Ticozzi (Paolo)
Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe (Italy)

Immagini dal Veronese : incisioni dal sec. XVI al XIX dalle collezioni del Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe (catalogue of an exhibition held by the Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe at the Villa Farnesina, Rome, 21 November 1978-31 January 1979; and Istituto Marchigiano, Ancona, 24 March-22 April 1979)

Rome, De Luca Editore, 1978
(21 × 21 cm), 127 pp., illustrations. A second title-page with details for the Istituto Marchigiano exhibition is tipped-in. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Exhibition of prints produced after the works of Veronese by more than 60 artists, among them Agostino Carracci, Giovanni Battista Fontana, Pierre Brebiette, Giuseppe Maria Mitelli, Valentin Le Febre and John Baptist Jackson. Many prints document works now lost; others offer evidence of the provenance of corresponding paintings, or provide a terminus ante quem for their execution. ¶ Fine copy.


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