Science Museum (London)
Chaldecott (John Anthony), 1916-1998
Handbook of the King George III Collection of scientific instruments
London, HMSO, 1951
(24.5 cm), 91 (1) pp., 8 p. of plates (pls.I-VIII). Publisher’s grey paper wrappers, printed in red. - Catalogue of about 350 objects, classified under the headings of Mechanics, Heat, Pneumatics and Hydrostatics, Chemistry, Astronomy and Time Measurement, Optics, Surveying and Mathematical Instruments, Acoustics, Magnetism, Electricity, Manuscripts and Miscellaneous. Notes prefixed to each division of the catalogue relate the instruments to the contemporary development of the branch of science concerned. The history of the Collection is traced in a general introduction; there is a list of makers, with biographical notes, at the end of the book. ¶ Good copy.