Vermeule (Cornelius Clarkson, III), 1925-2008
The Dal Pozzo-Albani drawings of classical antiquities in the British Museum
Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1960
(30 cm), 78 pp., 103 illustrations. Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Catalogue of some drawings of antique sculpture which had become separated from the main body of “Museo Cartaceo” drawings at Windsor, and entered the British Museum in 1898 with the A.W. Franks bequest. Vermeule has undertaken the hard labour of identifying the originals of the Dal Pozzo drawings. Offprint from Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new series, volume 50, part 5. ¶ From the library of Joseph Clemens, Prinz von Bayern (1902-1990), sold by Schneider-Henn, Kunstbücher und Dokumentation aus der Bibliothek Joseph Clemens Prinz von Bayern, Munich, 11-12 May 1992, lot 2161. Very good copy.