Dürer through other eyes : his graphic work mirrored in copies and forgeries of three centuries (catalogue of an exhibition held at Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, 14 March-15 June 1975) View larger
Held (Julius Samuel), 1905-2002, editor
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute (Williamstown, MA)

Dürer through other eyes : his graphic work mirrored in copies and forgeries of three centuries (catalogue of an exhibition held at Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, 14 March-15 June 1975)

Williamstown, MA, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1975
(27 cm), 99 (1) pp., illustrations. 49 catalogue entries. Errata sheet loosely inserted. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - “Useful catalogue” (from a review in The Burlington Magazine, volume 117, July 1975, p.492). ¶ Light shelf wear.

£ 45


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