Fagiolo dell'Arco (Maurizio), 1939-2002; Fagiolo (Marcello), born 1941, editor
Corpus delle feste a Roma. 1. La festa barocca § 2: Il Settecento e l’Ottocento
Rome, Edizioni De Luca, 1987
Two volumes (31 cm), I: 607 (1) pp., illustrations. II: xxii (2), 478 pp., illustrations. Publisher’s cloth, pictorial dust jackets. - This ambitious work aims to provide descriptive accounts of every festival occurring in Rome between 1585 and 1870, recording all the documentary evidence, both visual and written. The first volume is a vastly expanded version of Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco’s pioneering two-volume work, co-edited with Silvia Carandini, L’effimero barocco: strutture della festa nella Roma del ‘600 (Roma: Bulzoni, 1977-1978). In the second volume, the authors chronicle over 1300 events in the years between 1700 and 1870. Reviewed by Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, in On Paper, volume 2 (no. 4, March-April 1998), pp.56-57. ¶ Fine copy with few traces of use and no marks of ownership.