[Stock lists, numbered series: 15] American mathematical textbooks 1760-1850 View larger
‘The collection is too important to break up, too early perhaps to be properly appreciated – who will have the prescience to realise the full importance of this piece of social, as well as pedagogic, history?’ — The Book Collector
Robin Halwas Ltd (London)

[Stock lists, numbered series: 15] American mathematical textbooks 1760-1850

London, Robin Halwas Ltd, 1997

(25 cm), 144 pp. 33 illustrations. Collection offered for sale en-bloc. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. ¶ As issued.

A substantial collection of American textbooks of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, with representative selections of primers combining lessons in spelling, reading, and writing with arithmetic, designated for use in schools, academies, and lyceums; textbooks of natural philosophy, astronomy, and mathematical geography specified for use in colleges; and ready-reckoners and other books of tables intended for tradesmen (269 different works, plus 192 subsequent editions, for a total of 511 printed books; also offered are five manuscript ciphering and exercise books).

£ 15


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