Montagu (Jennifer), born 1931, et al.
Cassiano Dal Pozzo’s paper museum, volume II (Quaderni puteani, 3)
Milan, Olivetti / Arnoldo Mondadori Arte, 1992
(27 cm), v, 174 (2) pp., illustrations (most in colour). Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Contains essays by Joseph Connors (Virtuoso architecture in Cassiano’s Rome), Elizabeth Cropper (Vincenzo Giustiniani’s “Galleria”: the Pygmalion effect), David Freedberg (Cassiano on the Jewish races), John R. Hale (Cassiano dal Pozzo and the collection of fortification designs), Henrietta McBurney (Cassiano dal Pozzo as ornithologist), Arnold Nesselrath (Codex Coner – 85 years on), Francesco Solinas (Sull’atelier di Cassiano dal Pozzo: metodi di ricerca e documenti inediti), Timothy J. Standring (Observations on the dal Pozzo library and its organization), Nicholas Turner (The drawings of Pietro Testa after the antique in Cassiano dal Pozzo’s Paper Museum). ¶ Some shelf wear; otherwise a good, unmarked copy.