiled king of Poland, granted the title Duc de Lorraine in 1738.1

(i-ii) The Place de la Carrière in Nancy, engravings by Dominique Collin.
Dimensions of sheets
circa 410 × 515 mm

Two prints document the remodelling of the 293 metre-long Place de la Carrière, a tourney-ground built for Charles iii of Lorraine in 1567: the viewpoint of (i) is toward the Porte Royale, a triumphal arch erected in honour of Louis xv in 1752, depicting in the background the twin towers of the Cathedral (added by Germain Boffrand); the other print (ii) looks toward the Palais du Gouvernement (1753, by Richard Mique), showing in the foreground the Duc and his retinue examining a plan of the Porte Royale, as if construction was then underway (our impression is dated in the matrice 1757; the one described by Beaupré no. 50 is dated 1758).

(iii) The Place Royale in Nancy, engraving by Dominique Collin

The third print (iii) depicts the Place Royale (renamed Place Stanislas), a striking example of eighteenth-century town planning, with its statue of Louis xv (by Barthélemy Guibal and Paul-Louis Cyfflé), the Hôtel de Ville (by Emmanuel Héré de Corny, a pupil of Boffrand), and the Cathedral again towering in the background.

(iv) The Place d’Alliance in Nancy, engraving by Dominique Collin

The fourth print (iv) shows the Place d’Alliance (1751–1757) designed by Héré, with its pyramidal fountain by Guibal and Cyfflé (this print is dated in the matrice 1760; the impression described by Beaupré no. 47 was not dated).

The printmaker Dominique Collin was granted a royal warrant of ‘ordinary engraver of the town of Nancy’ on 29 April 1758. He engraved in 1764 the ‘Construction du Quartier Royal des Casernes de Nancy’ (Beaupré no. 48) and a ‘Vue Septentrionale de la Place Royale de Nancy’ which is known only by impressions in unfinished state without his name (Beaupré no. 51). His six topographical prints are ‘les plus importantes de l’œuvre de Dominique Collin’, writes Beaupré, observing ‘Il n’est pas facile de les réunir toutes, et surtout de les avoir en belles épreuves’.1

references Jean Nicolas Beaupré, Notice sur quelques graveurs nancéiens du xviii siècle (Nancy & Paris 1862), pp.24–27 nos. 47, 49, 50, 52; Bibliothèque nationale, Inventaire du fonds français: Graveurs du xviie siècle (Paris 1946), v, pp.185–186 nos. 47–48, 50–51

1. See now Renata Tyszczuk, The story of an architect king: Stanislas Leszczynski in Lorraine, 1737–1766 (Oxford 2007).

2. Compare Catalogue raisonné des collections lorraines de M. Noël (Nancy 1850–1851), p.699 no. 5264, describing our i, ii, iv, and the print ‘Construction du quartier Royal des casernes de Nancy’ as ‘Collection rare’ (our print iii not described).
