Karl & Faber (Munich)
Bibliophile Kostbarkeiten a. d. Bibliothek d. Augsburger Patriziers Marcus Fugger und Beiträge aus anderem Besitz (catalogue for Auktion VII conducted by Karl & Faber, Munich, 3 May 1933)
Munich, Karl & Faber, 1933
(25 cm), iv, 90 (2) pp., frontispiece, 4 p. of plates (Tafel I-IV), text illustrations. 404 lots. List of estimates bound in. Original wrappers bound in. - The library of Marcus Fugger, preserved intact by his heirs, and since 1676 by the Princes of Öttingen-Wallerstein, who kept it at their chief residence, the castle of Maihingen, near Augsburg, entered the auction salerooms at an inauspicious moment (from the vendor’s point of view). Maihingen had been requisitioned by Hitler and turned into an aerodrome and the library suddenly rendered homeless, just as the world economy reached bottom. “The first Munich sale in May 1933 was a disaster, but there were only very few of the Fugger books in it and none of the spectacular specimens. Still when I received the priced copy of the catalogue and had to read that Fugger’s Greek Suidas in a magnificent binding a la Grecque had been knocked down for M.780 (=abt. £75)… I not only wept in helpless fury, I set to work to whip up what support I could to make good use of the opportunity of the next sale (E.P. Goldschmidt, “Marcus Fugger” in ABA Annual, London 1952, p.28). Fugger’s Suidas was acquired by Maggs, and offered in their Catalogue 600 (1934), item 36, for £275, it was bought by Maurice Burrus (1882-1959), and returned to the market at Christie’s, Paris, 15 December 2015, lot 72, €133,500. ¶ Extensively annotated and priced, by the bookseller Heinrich Eisemann (c. 1889-1972). No Price list.