Il Vino tra sacro e profano : vite e vino nelle raccolte casanatensi (catalogue of an exhibition held in the Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, 21 October 1999-29 January 2000) View larger
Sicilia (Francesco); Cavarra (Angela Adriana)
Biblioteca Casanatense (Rome)

Il Vino tra sacro e profano : vite e vino nelle raccolte casanatensi (catalogue of an exhibition held in the Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, 21 October 1999-29 January 2000)

Rome, Aisthesis, 1999
(30 cm), 294 pp., illustrations (some in colour). Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Exhibition held on the occasion of the Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione, 1999, tracing the theme of wine through manuscripts of Virgil, Apicius, and Pliny, through the writings of Piero de’ Crescenzi, Michele Savonarola, Polydore Vergil, and others. Includes Iolanda Olivieri, “Carte decorate” (pp.223-253), with 40 catalogue entries for decorative papers and bindings. ¶ Excellent, unmarked copy.

£ 30


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