Rome, Dario G. Rossi, 1912
Two works in one volume (25 cm), I (Gelli sale, 18 March 1912): (4) 76 pp., text illustrations. Lots numbered 1-378. II (Garcia Donnell sale, 14-18 June 1926): 214 (4) pp. Lots numbered 1-953. Morocco-backed boards, a collector’s binding (original wrappers bound in). - Rare auction sale catalogue of the collection of books on fencing and duelling assembled by Jacopo Gelli (1858-1935), author of
Bibliografia generale della scherma (Florence 1890; second edition Milan 1895).
Bound with the sale catalogue of the collection assembled by the Cuban collector J.R. Garcia Donnell, a resident of Buenos Aires, founded on the library of Pedro Vindel (1865-1921). ¶ Paper of both catalogues becoming brittle, but at present in excellent state of preservation