Welch (d'Alté Aldridge), 1907-1970
A Bibliography of American children's books printed prior to 1821
[Worcester, MA], American Antiquarian Society, 1972
(26.5 cm), lxvi, 516 (4) pp. Publisher’s cloth. - This bibliography is “primarily concerned with narrative books written in English, designed for children under fifteen years of age” that were intended to be read “at leisure for pleasure”, but includes chapbooks, street cries, joke and riddle books, and books describing trades (broadsides, sermons, books of advice, catechism, primers and school books are excluded). The 1478 entries represent more than 3500 separate printings, located by the author in 185 public and 18 private collections. Prefatory “Chronological History of American Children’s Books” and “Index of Printers, Publishers, and Imprints”. ¶ As new.