Gilly (Carlos), born 1940
Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (Amsterdam)
Johann Valentin Andreae 1586-1986 : Die Manifeste der Rosenkreuzerbruderschaft (catalogue of an exhibition held at the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, Amsterdam, 19 November 1986-29 April 1987)
Amsterdam, Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, 1986
(20.5 cm), 144 pp., illustrations (one in colour). Publisher’s printed wrappers. - Published on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the birth of Johann Valentin Andreae, the author most closely associated with the Rosicrucian Manifestoes (Fama fraternitatis, Confessio fraternitatis and Chymische Hochzeit, published 1614-1616). 63 catalogue entries, offering new material on the bibliography and interpretation of the early works of Andreae. ‘In his exhibition catalogue Gilly has already started to demolish some of the myths which recent scholars, like the late Frances Yates, brought into being in connexion with the Brotherhood: he demonstrates how misleading were her statements about the influence on the movement of John Dee.’ (from a notice by Alastair Hamilton, in Quaerendo, volume 20, 1990, p.233). ¶ Excellent, unmarked copy.