Bjurström (Per), 1928-2017, compiler
Feast and theatre in Queen Christina’s Rome (Analecta Reginensia, 3; Nationalmusei Skriftserie, 14)
Stockholm, Stockholm Statens Humanistiska Forskningsrad and Längmanska Kulturfonden, 1966
(27.5 cm), 154 pp., 87 illustrations (some in colour). 119 catalogue entries. Publisher’s brown cloth. - “One of the best documented and most readable accounts of spectacles in the great age of illusion” (review by A. Hyatt Mayor, in Master Drawings, volume 4, 1966, pp.304-305). ¶ From the library of Anthony M. (”Tony”) Clark, a specialist in Roman 17th-18th century painting. Inscribed: Anthony M. Clark nyc Oct 1966, with a few pencil annotations on lower pastedown. Excellent copy.