Sartori (Claudio), 1913-1994
I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800 : catalogo analitico
Cuneo, Bertola & Locatelli Editori, 1990-1994
Seven volumes (30 cm), I (1990): xliii (1), 452 pp. II (1990): xxxix (1), 445 (1) pp. III (1991): xxxix (1), 526 pp. IV (1991): xxxix (1), 495 (1) pp. V (1992): xl, 575 (1) pp. VI (1993): xix (1), 573 (1) pp. VII (1994): (8), 687 (1) pp. Uniformly bound in publisher’s brown cloth. - Monumental bibliography of some 25,437 librettos either written in Italian, translated from Italian into another language, or translated from another language into Italian. The sixteen indices cover city of performance, librettist, composer, impresario, set designer, choreographer, costume maker, director of battles and/or tournaments, stage manager, orchestra conductor, harpsichordist, violinist, other instrumentalists, singers, teachers, and titles of dances. Locations are given for many libraries that still have no printed or electronic catalogue. ¶ Set 347 of 1000. Fine copy.