>Donna é… L’universo femminile nelle raccolte casanatensi (catalogue of an exhibition held in the Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, 16 October 1998-18 January 1999)
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Sicilia (Francesco); Cavarra (Angela Adriana) Biblioteca Casanatense (Rome)
Donna é… L’universo femminile nelle raccolte casanatensi (catalogue of an exhibition held in the Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, 16 October 1998-18 January 1999)
Rome, Aisthesis, 1998
(30 cm), 384 pp., illustrations (many in colour). Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Among the essays is Iolanda Olivieri, “Memorie femminili nelle legature delle raccolte casanatensi” (pp.117-160), with reproductions of 42 bindings executed for women. ¶ Very good, unmarked copy.