La Bibliofilía : Raccolta di scritti sull'arte antica in libri, stampe, manoscritti, autografi e legature : Diretta da L.S. Olschki (volumes 52-89, 1950-1987) § Index 26-50 (1924-1948) § Index 51-80 (1949-1978) View larger
Libreria Leo S. Olschki (Florence)

La Bibliofilía : Raccolta di scritti sull'arte antica in libri, stampe, manoscritti, autografi e legature : Diretta da L.S. Olschki (volumes 52-89, 1950-1987) § Index 26-50 (1924-1948) § Index 51-80 (1949-1978)

Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1950-1987
Thirty-eight volumes bound as thirty (29.5 cm), volumes 52-73 bound individually, thereafter two volumes are bound together, in harmonious quarter-vellum bindings (some original wrappers discarded). With: Indice venticinquennale 1924-1948 [volumes 26-50] (Florence 1956), (29.5 cm), 217 (7) pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers; Indice trentennale 1949-1978 [volumes 51-80] (Florence 1984), (29.5 cm), 161 (1) pp. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - A long run (1950-1987) of the leading Italian bibliographical journal, La Bibliofilía. From 1944-1978 editorship of La Bibliofilía was in the hands of Marchese Roberto Ridolfi (1899-1991), “the one great twentieth-century Italian analytical bibliographer” (Conor Fahy), and during his tenure the journal published many outstanding articles. ISSN 0006-0941.

Offered with The useful “Indice venticinquennale” (1924-1948) was compiled by Giuseppe Sergio Martini; the “Indice trentennale” (1949-1978) by Clementina Rotondi. ¶ “Exlibris Aleramo Spada” (in volumes 52-68 only). Shelf-wear along edges of the earliest volumes. Loosely inserted in appropriate volumes: “Indici cumulativi dei volumi LI-LII (1949-1950)”, 16 pp.; Anni LIII-LV (1951-1953), [24] pp; Anni LVIII-LIX (1956-1957), [16] pp.; Anni LX-LXI (1958-1959), [16] pp.; other volume indices are bound in place. The index “Anni LVI-LVII” (1954-1955) is lacking.


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