>The Age of Caravaggio (catalogue of an exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 5 February-14 April 1985; and at Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, 12 May-30 June 1985)
Salerno (Luigi), 1924-1992; Spear (Richard E.), born 1940; Gregori (Mina), born 1924 Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte (Naples)
The Age of Caravaggio (catalogue of an exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 5 February-14 April 1985; and at Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, 12 May-30 June 1985)
New York & Milan, Metropolitan Museum of Art / Electa Editrice, 1985
(28 cm), 367 (1) pp., profusely illustrated in colour and black & white. Publisher’s pictorial wrappers. - Paintings by Caravaggio, his precursors, and his contemporaries. The catalogue includes previously unreproduced x-rays of Caravaggio’s paintings, as well as discussion by Salerno focusing on problems between Caravaggio and his patrons; by Spear on his critical fortunes; and by Gregori on the status of recent scholarship on the artist, with an updated list of attributions. 101 catalogue entries. ¶ Excellent copy.